Arbitrum DAO in ETH Bucharest 2025

We have been working closely with the organisers of ETH Bucharest, and are in alignment with the updates shared above.

Re Point 1, we can confirm that ChrisCo from OCL will be giving the Arbitrum 101 keynote. Ricardo from the AF will also be there to represent and help out with the booth and hackathon judging.

Re Point 5, as the booth is quite large, we would recommend coordinating the schedule ASAP so that the booth is always staffed and that volunteers know when they need to be present.

We would also like to point out that prior to this post being made, there was no mention of the AF’s involvement in the original ETHBucharest proposal. Going forwards, it would be helpful if such requests could be made at the time of the proposal being raised, or at least a little further in advance so we can more effectively participate. Tagging the 3 members of the Establishing a DAO Events Budget for 2025 group accordingly (@Disruptionjoe, @entropy, @adpc), for visibility.

We look forward to EthBucharest, and are happy to see the DAO coordinating its first event from the DAO Events Budget.