Stryke Delegate Communication Thread

1 Poll Closing April 12, 2024

AIP: Empowering Early Contributors: The community Arbiter Proposal 2.0
Summary: This proposal proposes to allocate 125,000 $ARB tokens, equal to 0.00125% of the total supply, to recognize and reward the outstanding contributions of the Arbitrum community member known as “Arbiter”.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. Is known that these contributors helped to onboard users during the initial days of Arbitrum being live. We agreed with the allocation amount as the impact was significant on onboarding users and defi projects towards de chain.

1 Poll Closing April 12, 2024

AIP: Expand Tally Support for the Arbitrum DAO

Summary: proposal to expand Tally support for the Arbitrum DAO by improving the proposal process, upgrading the Governor contracts, and highlighting delegate contributions. Tally also propose to ensure that the DAO is set up for success by researching specifications for partial delegation and shielded voting.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. Tally can be considered the front-end for onchain voting within the Arb Ecosystem. The proposal is pretty detailed for the improvements they want to develop and from a community perspective, onchain voters feel comfortable using Tally UI. we think this will further enhance the governance voting UX.

1 Poll Closing April 20, 2024

AIP: Request for Continuation of the Arbitrum DDA Program Request

Summary: proposal to renew the Arbitrum DDA Program with a budget of $4M for two quarters. The domain allocators will utilize this budget to fund proposals that align with Arbitrum’s roadmap.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. The DDA team are rockstars for running this program with such grit and detailed info on their impact on the Arb Ecosystem. We are voting FOR as we believe they are net positive for the Arb ecosystem and provide a lot of transparency on their funding program that help many projects get started on our network

1 Poll Closing April 23, 2024

Snapshot: Delegate to Voter Enfranchisement Pool — Event Horizon

Summary: proposal to fund Horizon metagovernance block.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. After carefully learning more about the metagovernance initiative and clearing some queries with the proposal OP regarding who’s going to fund the audit for the metegovernance smart contracts, we are voting FOR and as we believe this type of program can further deepen Arbitrum governance participation.

1 Poll Closing April 24, 2024

Snapshot: Safeguarding Software Developers’ Rights & the Right to Privacy

Summary: Safeguarding Software Developers’ Rights & the Right to Privacy

Recommendation: Vote Yes. This is a no brainer for us, funding litigation for our developers within our ecosystem is paramount to fight back against centralized parties who endanger the future of out industry. We voted FOR after making sure the funds will be used to also said the Tornado Cash developers.

1 Poll Closing April 25, 2024

Snapshot: Subsidy Fund for Security Services

Summary: proposal for the creation of a procurement subsidy fund allocating up to $10 million worth of ARB to provide financial assistance to both new and existing projects within the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR a program where new and current Arbitrum projects get access to audit/security services. While there might be caveats on eligibility, we look forward the first cohort of this program and hopefully the effects are net positive for the projects and the Arbitrum ecosystem in general.

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Delegate Communication Thread for May activity:

1 Poll Closing May 02, 2024

Snapshot: GovHack at ETH CC (Brussels)

Summary: proposal from Hack Humanity seeking $309k of funding from the Arbitrum DAO to host an event and after-party coinciding with ETH CC 1 in Brussels

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, As we see the funding amount appropriate for the outcomes hackathons produce in those sort of events(new POC, networking and projects)

1 Poll Closing May 03, 2024

Snapshot: Grant Request - Curve Finance

Summary: proposal from Curve Finance seeking 237,500 ARB tokens of funding from the Arbitrum DAO to establish a deeply liquid borrowing and lending market for ARB token

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, As we see Curve Finance a net positive for the Defi ecosystem in Arbitrum and their proposal seem adequate with a grant Matching. As a project that leveraged and built on top of curve finance we are in favor.

1 Poll Closing May 09, 2024

Snapshot: Proposal for Approval of DeDaub as the ADPC Security Advisor

Summary: proposal to onboard DeDaub, a renowned security services firm, to assist the ADPC.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, The ask amount seems reasonable and is great to have someone with the proper expertise and domain knowledge to work with the ADPC program.

