Argonaut Delegate Communication Thread

  • Proposal: Establishing a DAO Events Budget for 2025
  • Voting type & platform: Offchain - Snapshot
  • Vote: For
  • Reasoning: We are supportive of this proposal as it provides a fairly well thought out plan to get the most out of these events, however there are things that need to be either added or reorganized if this proposal goes to Tally that we believe should be considered as establishing measurable KPIs as other delegates have already indicated. We appreciate the fact that by adopting this proposal as it stands, the events proposals will move more quickly and in a more organized fashion. We are also in favor of holding such an event in LATAM and would be supportive and interested in its development if it ever happens. Lastly, we would like to point out that we are so in favor of this planning with time, considering the importance of holding these events and the impulses for our community that can come from them.