Arbitrum Multi-sig Support Service (MSS) Nomination Thread

Application Template for Multi-sig Support Service (MSS)


  • I have read and oblige by the above prerequisites: Yes
  • I choose to opt into MSS chair: Yes

Personal Information:

  • Full Name: Ultra
    • Applying as organization: No
  • Contact Information (point person): Ox_ultra on telegram
  • Time Zone: SGT (GMT+8)

Professional Background:

  1. Current Occupation: Core team, Engineering Lead @ Jones
  2. Relevant Work/Educational Experience (Please list any relevant experience in governance, DAOs, and multi-sig operations): Working in SE for the past 10 years, I’ve been in the Jones core team since inception, leading engineering efforts and innovation. My main areas of expertise there are smart contract development and blockchain software architecture planning. I’m also an Arbitrum delegate with 2M+ votes at this time.

My multisig specific experience include:

  1. Jones multisig wallet ($5m+): Deploy and batch transactions for our multisig wallet to deploy new contracts and transfer of funds for rewards program.
  2. STIP Jones grant recipient ($2M+): Managed the disbursement and distribution of ARB rewards for STIP program, Distributed over 2M in ARB tokens for a 4 month period with bi-weekly audit reports
  3. STIP.B Jones grant recipient ($1M+): In charge of the upcoming STIP.B where I will be leading the efforts to distribute over 1M ARB tokens for the upcoming 3 months, producing bi-weekly audit reports.
  4. Isekai multisig wallet ($1m+): Deploy and batch transactions for multisig wallet to deploy new contracts and transfer of funds.
  5. I’m a signer on different treasury multisigs across smaller DeFi projects.
  6. I’ve been creating different kinds of scripts to process transactions and batch together payments, contract calls and more to then post on Gnosis Safe.

Technical Skills:

  1. List any technical skills that are relevant to multi-sig operation: I’ve used Gnosis Safe to set up normal transactions, transaction builder, batching of transactions, different applets and safe CLI. I’ve deployed multisigs on different chains at the same address by copying tx data.
  2. Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program (SAFE, Using a module, etc):
    I’ve had to create different off-chain scripts to pre-compute call data for gnosis safe to queue up more complex interactions. I’ve had to self-host a Safe app frontend when one of the app services was down. I’ve deployed contracts via Safe. Still have not played around too much with modules yet as it is still a bit of an experimental feature.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  1. Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO? I am part of the Jones team, which was funded by the DAO during STIP and STIP.b. I was also part of Isekai before it shut down, which received a grant.
  2. Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer? None besides my work at Jones. I do sometimes advise different projects on their technical choices and the engineering side. If any conflict was to arise I will inform the program managers.


  1. Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS? Being an almost day-one builder on Arbitrum, I’m often looking at opportunities in which I can contribute back to the chain which allowed all the projects I worked on to thrive. I was happy to see this initiative go up for voting and discussions on the forum as it is something that is very much needed. I’m generally a chronically online individual, have deep technical skills and have used different multisigs as a power-user for the past 3y+. I’d love to contribute in this initiative.


  1. Please provide contact information for at least two references who can attest to your qualifications and character.

@JoJo - Worked together at Jones, we discuss governance and had shared access to some work-related Multisigs.
@defipm - Worked together on collaborations between Jones and Stryke.
@cattin - Often involved in governance related discussions.

Date: June 18th, 2024


Application Template for Multi-sig Support Service (MSS)


  • I have read and oblige by the above prerequisites: Yes
  • I choose to opt into MSS chair: No

Personal Information:

  • Full Name: Ryan Clark
  • Applying as organization: No
  • Contact Information (point person): N/A
  • Country of Residence / Time Zone: USA, CST

Professional Background:

  • Current Occupation: CGO at nftperp
  • Relevant Work/Educational Experience: Before joining nftperp, I worked at 1kx, where I was responsible for launching supply and demand side DAOs for portfolio companies and conducting DAO audits. Prior to my role at 1kx, I gained extensive experience working in various DAOs, including Index Coop and MetaCartel, among others. During my tenure in the DAO ecosystem, I also served on several significant multisigs, contributing to key decision-making processes and governance activities.

Our multisig specific experience include:

  1. Goblin Sax Ops (+$1mn)
  2. Goblin Sax Lending (+$1mn)
  3. nftperp main (+$1mn)

Technical Skills:

  • List any technical skills that are relevant to multisig operation: Created and signed hundreds of transactions, including batched transactions. Utilized Gnosis Safe across dozens of multisigs.
  • Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program: Can read code & understand logic.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  • Have you been involved in any projects funded by the DAO?: no
  • Do you have any possible conflicts of interest?: no


  • Why are you interested and what do you believe you can contribute?: I care about the security of ETH and ARB. I take pride in doing a good job and want to review transactions to make sure they are executed safely.

References and Experience:

  • Anyone -
  • Pepperoni Joe - Index Coop
  • Yalor - MetaCartel
  • 0xjose - nftperp
  • Ben Middleton - Goblin Sax

Date: June 18th, 2024

Thank you to all have applied so far. Nominations close at 11:59 PM UTC (7:59 PM EST) tomorrow.

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Application Template for Multi-sig Support Service (MSS)


  • I have read and oblige by the above prerequisites: Yes
  • I choose to opt into MSS chair: Yes

Personal Information:

  1. Full Name: Feems

Applying as organization: No

  1. Contact Information (if applying as organization, please designate one point person): @feems, feemschats (X)
  2. Country of Residence / Time Zone: Canada, (GMT-7)

Professional Background:

  1. Current Occupation: Governance Administrator, Grants Operations and Advisory, Grant Research
  2. Relevant Work/Educational Experience (Please list any relevant experience in governance, DAOs, and multi-sig operations):
  • Founder DAO Governance Collective (educational initiative and community of governance operators)
  • Recognized Delegate Program Administrator (Interests Protocol (GFX)
  • Grants Operations Advisory POKT Network
  • Gitcoin Grants Community Council Member
  • Metagov Grant Innovation Hub Research - Grant Maturity Index Team
  • Thrive Pluralistic Grant Program Reviewer Tier 1
  • Hats Protocol Steward Season 2 & 3
  • Impact and Evaluations at Plurality Labs (Milestone1/Prev)

Technical Skills:

  1. List any technical skills that are relevant to multi-sig operation: I’m comfortable using various EVM wallets and have experience managing and executing on-chain transaction batches.