1 Poll Closing May 09, 2024

Tally: Double-Down on STIP Successes (STIP-Bridge)

Summary: Extension for the STIP Program

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, having the STIP bridge will further help defi projects encourage and increase the chances of more defi activity.

1 Poll Closing May 15, 2024

Snapshot: Pilot Phase: M&A for Arbitrum DAO

Summary: proposal to create an M&A unit for the ARB DAO.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, The ask amount seems reasonable and building an M&A unit seems a good vertical to have for a rollup future development when it comes to expanding their Bizdev core services.

1 Poll Closing May 20, 2024

GovHack at ETH CC (Brussels)

Summary: Fund GovHack hackathon at ETH CC

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, As we see the funding amount appropriate for the outcomes hackathons produce in those sort of events(new POC, networking and projects)

1 Poll Closing May 20, 2024

Grant Request - Curve Finance

Summary: proposal from Curve Finance seeking 237,500 ARB tokens of funding from the Arbitrum DAO to establish a deeply liquid borrowing and lending market for ARB token

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, As we see Curve Finance a net positive for the Defi ecosystem in Arbitrum and their proposal seem adequate with a grant Matching. As a project that leveraged and built on top of curve finance we are in favor.

1 Poll Closing May 28, 2024

Snapshot: Arbitrum Multi-sig Support Service (MSS)

Summary: proposal to create a structured multi-sig framework to facilitate funded programs within Arbitrum DAO to reduce operational spend and increase proposal efficiency.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, Goal and and rationale to improve multisig operations makes sense for us.

1 Poll Closing May 29, 2024

Snapshot: Streamlining the LTIPP Bounties

Summary: proposal to streamline the LTIPP bounty process by allowing the LTIPP council more autonomy in choosing who completes each bounty.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, Goal and and rationale to improve and speed up incentive programs makes sense for us to vote FOR.

STIP Bridge Challenge Communication Rationale:

  1. Angle: Against, Metrics do not seem favorable for arb requested amount.
  2. Boost: Against, Metrics do not seem favorable for arb requested amount.
  3. Dolomite: For, STIP metrics looked favorable during and post-period.
  4. Furucombo: Against, Metrics do not seem favorable for arb request + wash trading concerns.
  5. Gains: For, Favorable dex protocol to incentivize trading activity in the arb ecosystem.
  6. Kyberswap: Against, Metrics do not seem favorable for second round.
  7. Mux, For, lowered requested amount to be more in-line with post stip metrics.
  8. OpenOcean: Abstain, Metrics seem incomplete to make final decision.
  9. Sanko GameCorp: For, one of the few games on arbitrum with traction and present narrative while experimenting the NOVA L3 tech stack.
  10. SavvyDao: For, requested amount seems reasonable.
  11. Socket: Against, Metrics not complete + remaining funds were not sent back to the stip committee after period.
  12. Solv Protocol: For, metrics and requested amount are reasonable.
  13. Stake: Against, Metrics not favorable for requested amount.
  14. Stargate: For, Metrics and requested amount are reasonable + battle tested bridge with NOVA support.
  15. Thales: For, Metrics seems favorable for requested amount.
  16. Thetanuts: For, metrics seems favorable for request amount.
  17. Tide: Against, metrics or impact on the arb ecosystem not meaningful.
  18. Umami: For, metrics and impact on the arb ecosystem seem reasonable.

1 Poll Closing May 31, 2024

Snapshot: Kwenta x Perennial: Arbitrum Onboarding Incentives

Summary: joint proposal requests 1.9 million ARB to fund targeted onboarding incentives, aiming to bring Kwenta users to Arbitrum.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, Kwenta and Perennial teams had been building and shipping products that will increase activity to the arb ecosystem, in addition, they took feedback and lowered grant amount to match current KPIs.

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Delegate Communication Thread for June activity:

1 Poll Closing June 02, 2024

Tally: Pilot Phase: M&A for Arbitrum DAO

Summary: proposal to create an M&A unit for the ARB DAO.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, The ask amount seems reasonable and building an M&A unit seems a good vertical to have for a rollup future development when it comes to expanding their Bizdev core services.

