Arbitrum Multi-sig Support Service (MSS) Nomination Thread

Template Arbitrum Multi-sig Support Service (MSS) Application


  • I have read and oblige by the above prerequisite: Yes
  • I choose to opt into MSS chair: NO

Personal Information:

  • Full Name: Griff Green
  • Applying as organization: No
  • Contact Information (if applying as organization, please designate one point person): N/A
  • Country of Residence / Time Zone: Turkey / Erratic, but usually between the Americas and Middle East

Professional Background:

  • Current Occupation: Co-Founder of Giveth & General Magic

  • Relevant Work/Educational Experience (Please list any relevant experience in governance, DAOs, and multi-sig operations):

    I have been on several important multisigs over the last 8 years, some of the most notable:

    • TheDAO Rescue Multisig
    • The WHG Multisig on ETC
    • Aragon Community Multisig
    • Gnosis/xDAI Governance Multisig
    • Polygon-Hermez Emergency Multisig
    • Giveth, Dappnode, General Magic & all other projects I’ve founded

From 2016-2018 I helped to lead the White Hat Group which rescued a lot of projects most notably The DAO and the FIRST parity Multisig hack where we rescued 200M+ from vulnerable multisigs, and returned it all in about a week.

I am also a top delegate in many DAOs, ENS, Optimism, Gitcoin, Open Dollar, and of course Arbitrum!

Technical Skills:

  • List any technical skills that are relevant to multi-sig operation:
  • Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program (SAFE, Using a module, etc):

While not a developer, I am technical and feel comfortable reading solidity and deciphering bytecode when necessary. I am an engineer (Chemical) and am also one of the first people in the world to get a degree in digital currency (in 2016).

My griff.eth address is on 93 Safe’s and this one will help me on my march to 100 :wink:

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  • Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO? If yes, please specify.
  • Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer?

I am a walking conflict of interest… I am a serial crypto founder of 10+ projects that live off grants and many of them may request a grant from Arbitrum (Giveth has received a couple). I also relatively influential in the Optimism and Polygon ecosystems, also Gnosis but to a lesser extent. I see my activity in these “competing” ecosystems as a plus not a negative as it gives me context and insight for this industry that few have access to.

I have a lot of reputation in the space and have no intention of tarnishing it.


  • Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS?

Mostly because Matt Fiebach of blockworks recommended I do it.

Honestly, I have seen things you wouldn’t believe & I truly care, I actually caught that there was no clawback function in the most recent Gaming multisig that is receiving 225M ARB this week, and I take signing txs seriously.

I don’t want to be a chair as I have a lot of responsibilities, and don’t have the bandwidth to do a good job, but I will definitely review transactions and make sure they get executed safely.


  • Please provide contact information for at least two references who can attest to your qualifications and character.

    • Jordi Baylina
    • Yoav Weiss
    • Anyone from back in the DAO Days… People tell me I am one of the few people that made it out of Laura Shin’s book looking pretty good.

Date: June 6th, 2024