  2. Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program (SAFE, Using a module, etc):I have extensive experience using SAFE multisigs, including creating SAFE wallets and executing batch transactions with transaction builder. Additionally, I have actively managed interactions with Snapshot and Tally wallets. Familiarity with DEN (a SAFE module) and oSnap.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  1. Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO? If yes, please specify. Yes
  • I was apart of Plurality Labs/Thrive team for their Milestone 1
  • I am a Tier 1 Grant Reviewer for Thrive’s Grant Programs
  1. Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer? No


  1. Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS?

My motivation in joining the Multi-sig Support Service (MSS) aligns with my values and goals in the space which is upholding high standards for checks and balances and ensuring accountability, which is central to my work in grants and governance operations and impact evaluation. Since September, I have been a long term contributor to the DAO (since September) focusing on impact evaluation and grant operations. My experience and reputation makes a great asset to the MSS. Finally, I care deeply about the DAO’s long-term sustainability.


  1. Pepperoni Joe (Treasure DAO, Co Founder at R3GEN Finance)
  2. Disruption Joe (Thrive)
  3. David Ehlrlichman (Hats Protocol)
  4. PaperImperum (GFX)
  5. Mahesh Murthy (Karma GAP)
  6. Nathan VDH


  • You must possess a hardware wallet capable of generating a fresh address specifically for this election.
  • This hardware wallet should be dedicated solely to activities related to the MSS, and not used for other applications.
  • Ensure the wallet is funded with sufficient ether to cover transaction fees on Arbitrum One. All fees will be refunded at the end of the MSS term.
  1. I have read and oblige by the above prerequisite: Yes
  2. I choose to opt into MSS chair: Yes

Personal Information:

  1. Full Name: Den Technologies Inc
    a. Applying as organization: Yes
  2. Contact Information (if applying as organization, please designate one point person): Jonah Erlich (
  3. Country of Residence / Time Zone: United States (ET/UTC-4)

Professional Background:

  1. Current Occupation: Den is the fastest multisig for onchain teams, powered by Safe
  2. Relevant Work/Educational Experience (Please list any relevant experience in governance, DAOs, and multi-sig operations):
    a. We develop the UI proposed for signers to use in the RFC [RFC] Arbitrum Multi-sig Support Service (MSS)
    b. We are active SafeDAO delegates with a public voting history (find our votes here: Our delegate addresses are jgov.onchainden.eth, igov.onchainden.eth

Technical Skills:

  1. List any technical skills that are relevant to multi-sig operation:
    a. Experience securely creating and signing multisig transactions across several organizations managing tens of millions of dollars
    b. Developed Den, a popular web application that directly interfaces with the Safe multisignature wallet and has processed almost $900M in volume
    c. Deployed Safe multisignature wallet infrastructure for various chains, including Arbitrum Nova, Arbitrum Sepolia, and Orbit Chains in collaboration with the Arbitrum Foundation

  2. Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program (SAFE, Using a module, etc):
    a. See points from technical skills response as they are also relevant EVM experience
    b. Completed Secureum smart-contract auditing bootcamp (several team members)

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  1. Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO? If yes, please specify. No
  2. Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer?
    a. Developer of the software the RFC advocates that signers use for creating and signing Safe multisig transactions. We were invited to apply to this position due to this conflict. We are in a unique position to prioritize the DAO’s needs and resolve potential issues.
    b. Deployed Safe for Arbitrum Nova, Arbitrum Sepolia, and Orbit Chains in collaboration with the Arbitrum Foundation


  1. Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS?
    a. Participating as multisig signers in external organizations allows us to improve Den by dogfooding our product with meaningful activity beyond our internal transactions.
    b. Our contributions will be as active signers. We will sign both with urgency and caution. We are well-equipped to validate that transactions are secure and match intended outcomes.


  1. Please provide contact information for at least two references who can attest to your qualifications and character.
    a. Frisson, Tally
    b. Elliott Watts, r3gen
    b. David Silverman, Polygon

Date: June 18, 2024


I am applying as an individual, and NOT as a member or a representative of L2BEAT’s governance team. While a lot of my relevant experience and a big part of my presence in Arbitrum’s governance are associated with my role as a governance representative for L2BEAT, the below application is submitted in my capacity as an individual contributor to the DAO. L2BEAT does not stand to benefit in a financial, or non-financial way by my tenure as a member of the MSS, should my application be accepted.


  • You must possess a hardware wallet capable of generating a fresh address specifically for this election.
  • This hardware wallet should be dedicated solely to activities related to the MSS, and not used for other applications.
  • Ensure the wallet is funded with sufficient ether to cover transaction fees on Arbitrum One. All fees will be refunded at the end of the MSS term.

I have read and oblige by the above prerequisite:

I choose to opt into MSS chair:

Personal Information:

Full Name:
Anastassis Oikonomopoulos aka Sinkas

Applying as organization:

Contact Information (if applying as organization, please designate one point person): and

Country of Residence / Time Zone:
Greece (UTC +3)

Professional Background:

Current Occupation:

Governance Representative at L2BEAT (though I’m applying to MSS as an individual)

Relevant Work/Educational Experience (Please list any relevant experience in governance, DAOs, and multi-sig operations):

  1. I’ve been a contributor of MetaFactory DAO since early 2020, and a signer of its multisig since it was established in late 2020. At the peak of the 2021 bull market, the multisig has ±30,000,000 in AUM. Right now, it secures ±400,000.
  2. Since joining L2BEAT in July 2023, I’ve been working on governance full-time, participating on the day-to-day matters in various DAOs, including, of course, Arbitrum. Since January 2024, I’ve also been publishing a weekly ‘Governance Review’ covering governance related news.
  3. I’ve been the host of Arbitrum’s monthly ‘Open Governance Call’ for the past few months, and I’ve been helping maintain Arbitrum’s Governance Calendar.