1 Poll Closing June 03, 2024

Tally: Front-end interface to force transaction inclusion during sequencer downtime

Summary: build front-end for users to force transactions when sequencer is down

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, this makes a lot of sense. having a front-end that will allow non-technical users to force txs in case the sequencer is down is a great ux improvement for the ARB rollup and ecosystem

1 Poll Closing June 06, 2024

Snapshot: Set up a Sub-Committee for the Security Services Subsidy Fund

Summary: The creation of a specialised sub-committee to administer the Subsidy Fund for Security Services.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR a program where new and current Arbitrum projects get access to audit/security services. While there might be caveats on eligibility, we look forward the first cohort of this program and hopefully the effects are net positive for the projects and the Arbitrum ecosystem in general.

1 Poll Closing June 06, 2024

Snapshot: AIP: Nova Fee Router Proposal (ArbOS 30)

Summary: Proposal to build a permissionless system to transfer NOVA fee router proposals directly to the Arbitrum DAO treasury

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, Automating and streamlining the transfer of funds to the arb dao makes sense for the ecosystem to build.

1 Poll Closing June 06, 2024

Snapshot: AIP: Activate Stylus and Enable Next-Gen WebAssembly Smart Contracts (ArbOS 30)

Summary: Proposal to activate Stylus on Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, Stylus is a great achievement build bu the ARB lab team, this should be implemented in production to keep improving the dev tools available in our ecosystem.

1 Poll Closing June 06, 2024

Snapshot: Support RIP-7212 for Account Abstraction Wallets (ArbOS 30)

Summary: Adopt RIP-7212 to add account abstraction wallets

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, this seem EV+ to keep improving the the devtools available in our ecosystem.

1 Poll Closing June 07, 2024

Tally: Catalyze Gaming Ecosystem Growth on Arbitrum

Summary: proposal to build a program to immediately expand awareness and adoption of Arbitrum/Orbit/Stylus by builders and players in the Gaming community

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, but this was prior to noticing the amount for operational exchanges changing from 10m to 25M. We do not agree with it.

1 Poll Closing June 09, 2024

Tally: ArbitrumDAO Contribution; Safeguarding Software Developers’ Rights

Summary: This proposal envisages a monetary contribution to DEF & Coin Center from the ArbitrumDAO to continue their policy, litigation & advocacy efforts in relation to open-source software & software developers’ rights.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, This is a no brainer for us, funding litigation for our developers within our ecosystem is paramount to fight back against centralized parties who endanger the future of out industry. We voted FOR after making sure the funds will be used to also said the Tornado Cash developers.

1 Poll Closing June 09, 2024

Tally: Constitutional AIP - Security Council Improvement Proposal

Summary: This AIP seeks to propose changes to the structure of the security council so Arbitrum can maintain the “Stage 1” designation as per L2BEAT and not fall back to “Stage 0” designation.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, Arbitrum is known for being the most mature L2 rollup. We should update and follow the guidelines to make sure our Stage 1 status is not downgraded.

1 Poll Closing June 11, 2024

Snapshot: AIP: Election of STEP Program Manager

Summary: Elections for the STEP Program manager

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, Steakhouse financial expertise seems fit to lead this role

1 Poll Closing June 11, 2024

Snapshot: AIP: [NON-CONSTITUTIONAL] Pilot Phase: Arbitrum Ventures Initiative

Summary: This proposal builds upon discussions during ETHDenver, and a subsequent six weeks of conducting the Arbitrum Venture Initiative (AVI) Working Group.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, The amount request and team background looks reasonable to experiment this idea.

1 Poll Closing June 13, 2024

Snapshot: AIP: BoLD - permissionless validation for Arbitrum

Summary: This Constitutional AIP proposes upgrading Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova’s Rollup Contracts to use Arbitrum BoLD and to support a new challenger manager contract on Ethereum

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, upgrading rollups to use Arbitrum BoLD will keep improving the dev experience in our ecosystem.

