Arbitrum DAO Grants Domain Allocator Nominations

Good morning fellow Arbinauts,

1. Name: Hiko
2. Your forum username: mrHiko
3. Twitter:
4. What is your experience in the interested domain? Please share links and supporting information. Do you have experience running in any other grant programs?

Developer Tooling on NOVA

My name is Hiko (also known as Oki). I have been actively investing in crypto since 2016 and also working fulltime in the DeFi space since 2020. After my studies in Artificial Intelligence at university I dived into the growth hacking scene in DeFi and helped raise liquidity for dozens of projects. My journey eventually lead me to co-found a project (my second startup adventure up to this point) filling a 7-figure presale in less than 10 seconds. Having a background in both programming and marketing I have been naturally positioned to take on the product role.

It is at this position, when I realized how difficult it can be for founders to find solutions on which to build scalable, affordable and fast applications and how essential tools can be in this process. These complexities are hampering widescale innovation and adoption.

Arbitrum Nova is full of potential, promising a fraction of the transaction cost on Ethereum, without compromising on speed or security. While potential has been and continues to be great, adoption sadly hasn’t. TVL has been stable, since it’s launch and some initiative must be taken to get new projects to build on Arbitrum Nova.

5. What would you like to see built on Arbitrum in your domain and what a good grant proposal looks like for you?

Some examples I’d like to see on Arbitrum Nova are the following:

  • Alchemy RPC on Arbitrum Nova
  • Debugging/testing tools

Good proposal framework would include at least the following:
Project Description: Clearly outline the purpose and goals of your project. Explain why your project is important and how it will contribute to the ecosystem built on Arbitrum Nova?
Technical Details: Provide a detailed technical overview of your project. Explain the architecture, design, and technologies you plan to use. Highlight how your project leverages the features and benefits of Arbitrum Nova
Scope and Milestones: Break down your project into achievable milestones. Each milestone should have specific deliverables and a timeline for completion. This demonstrates that you have a well-thought-out plan for development.
Team and Expertise: Introduce the members of your team and their relevant expertise. Highlight any previous projects, contributions, or experience that showcase your team’s capability to execute the proposed project.
Budget and Funding: Clearly state the funding you’re requesting and how you intend to allocate it. Break down the budget to show how funds will be used for development, testing, marketing, and any other relevant expenses.
Impact and Use Cases: Explain the potential impact of your project on the Arbitrum ecosystem and the broader blockchain space. Discuss potential use cases and how your project addresses existing challenges.
Sustainability: Outline your plans for maintaining and evolving the project beyond the grant period. This could include revenue models, tokenomics (if applicable), and strategies for attracting users and contributors.
Risks and Mitigations: Identify potential risks or challenges that your project might face and provide strategies to mitigate them. This shows that you’ve considered potential roadblocks and are prepared to handle them.
Community Engagement/Social Proof: Highlight your plans for engaging with the community, seeking feedback, and incorporating user input into your project’s development.

  1. Time commitment - You need to commit at least 15 hours of your time per week as a domain allocator, and what is the expected Turn Around Time (TAT) that the builders can expect from you?

I can plan and commit at least 15 hours and a maximum of 20 hours for the tasks related to the position of domain allocator.
TAT of 24 hours during the week and 48 hours during the weekend should suffice.

  1. Declaration of Conflict of Interest