Technical Skills:

List any technical skills that are relevant to multi-sig operation:

  1. While not a developer or a very technical person, I understand how multi-sig wallets operate, how to read transactions, and how to use the transaction builder if needed.
  2. A testament to my soft technical skills is the fact that my main wallet (sinkas.eth) has never been compromised despite using it regularly for the past 5.5 years.

Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program (SAFE, Using a module, etc):

  1. I am familiar and comfortable with using SAFE, and I have used on-chain spending management tools for teams (e.g. Parcel) in the past.
  2. I know and feel familiar with executing all the basic actions that the multisig could be required to execute, such as bridging to a different chain, providing liquidity, executing swaps, etc.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO? If yes, please specify.

I have not been involved in any project or proposal that has been funded by the DAO, and through which I have benefited financially as an individual contributor. (Disclaimer: L2BEAT receives delegate compensation, as well as a compensation for our role as DAO Advocate).

Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer?

I do not currently have any personal conflict of interest if selected as a multi-sig signer (disclaimer: I am part of L2BEAT’s governance team, which is eligible for and receiving delegate compensation—that compensation, however, does not go to me personally). In the unlikely event that a COI arises in the future, I will abide by the rules set forth in the original proposal regarding conflict of interest.


Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS?

On the theoretical side, I agree with the core thesis of the proposal that multiple separately funded multisigs are redundant and add more operational friction and financial overhead than necessary. On a practical side, given my proximity to the DAO’s day-to-day activities, my connection to multiple stakeholders through my job, and my being terminally online, it makes perfect sense to join the MSS. I will be in a position to sign all necessary transactions in a timely manner, and I will always be up-to-date with what is happening in the DAO, both inside and outside the MSS.


Please provide contact information for at least two references who can attest to your qualifications and character.

  • My colleague @Krst, Governance Lead at L2BEAT
  • Drew Harding, founding member of MetaFactory


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  1. I have read and oblige by the above prerequisite: Yes
  2. I choose to opt into MSS chair: No

Personal Information:

  1. Full Name: DAOplomats
  • Applying as organization: Yes
  1. Contact Information (if applying as organization, please designate one point person): @WinVerse, Telegram: Contact @Win_Verse
  2. Time Zone: UTC+1

Professional Background:

  1. Current Occupation: Governance Services
  2. Relevant Work/Educational Experience (Please list any relevant experience in governance, DAOs, and multi-sig operations):

We are a professional governance-as-a-service organization, specializing in professional delegation, governance consulting, and advisory across multiple DAOs. Our team is in several multisigs which include but are not limited to:

  • 1inch DAO Operations Multisig
  • RARI Foundation Grants Council Multisig
  • BanklessDAO Core Multisig

Technical Skills:

  1. List any technical skills that are relevant to multi-sig operation:
  • We have experience managing multi-sigs, utilizing transaction builder, batching, queuing and signing multiple transactions, manually submitting governance proposals across different stacks, plus, we are always timely with signing transactions.
  1. Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program (SAFE, Using a module, etc):
  • Extensive experience using SAFE multi-sigs across multiple networks, deploying same address SAFEs on various chains, and Snapshot/Tally wallet interactions.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  1. Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO? If yes, please specify. No.
  2. Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer? No.


  1. Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS?
  • Over the years, we have seen how wrong multisigs can be damaging for DAOs. From individuals carelessly signing transactions to a greater number of bad actors in one multisig resulting to embezzlement of DAO funds. It is for these reasons we are interested in joining the MSS as we believe the more good actors we have serving as a multisig, the better off a DAO is. This is a huge responsibility requiring utmost diligence and we are happy to raise our hands for the position.


  1. Please provide contact information for at least two references who can attest to your qualifications and character.
  • Jana, Head of Strategy RARI Foundation
  • Senad, BD Lead Thrive Protocol

Date: June 18, 2024.

Application Template for Multi-sig Support Service (MSS)


  1. I have read and oblige by the above prerequisite: Yes
  2. I choose to opt into MSS chair: No

Personal Information:

  1. Full Name: Ian Campbell, CEO of Serious People, Inc.
    • Applying as organization: Yes
  2. Contact Information (if applying as organization, please designate one point person):
  3. Country of Residence / Time Zone: USA, UTC -7 (PST)

Professional Background:

  1. Current Occupation: CEO, Serious People Inc.
  2. Relevant Work/Educational Experience (Please list any relevant experience in governance, DAOs, and multi-sig operations):
    • Managed the deployment of a compound style lending network at SUKU. Successfully deployed on Mainnet.
    • Cofounded a DEX that reached $750M of TVL. Managed a multi-sig for multiple years to fund DAO operations passed thru governance. Very familiar with this process and very comfortable in gnosis SAFE.
    • Have worked with other major protocols (like Bond Protocol and SushiSwap for example) on various deployments leveraging multi-sigs as best practices when working with multiple parties
    • Have used gnosis SAFE’s in my personal crypto life as well
    • Have been asked to sit on multiple projects treasury multi-sigs (typically decline, this is the first time we have seriously considered being on one after a couple individuals in the DAO asked if we were interested)

Technical Skills:

  1. List any technical skills that are relevant to multi-sig operation:
    • I have sat on multiple multisig wallets over my tenure in crypto
    • Deployed multiple blockchain products and moved the aggregate of multiple millions of dollars on chain over my tenure in the space.
    • I have been in the industry for close to 8 years and am well versed with security best practices.
  2. Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program (SAFE, Using a module, etc):
    • As noted above, I have managed multiple DeFi products over my tenure in crypto, and all of those have required me to be very comfortable deploying, moving funds on chain, signing transactions and being a part of multi-sig.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  1. Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO? If yes, please specify.
    • Serious People is an advisor for multiple protocols that have received grant funding in the past including Savvy, SushiSwap, Buffer, Perpy, and SX Bet.
    • Additionally we played a very active role in setting up LTIPP. We ultimately were not picked to sit on the council or be an advisor, but we had hundreds of millions of dollars of ARB backing us by major delegates which should also help speak to our reputation.
  2. Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer?
    • No


  1. Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS?
    • Serious People has been an active contributor to the DAO for 10+ months now and has always been a strong proponent for efficiency plays, such as this one. We believe that our operational expertise will be an asset when it comes to needing signers that are experts in OpSec as well as are terminally online.