1 Poll Closing June 13, 2024

Snapshot: AIP: Funds to bootstrap the first BoLD validator - Bond sentiment

Summary: The Arbitrum Foundation is seeking 4,234 ETH, for Assertion and challenge bonds - to allow the Arbitrum Foundation to run a BoLD validator and fulfill the role of being the first, but not necessarily the only, honest and active proposer.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, funding the Arb foundation to run a bold validator is needed for a proper launch of the BoLD validator

1 Poll Closing June 13, 2024

Snapshot: AIP: Funds to bootstrap the first BoLD validator - Operational cost sentiment

Summary: The Arbitrum Foundation is seeking 900 ETH, for service and refund fees to run the BoLD validator

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, funding the Arb foundation to run a bold validator is needed for a proper launch of the BoLD validator and their operational costs

1 Poll Closing June 17, 2024

Snapshot: Pilot Stage – Treasury Backed Vaults research and development

Summary: * Give Arbitrum DAO more options for doing grants in stablecoins, making long term investments using stablecoins, and having safer access to capital without needing to sell treasury assets like ARB tokens.

Recommendation: Vote No. We voted AGAINST, at the current DAO stage we don’t think this program is necessary at the moment.

1 Poll Closing June 20, 2024

Snapshot: [Non-Constitutional] Betting on Builders: Infinite Launchpad Proposal

Summary: Build entity to run a launchpad program

Recommendation: Vote No. We voted AGAINST, our stance is that we have several program runnings already for any project to apply and get the right support they need to further improve the arb ecosystem. The 10M Amount seems too aggressive as well.

1 Poll Closing June 24, 2024

Tally: Kwenta x Perennial: Arbitrum Onboarding Incentives

Summary: joint proposal requests 1.9 million ARB to fund targeted onboarding incentives, aiming to bring Kwenta users to Arbitrum.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, Kwenta and Perennial teams had been building and shipping products that will increase activity to the arb ecosystem, in addition, they took feedback and lowered grant amount to match current KPIs.

Delegate Communication Thread for July activity:

1 Poll Closing July 11, 2024

[Snapshot: Approval of STEP committee recommendations(Snapshot)

Summary: This vote seeks to approve (or reject) the above list of service providers that ArbitrumDAO should use for diversifying its treasury, under the first iteration of the STEP program.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, The ask amount seems reasonable and this is a program we want the DAO to experiment with and see upcoming results for treasury diversification to increase the DAO treasury asset

1 Poll Closing July 18, 2024

[Snapshot: Improving Predictability in Arbitrum DAO’s Operations(Snapshot)

Summary: This proposal aims to introduce guidelines for posting proposals to a vote; primarily to reduce delegate fatigue by ensuring that Snapshot and Tally votes are posted at a regular cadence with greater predictability

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR improving predictability, having no additional cost for the DAO and providing a structure to improve voting cadences make sense for a healthier vote weight and distribution.

1 Poll Closing July 21, 2024

[Tally: [Non-Constitutional] - Subsidy Fund Proposal from the ADPC(Tally | Arbitrum | [Non-Constitutional] - Subsidy Fund Proposal from the ADPC)

Summary: This proposal allows the creation of a procurement subsidy fund allocating up to $2.5 million worth of ARB to provide financial assistance to both new and existing projects within the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted For, the ask amount seems reasonable and is great to have someone with the proper expertise and domain knowledge to work with the ADPC program.

1 Poll Closing July 23, 2024

[Snapshot: Pilot for a Questbook Jumpstart fund for problem definition and DAO improvement(Snapshot)

Summary: This proposal allows the DAO to proactively define key problem areas and have the community untangle them, as opposed to having delegates be reactive to proposals that benefit small subgroups of community members.

Recommendation: Vote NO. We voted against, the amount asked is not representative of current market conditions, plus we think this type of initiative is still too nascent to implement.

