This is the official communication thread for the Arbitrum Multisig Support Service (MSS).
The proposal passed Tally on Sunday, August 18th, 2024. See the Tally proposal.
This is the official communication thread for the Arbitrum Multisig Support Service (MSS).
The proposal passed Tally on Sunday, August 18th, 2024. See the Tally proposal.
MSS payroll - Funded by the DAO when the MSS proposal passed, so far the only payments made by this multisig are the August and September payments for r3gen
Delegate Incentives Program - Funds will be migrated from the program’s multisig to the MSS multisig to pay the 2 month extension as requested by the program managers as stated here.
Event Horizon - This multisig has already been funded and will proceed as indicated here.
ADPC Payroll - Still waiting for the ADPC Phase II proposal, funds will be deposited to the MSS multisig and these will then be converted to USDC through Aera.
A new MSS multisig was deployed for Stylus Sprint: Safe{Wallet} – Dashboard
The multisig will be funded if the Stylus Sprint passes onchain vote.
An MSS multisig was deployed for the Arbitrum Off-site: 0x0F84fa246941883Ff9ab114382Aa221CF8b6d650
The multisig will be funded if the Arbitrum Off-site proposal passes onchain vote.
The DIP MSS multisig signing threshold has been increased from 6/12 to 8/12 to account for the additional funds that will be deposited for the new delegate incentive program: Tally | Arbitrum | [Non-Constitutional] Arbitrum DAO Delegate Incentive Program
is this thread up to date? have all created multisigs been reported here? if not here, where can we see all of the multisigs created and managed by the MSS?
A full list of deployed Arbitrum MSS Multisigs can be found here: Arbitrum MSS Addresses - Google Sheets
ADPC Subsidies - Funded by the DAO when the ADPC II proposal passed
ARDC v2 - Funded by the DAO when the ARDC v2 proposal passed
DAO Events Budget - Funded by the DAO when the DAO Events Budget proposal passed