  1. Please provide contact information for at least two references who can attest to your qualifications and character.
    • Alex Lumley: @AlexLumley
    • Pepperoni Jo3: @Pepperoni_Jo3
    • Additionally individuals/groups that were at ETH Denver like Disruption Joe, Krzysztof, DanO, 404DAO, etc - Im sure would be happy to validate our reputation and work ethic!

Date: 06/18/2024

Application Template for Multi-sig Support Service (MSS)


  • You must possess a hardware wallet capable of generating a fresh address specifically for this election.
  • This hardware wallet should be dedicated solely to activities related to the MSS, and not used for other applications.
  • Ensure the wallet is funded with sufficient ether to cover transaction fees on Arbitrum One. All fees will be refunded at the end of the MSS term.
  1. I have read and oblige by the above prerequisite: Yes
  2. I choose to opt into MSS chair: Yes

Personal Information:

  1. Full Name: cryptoharry
    • Applying as organization: No
  2. Contact Information (if applying as organization, please designate one point person): cryptoharry99 (Telegram) / 0xCryptoHarry (X)
  3. Country of Residence / Time Zone: United Kingdom / UTC+1

Professional Background:

  1. Current Occupation: Head of Treasury Working Group at Inverse Finance DAO
  2. Relevant Work/Educational Experience (Please list any relevant experience in governance, DAOs, and multi-sig operations):
    • Contributor at Inverse Finance DAO since 2021
    • Authored multiple governance proposals for DAOs (Inverse, Curve, Balancer, etc.)
    • Signer on 21 multi-sig wallets over multiple chains (primary transaction builder on 15 of them)
    • Signer on multi-sigs that hold assets with a current market value of $12.61m
    • Built 1000s of transactions

Technical Skills:

  1. List any technical skills that are relevant to multi-sig operation:

    • Advanced transaction creation on SAFE
    • Transaction simulation
    • Creation of forked environments to assist with simulations
    • Development and deployment of smart contracts
  2. Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program (SAFE, Using a module, etc):

    • Extensive use of SAFE
    • Very familiar with interacting with contracts directly (without a UI)

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  1. Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO? If yes, please specify. No

  2. Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer?

    • Full-time contributor at Inverse Finance DAO
    • Head of the working group responsible for providing liquidity and vote incentives on protocols that operate on Arbitrum, such as Ramses, Balancer, and Credit Guild


  1. Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS? I am a dedicated crypto enthusiast, fully immersed in both the professional and personal aspects of the industry. Joining the MSS excites me as it offers a unique opportunity to expand my network and experience, especially within the Arbitrum DAO ecosystem. I am a firm believer in the DAO structure and understand the critical importance of timely execution of governance actions and payments. My passion and commitment to the crypto space drive my desire to contribute meaningfully to the MSS.


  1. Please provide contact information for at least two references who can attest to your qualifications and character.

Date: 19/06/2024


I have read and oblige by the above prerequisites: Yes
I choose to opt into MSS chair: Yes

Personal Information:

  1. Full Name: Stephen Tong
    • Applying as organization: Yes / No
  2. Contact Information: Stephen Tong,; Kaushik Swaminathan,,
  3. Country of Residence / Time Zone: New York (EST) and Singapore (SGT)

Professional Background:

  1. Current Occupation: Co-Founder and CEO, Zellic
  2. Relevant Work/Educational Experience:
  • Elected member of the Arbitrum Security Council.
  • Member of Uniswap Foundation’s Bridge Assessment Committee
  • Sei Foundation delegate with > $100M in SEI

Technical Skills:

  1. List any technical skills that are relevant to multi-sig operation:
  • Stephen Tong, who is applying on behalf of Zellic, is a world-renowned security expert with over 10 years of experience in exploit development, reverse engineering, and cryptography including Solidity, EVM opcodes, Golang, Rust, C, C++. He has personally maintained forks of Geth modifying the low-level EVM details. More broadly, Zellic’s team of auditors’ specializations are outlined here: Zellic — Services

  • Experience handling funds in cryptocurrency and making on-chain transactions since 2017, with hardware wallets and multisig safes on various chains, both EVM and non-EVM as well as multiparty computation (MPC).

  1. Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program:
  • We are an elected member of the Arbitrum Security Council.
  • We have audited some of the largest and most complex EVM protocols on Arbitrum, including Timeless, Perennial Finance, Y2K, and Premia. For a full list of our clients, please refer to: Zellic — Our Work
  • Specifically, we have reviewed the multi-sig practices and/or modules of complex organisations including LayerZero, Solana Foundation,, EtherFi, and more.
  • We served on the Uniswap Bridge Assessment Committee.
  • We actively manage Zellic’s Gnosis Safe multi-sig for transactions with 100+ clients and counterparties.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  1. Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO? If yes, please specify.
  • Arbitrum Security Council
  1. Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer?
  • Membership in Arbitrum Security Council


  1. Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS?
  • Arbitrum MSS is an important step towards the responsible management of Arbitrum DAO’s treasury. Given the critical responsibilities for members of MSS, it is imperative that security experts are deeply involved in the education and operations of transaction reviews. Our experience with DAOs and governance, as well as core audits of multi-sig wallets, positions us well to support this program.
  • As active participants and as stewards of security best practices in Arbitrum (and crypto at-large), MSS is an extension of our commitment to the Arbitrum Foundation, ecosystem projects, and public service.


  1. Please provide contact information for at least two references who can attest to your qualifications and character.
  • Kevin Britz, Co-Founder of Perennial Labs
  • Jason Kam, Founder of Folius Ventures
  • DK DeRosa, Premia

Date: 19 June 2024

Application Template for Multi-sig Support Service (MSS)


  • I have read and oblige by the above prerequisites: Yes
  • I choose to opt into MSS chair: Yes

Personal Information:

  • Full Name: @AranaDigital
  • Applying as organization: Yes
  • Contact Information (point of contact): @AbdullahUmar –
  • Country of Residence / Time Zone: United States (Eastern Time)

Professional Background:

  • Current Occupation: Our team predominantly works in the DAO governance and blockchain investment space
  • Relevant Work/Educational Experience: We are a governance group composed of ex-Michigan Blockchain members. Our team is currently made up of five individuals, all of which are deeply steeped in the crypto space and have multiple years of participation in protocol governance. With delegation history for DEXs, money markets, L2s, liquid staking protocols, and stablecoins, we’re acclimated with a breadth of sectors. We bring a diversity of experience to DAOs–our members have consulted for companies like Immutable and dYdX, worked at crypto investment and trading firms, set up various validator nodes, and run educational events for university students

Multisig Experience:

  • Uniswap Accountability Committee: Manage the operations behind distributing $UNI incentives across v3 deployments on 10+ chains with over $7M. Conduct accounting for the financial operations and payroll of multiple Uniswap working groups, acting as the escrow entity for the DAO.
  • Uniswap–Arbitrum LTIPP: Managing the Arbitrum DAO’s distribution of 1M ARB to the Uniswap-owned multisig for distributing incentives to pools recommended by the Gauntlet team.
  • Compound Governance Working Group: Team of three entities responsible for facilitating Compound governance.
  • Uniswap Arbitrum Delegate Program (UADP): Metagoverannce multisig with ARB delegations from over 17k wallets–run on behalf of the Uniswap DAO
  • GovHack at ETH CC: Part of a ⅔ multisig for facilitating the distribution of $309,000 worth of ARB to help Hack Humanity organize ETH CC (not a paid position).
  • Dorm DAO Investments (powered by Tribute Labs): Investment DAO for voting on various pitches across Ethereum and Solana.

Technical Skills:

  • List any technical skills that are relevant to multisig operation:

    • Proficient in Gnosis Safe across various networks
    • Multisig transaction management: Adept in utilizing transaction builder to create, sign, and broadcast transactions, batching multiple transactions to optimize for cost efficiency and managing gas fees effectively, implementing multi-approve processes for streamlined approvals
    • Experience with hardware wallets like Ledger and Keystone–and setting up access controls and permission layers, ensuring secure key management. Done for both investment fund custody and token delegation wallet
  • Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program:

    • Experience with bridging assets across different networks, managing the same address instance across multiple chains
    • Intimately familiar with EVM governance tool like Tally, Snapshot, Boardroom, etc
    • Able to interact with block explorers for read/write purposes

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  • Have you been involved in any projects funded by the DAO?: Uniswap’s claim of the Arbitrum LTIPP and the Eth CC Brussels Multisig (unpaid)
  • Do you have any possible conflicts of interest?: Arana is a delegate for various DeFi protocols and EVM ecosystems


  • Our team has been voting on Arbitrum proposals from the inception of the DAO and are therefore intimately familiar with the ongoings and developments occurring in the ecosystem. We have interacted with various stakeholders in the space through events like Gov Hack and have contributed to Arbitrum by way of Uniswap significantly over the past year, which is currently the leading DEX on the L2. Furthermore, our experience with managing various multisigs for governance, management (payroll, incentives, etc), and investment purposes makes us qualified to be a part of this council. We believe that the MSS will make the operations for the DAO more seamless–Arana would be honored to help facilitate this process.


Please provide contact information for at least two references who can attest to your qualifications and character.

Date: June 19, 2024



  1. I have read and oblige by the above prerequisite: Yes
  2. I choose to opt into MSS chair: Yes

Personal Information:

  1. Full Name: StableLab
  • Applying as organization: Yes
  1. Contact Information (if applying as organization, please designate one point person): @Matt_StableLab
  2. Country of Residence / Time Zone: Singapore + many different timezones across the Americas, Europe, and Asia

Professional Background:

  1. Current Occupation:

StableLab is a governance advisory firm

  1. Relevant Work/Educational Experience (Please list any relevant experience in governance, DAOs, and multi-sig operations):

StableLab works in governance for over 20 DAOs, serving various in governance roles, including:

  • PM for STIP, LTIPP, STIP.B which includes directing the multisigs of those programs
  • Arbitrum ARDC Multisig
  • Uniswap Arbitrum Grants Program (UAGP)
  • Uniswap Accountability Committtee
  • Compound Grants program
  • Serving on multiple security council multisigs
  • Optimism Anti Capture Commission

Technical Skills:

  1. List any technical skills that are relevant to multi-sig operation:
  • Comfortable using multisigs to sign or create transaction
  • Can read transaction data to determine validity of proposed transactions
  1. Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program (SAFE, Using a module, etc):

StableLab uses multisigs daily to vote in various DAOs. We have experience using many of the SAFE apps, such as tally or snapshot, using nested multisig, and using multisigs on apps that are not yet supported by Safe. We can create and/or sign any transactions required in this role.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  1. Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO? If yes, please specify.

StableLab was the PM for STIP, LTIPP, and STIP.B

  1. Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer?

StableLab works in many DAOs. When applicable, we will disclose potential conflicts of interest.


  1. Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS?

StableLab is committed to the safety and security of Arbitrum. We have helped organize the largest projects in arbitrum and are committed to furthering the success of the Arbitrum ecosystem. Managing multiple large programs in Arbitrum, we have seen the importance of fast and reliable multisig signers and believe we would be a great fit for this position given our background working in DAOs.


  1. Please provide contact information for at least two references who can attest to your qualifications and character.
  • @JoJo - Have worked with JoJo on multiple incentives programs and UAGP
  • @SEEDGov - Worked with SEEDGov on LTIPP and STIP.B
  • @AlexLumley - Worked with Alex to create LTIPP

Date: June 19th 2024


  1. I have read and oblige by the above prerequisite: Yes
  2. I choose to opt into MSS chair: Yes - I am applying for both positions

Personal Information:

  1. Full Name: Maryana Ryumshin
  • Applying as organization: No
  1. Contact Information (if applying as organization, please designate one point person): @maryana



Discord: .maryana

  1. Country of Residence / Time Zone: United States / EST

Professional Background:

  1. Current Occupation:

Full Time: Senior Financial Analyst at Cleveland Clinic

Part-Time: Decentraland DAO Revocations Committee & Financial Planning Lead at the Decentraland DAO

  1. **Relevant Work/Educational Experience (**Please list any relevant experience in governance, DAOs, and multi-sig operations):

I have been an active member of the Decentraland DAO for 3 years. I have been on the Decentraland DAO Revocations Committee for 1 year, where I was responsible with 3 others in revoking grants (about $400k was saved in a year), and am currently leading the financial reporting overhaul at the Decentraland DAO. This includes having discussions with third party crypto transaction project managers, working with multiple teams at the DAO regarding the design and accounting mapping of transactions, etc. I have been a delegated VP holder from co-founders Yemel Jardi and Esteban Ordano.

I communicate with the governance teams daily at Decentraland DAO, as well as take part in many community discussions to better improve the DAO grants program, governance strategies and VP structures. Although I am not an operator of a multi-sig, I am very familiar with SAFE, used to transact DAO transactions.

Professional Experience: I have 7 years of external and internal auditing experience, from working at a Big 4 accounting firm, private industries, and currently have 3 years of Healthcare financial reporting experience pertaining to Revenue and AR. I am currently studying for my CPA and CISA.

Technical Skills:

  1. List any technical skills that are relevant to multi-sig operation: I am currently not an operator of a large DAO multi-sig, however, I am familiar with how GnosisSAFE operates for the DCL DAO pertaining to financial planning, and have my own mulit-sig wallet. I am familiar with Snapshot, Aragon

I believe my financial reporting skills and crypto transaction skills will be an asset to reconcile all transactions done through the MSS and the Arbitrum DAO.

  1. Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program (SAFE, Using a module, etc): Gnosis SAFE

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  1. Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO? If yes, please specify. None in Arbitrum
  2. Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer? None in Arbitrum


  1. Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS? I am confident that I provide an external user & financial reporting perspective as a result of my experiences from Decentraland DAO, as well as my professional accounting experience. I am committed to improve the financial environment and transparency of Arbitrum DAO.


  1. Please provide contact information for at least two references who can attest to your qualifications and character.

HPrivakos - Decentraland DAO Committee: Multi-sig owner of Decentraland’s SAFE wallets.
Discord: hprivakos

Juan Cassinelli - Decentraland DAO Grant Support Squad - oversees Revocations Committee

Discord: zino6052

Zino Cingolani - Governance Squad Lead at Decentraland DAO, whom I am collaborating and working on redesigning Decentraland DAO’s Accounting Transperency Dashbaords for better financial reporting.

Discord: GinoCT

Pepperoni Jo3 R3Gen Finance - Collab and communicate reagrding Decentraland DAO’s financial reporting iniatives

Szilard Janko - Various collabs within Decentraland ecoystem and DAO led projects

Date: June 19, 2024 at 2:40 PM EST

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Disruption Joe Self-Nomination for MSS


  • You must possess a hardware wallet capable of generating a fresh address specifically for this election.
  • This hardware wallet should be dedicated solely to activities related to the MSS, and not used for other applications.
  • Ensure the wallet is funded with sufficient ether to cover transaction fees on Arbitrum One. All fees will be refunded at the end of the MSS term.
  1. I have read and oblige by the above prerequisite: Yes
  2. I choose to opt into MSS chair: Yes, but not preferred

Personal Information:

  1. Full Name: Disruption Joe (I disclose my full name and info the the foundation on our signed agreements)
  • Applying as organization: No
  1. Contact Information (if applying as organization, please designate one point person):
  2. Country of Residence / Time Zone: United States Central Standard Timezone - I’m nomadic though

Professional Background:

  1. Current Occupation: Governance Relations at Thrive Protocol serving Arbitrum exclusively
  2. Relevant Work/Educational Experience (Please list any relevant experience in governance, DAOs, and multi-sig operations):
    - I started the first workstream in GitcoinDAO in 2021 - spun out the DAO operations workstream which included building out multisigs, payroll, and treasury management techniques with our team
    - Investor in DAOhaus - user of moloch DAOs V1, V2, V3
    - For Arbitrum: Was on the STIP multisig, the PL-ARB Grants Safety Multisig, and the ADPC
    - Have been on over $100 million in multisigs with 0 issues during my time

Technical Skills:

  1. List any technical skills that are relevant to multi-sig operation: As evidenced by past experience listed above
  2. Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program (SAFE, Using a module, etc): As evidenced by past experience listed above

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  1. Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO? If yes, please specify.
  2. Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer?
    An answer to questions 1 & 2: I am a member of Thrive Protocol which is running the pluralist grants program. I don’t believe it is a conflict unless there is a question regarding the delivery of funds for my or my team’s grant - of which I could easily excuse myself.


  1. Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS?

I believe that Arbitrum is going to continue to be a leader spearheading the evolution of decentralized technology and governance. This role is very important to me. Not only is a a guardian, but there will come circumstances which are either novel or can be interpreted in multiple ways. Experienced multi-sig signers with strong, proven governance knowledge and ethics are critical to avoid capture. Additionally, I’m always one of the quickest signers on every multisig I’ve been on which include many over the past 4-5 years.


  1. Please provide contact information for at least two references who can attest to your qualifications and character.
    Shawn @ Thrive
    Lindsey @ Hedgey

Date: 6/19/24


  1. I have read and oblige by the above prerequisite: Yes
  2. I choose to opt into MSS chair: Yes

Personal Information:

  1. Full Name: Frisson
  • Applying as organization: No
  1. Contact Information:
  2. Country of Residence / Time Zone: United States, Mountain Time

Professional Background:

  1. Current Occupation: Chief Revenue Officer, Tally
  2. Relevant Work/Educational Experience: I work in the governance space full-time, helping delegates, foundations, and other stakeholders be successful in my role at Tally. I’m an Arbitrum DAO delegate. I’m a member of the Uniswap Deployment Accountability Committee, serving as multig ops and working group for multichain deployments in the Uniswap DAO. I’m a member of the Arbitrum Delegate Incentives multisig.

Technical Skills:

  1. Creating Safe transactions, auditing and signing Safe transactions, reviewing Tenderly simulation output, creating and reviewing onchain DAO proposals, utilizing block explorers to understand transaction history
  2. Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program (SAFE, Using a module, etc): In addition to the above, I’ve deployed Zodiac Governors to give DAOs clawback capability on multisig funds and created Hedgey vesting streams via onchain DAO proposals.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  1. Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO? Yes, the Unsiwap Deployment Committee and the Tally multisig
  2. Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer? I’m a Wormhole DAO delegate and an executive at Tally.


  1. Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS? I think the MSS streamlines DAO ops both from a cost and auditability/security perspective. I’d be proud to help make sure it’s executed successfully. I have a strong vested interest in making sure Arbitrum is successful as a user, builder, and partner.


  1. Please provide contact information for at least two references who can attest to your qualifications and character:
  • @juanbug Sits on Uniswap Deployment Committee with me
  • @AbdullahUmar Sits on Uniswap Deployment Committee with me
  • @cattin Works on Arbitrum Delegate Incentives Committee
  • @Immutablelawyer Collaborated on many Arbitrum DAO initiatives together

Date: June 19th, 2024



  1. I have read and oblige by the above prerequisites: Yes
  2. I choose to opt into MSS chair: yes

Personal Information:

  1. Full Name: Lindsey Winder
  • Applying as organization: No
  1. Contact Information:
  2. Country of Residence / Time Zone: United States, EST

Professional Background:

  1. Current Occupation: CEO at Hedgey
  2. Relevant Work/Educational Experience: At Hedgey we’ve worked with Arbitrum for the STIP, STIP-Bridge, and LTIPP grants. I am a member on the current incentives multisig and work closely with other DAO members on creating, reviewing, and executing large transactions for the DAO.

Technical Skills:

  1. List any technical skills that are relevant to multi-sig operation:
  • Experience creating, reviewing, and executing Safe transactions
  • Implementing security and review practices with other multisig signers.
  • Reviewing Tenderly reports
  1. Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program (SAFE, Using a module, etc):
  • Frequent use of Safe, Safe apps, and creating custom Safe apps

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  1. Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO?
  • Hedgey is used by the DAO to distribute grants for the STIP, STIP Bridge, and LTIPP grant distributions. I frequently create those transactions on the Safe. Hedgey itself has not been funded by these proposals.
  1. Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer? I’m the CEO Hedgey, though it has no factor in my ability to execute transactions for the DAO.


  1. Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS? I’ve been a part of multiple multisig teams for Arbitrum and generally think can create a stronger framework for managing security around distributing and managing funds on behalf of the DAO. In addition to having more signers and a higher threshold to execute transactions (which this proposal will do,) we need to incorporate better wallet security management for signers, standardized public and nonpublic security procedures which the multisig adheres to, and implement a more robust system for managing, executing, and reporting on transactions we execute on behalf of the DAO. I’d like to contribute to all of the above.


  1. Please provide contact information for at least two references who can attest to your qualifications and character:


1 Like


  • You must possess a hardware wallet capable of generating a fresh address specifically for this election. :white_check_mark:
  • This hardware wallet should be dedicated solely to activities related to the MSS, and not used for other applications. :white_check_mark:
  • Ensure the wallet is funded with sufficient ether to cover transaction fees on Arbitrum One. All fees will be refunded at the end of the MSS term. :white_check_mark:
  • I have read and oblige by the above prerequisite: :white_check_mark:
  • I choose to opt into MSS chair: Yes :white_check_mark:

Personal Information

Full Name: Brian Adam

Applying as organization: No

Contact Information: X/Twitter - sixty_keys / Telegram - sixtykeys / Push Chat: @sixtykeys.eth

Country of Residence / Time Zone: UTC +3

Professional Background

Current Occupation: DAO Operations Lead (Push Protocol)/Project Manager (

Relevant Work/Educational Experience (Please list any relevant experience in governance, DAOs, and multi-sig operations):

  • As DAO Operations Lead at Push Protocol, I am a signer on all DAO multisigs and coordinate and report on regular transactions to over 40 contributors, grantees, and partners.
  • I was previously a signer on the Index Coop’s MetaGovernance committee, this was a multisig that controlled $ millions in voting power on defi protocols like Aave, Balancer, Compound, and Uniswap.

Technical Skills:

  • Expertise in configuring, deploying, and maintaining multi-sig wallets using tools such as Gnosis Safe, Coinshift & Onchain Den.
  • Strong understanding of security best practices for multi-sig operations, including private key management, periodic audits and reviews to identify and address vulnerabilities, and cold storage solutions.
  • Experienced in coordinating and executing multi-sig transactions, ensuring consensus and compliance with organizational policies.
  • Proficient in maintaining comprehensive documentation for multi-sig processes and ensuring compliance with relevant regulatory requirements.

Conflict of Interest Declaration

  • I am currently the project manager for daospace, which received a grant from the DAO as part of the ‘Unleashing the power of DAOs’ mini-grant round.
  • I do not have any conflicts of interest that could arise if I am selected as a multisig signer. :x:


Joining Arbitrum DAO’s MSS is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the financial sustainability and security of Ethereum’s biggest rollup. Being part of the MSS will allow me to play a crucial role in distributing the DAO’s assets, enhancing operational resilience, and ensuring the integrity of the DAO’s financial practices. Additionally, Arbitrum DAO’s commitment to being socially inclusive, neutral, and open aligns with my own values. The DAO’s progressive values also offer a collaborative environment where diverse perspectives are valued and innovation thrives.

Finally, this position will allow me to leverage my expertise in DAO Operations and multisig operations to positively influence the sustainability of the Arbitrum DAO.


Date: 19th June 2024


  1. I have read and oblige by the above prerequisites: Yes
  2. I choose to opt into MSS chair: No

Personal Information:

  1. Full Name: Abraham Eid
  • Applying as organization: Yes (The Block)
  1. Contact Information (if applying as organization, please designate one point person):
  1. Country of Residence / Time Zone: United States, EST

Professional Background:

  1. Current Occupation: Research director at The Block

  2. Relevant Work/Educational Experience (Please list any relevant experience in governance, DAOs, and multi-sig operations): :

    • Over three years of experience providing strategy consulting services to leading DAOs including governance decisions & multi-sig related management.

Technical Skills:

  1. List any technical skills that are relevant to multi-sig operation:
  • 7+ years of hardware wallet usage
  • Extensive usage with block explorers & smart contract analysis
  • 20+ person research team with unique development experience across multiple chains & their ecosystems
  1. Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program (SAFE, Using a module, etc):
  • Created multiple PoC dapps using latest tech stack and have deployed them on Arbitrum & base Ethereum
  • Created and active signer for many SAFE multi-sig wallets
  • 20+ researchers with significant experience in many areas of EVM development

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  1. Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO? If yes, please specify.
  • I was one of two representatives in the proposal for the ARDC research position on behalf of The Block.
  1. Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer?
  • I don’t have any interests that would directly conflict with my role as a multi-sig signer for the Arbitrum DAO.


  1. Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS?
  • I’ve been a long time supporter of Arbitrum as a network both as a user and researcher in the space. With the ability to directly assist on something as critical as the multi-sig signing process that determines large decisions made by the DAO, it would be a natural progression of taking greater action to support the network. The Block is broadly seen as one of the more trusted sources of information and resources in the space, and with the selection of us as an organization to be representatives, it would add greater legitimacy to an already well respected operation.


  1. Please provide contact information for at least two references who can attest to your qualifications and character.
  • Pepperoni Joe (Co-Founder at R3GEN Finance)
  • Bryan Pellegrino (Co-founder LayerZero)

Application Template for Multi-sig Support Service (MSS)


  • I have read and oblige by the above prerequisites: Yes

  • I choose to opt into MSS chair: Yes

Personal Information:

Professional Background:

Current Occupation: Blockworks Research Analyst and Governance Associate

Relevant Work/Educational Experience:

  1. Head of Written Research at FranklinDAO: Spearheaded multiple grant initiatives for students, specifically the lead for projects with Solana, Optimism, Sui, and Cyberfund. Furthermore, while at FranklinDAO I built out our organization so that students could contribute to the crypto ecosystem and network with some of the best minds with our Penn Blockchain Conference. Additionally, I helped contribute to the expansion of our governance committee by growing FranklinDAO’s position and reputation as a student-organized team of professional delegates.

  2. Crypto Consultant: Prior to my time at Blockworks I was a crypto consultant at a small hedge fund for over a year. During my time, I created large projects geared toward investors to understand the crypto ecosystem, alongside a 500 slide powerpoint on the history of Ethereum and its roadmap for the future.

  3. Education: Graduated from Penn with a major in Behavioral Economics, with a minor in data science.

My multisig specific experience include:

Technical Skills:

  • List any technical skills that are relevant to multisig operation:

  • Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program:

As a former core-contributor to a student-run DAO for 3 years, I am extremely familiar with multisig operations as a result of grant management with other FranklinDAO core contributors.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  • Have you been involved in any projects funded by the DAO?: I am part of the Arbitrum Research and Development Collective funded by the DAO, participating as a Blockworks analyst alongside those from other research houses.

  • Do you have any possible conflicts of interest?: Blockworks analyst in ARDC and a Governance delegate on other existing protocols.

  • Why are you interested and what do you believe you can contribute?:
    As a member of ARDC and a research analyst at Blockworks, I believe that my alignment of interests alongside my 3+ years of experience in the crypto industry in organizational dynamics makes me an apt candidate. As such, my contributions will be both analytical in regards to the research output and operational with respect to my past efforts at FranklinDAO and Penn Blockchain.

Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS?
I am interested in joining the MSS because I believe in the importance of decentralized governance structures that can support the growth and integrity of the Arbitrum ecosystem. My extensive background in governance, research, and DAO operations has equipped me with the necessary skills to effectively manage multisig operations. As someone who has been involved in the crypto industry and has experience with both technical and organizational aspects of DAOs, I am confident in my ability to enhance the efficiency and reliability of multisig processes.

References and Experience:

  • George (@hiringdevs.eth ): Active Arbitrum member from Gauntlet who has provided feedback in Arbitrum governance matters.

  • Sam Martin (@swmartin): Entropy Advisors Co-Founder.

  • PGov (@Juanbug): Professional delegate group dedicated to the governance of several platforms, most notably Arbitrum and Uniswap.

Date: June 19th, 2024

1 Like


  • You must possess a hardware wallet capable of generating a fresh address specifically for this election.
  • This hardware wallet should be dedicated solely to activities related to the MSS, and not used for other applications.
  • Ensure the wallet is funded with sufficient ether to cover transaction fees on Arbitrum One. All fees will be refunded at the end of the MSS term.
  1. I have read and oblige by the above prerequisite: Yes
  2. I choose to opt into MSS chair: Yes

Personal Information:

  1. Full Name: 404 DAO
  • Applying as organization: Yes
  1. Contact Information (if applying as organization, please designate one point person): Cole TG: @cole404 Forum: @Cole_404
  2. Country of Residence / Time Zone: USA - EST/EDT

Professional Background:

  1. Current Occupation: Governance Professionals
  2. Relevant Work/Educational Experience (Please list any relevant experience in governance, DAOs, and multi-sig operations):
  • Currently sit on the LTIPP Council

  • Signer on the original STIP multisig

  • Core Contributor to the Onboarding Working Group Pilot Program

  • Member/Signer of the the Anticapture Commission in Optimism

  • Member of the Active but Underrepresented Delegate Program (Uniswap)

Technical Skills:

  1. List any technical skills that are relevant to multi-sig operation:
  • Our team has experience building transactions as well as simulating contracts and call data. We adhere to robust operational security measures through responsible key management.
  1. Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program (SAFE, Using a module, etc):
  • Signer on STIP multisig

  • Signer on the AntiCapture Commission in Optimism (uses SAFE)

  • Use SAFE internally

  • Familiar across most EVM-based L2s

  • Signer on Arbitrum Onboarding Working Group SAFE

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

  1. Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO? If yes, please specify.
  • Yes, we are members of the LTIPP Council and are contributing to the onboarding WG
  1. Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer?
  • We are active delegates in Optimism, Uniswap, and Wormhole.

  • We are members of the LTIPP council


  1. Why are you interested in joining the MSS and what do you believe you can contribute to the MSS?
  • We are interested in joining the MSS because we recognize the importance of (1) timely payments to individuals who contribute time and effort to the DAO and (2) initiatives that reduce overhead spend for the DAO. We welcome the opportunity to contribute to a program that will strengthen the operational efficiency of the DAO.


  1. Please provide contact information for at least two references who can attest to your qualifications and character.


Date: 6/19/24

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