1 Poll Closing July 26, 2024

[Snapshot: Furucombo’s Misuse of Funds(Snapshot)

Summary: Having reviewed the STIP Analysis (ARDC Research Deliverables) prepared by Blockworks, the Arbitrum Foundation has observed that Furucombo misused 59.5K $ARB of its Backfund STIP grant.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, The misuse of funds had been documented clearly and we think a Ban is the right step.

1 Poll Closing July 26, 2024

[Tally: [NON-CONSTITUTIONAL] Pilot Phase: Arbitrum Ventures Initiative(Tally | Arbitrum | [NON-CONSTITUTIONAL] Pilot Phase: Arbitrum Ventures Initiative)

Summary: This proposal builds upon discussions during ETHDenver, and a subsequent six weeks of conducting the Arbitrum Venture Initiative (AVI) Working Group.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, The amount request and team background looks reasonable to experiment this idea.

1 Poll Closing July 31, 2024

[Snapshot: Gaming Catalyst Program (GCP) Council Voting(Snapshot)

Summary: This proposal is to vote for the GCP Council nominees.

Recommendation: We voted for David Bolger, C.J Bzdewka and CoinflipCanada. We believe these candidates have the right acumen and experience to be in the Council

1 Poll Closing July 31, 2024

[Snapshot: Change Arbitrum Expansion Program to allow deployments of new Orbit chains on any blockchain(Snapshot)

Summary: This proposal enables the Arbitrum Expansion program, which allows projects to fork the Arbitrum codebase, modify it to their business needs, and deploy it on any chain that derives security from Ethereum. In return, the new Orbit chain is expected to share 10% of their chain’s profit back to the wider Arbitrum ecosystem.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, we believe this program is net positive for the Arbitrum ecosystem, dao and treasury.


Delegate Communication Thread for August activity:

1 Poll Closing August 1, 2024

[Snapshot: Entropy Advisors: Exclusively Working With Arbitrum DAO(Snapshot)

Summary: This proposal aims to secure funding for Entropy Advisors to continue its work exclusively with the Arbitrum DAO for one year.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, The ask amount seems reasonable and we vouch for Entropy Advisor to work on this initiative.

1 Poll Closing August 1, 2024

[Gaming Catalyst Program (GCP) Council Voting(Snapshot)

Summary: Election for the GCP candidates

**Recommendation: We divided the votes 33.3% evenly between CoinflipCanada, C.J Bzdweka and David Bolger. We believe these candidates have the right exposure between web3gaming and experience within the ArbDAO

1 Poll Closing August 8, 2024

[ [Non-constitutional] Incentives Detox Proposal(Snapshot)

Summary: This proposal seeks the consensus of delegates to temporarily pause incentive programs in Arbitrum for 3 months after the conclusion of LTIPP and STIP Bridge distribution timeframes and utilize that time to structure a perpetual incentives program based on the data and the lessons learned from the programs we’ve had so far.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, as STIP recipients we believe we shouldn’t rush towards another incentive program as we provide for feedback for the past two terms and see how we can improve the STIP rewards for better distribution and impact

1 Poll Closing August 15, 2024

[ ARB Staking: Unlock ARB Utility and Align Governance(Snapshot)

Summary: Proposal to unlock ARB utility and improve the governance and security of the Arbitrum protocol by implementing ARB staking, without yet turning on fee distribution to token holders

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, we are looking forward in adding utility to the ARB token in a way that benefits the DAO.

1 Poll Closing August 15, 2024

[ Transparency and Standardized Metrics for Orbit Chains(Snapshot)

Summary: Proposal to increase the transparency into the Orbit stack by aggregating important metrics on a chain level so that users, builders, and DAO members can make better data-driven decisions, including what revenue an Orbit chain generates

Recommendation: Vote No. We voted Against, requested amount seems big and we believe we need more time for the Orbit ecosystem to mature and understand what metrics should be tracked for performance and potential incentives.

1 Poll Closing August 15, 2024

[ ArbitrumDAO Governance Analytics Dashboard(Snapshot)

Summary: Proposal to develop an ArbitrumDAO Governance Analytics Dashboard to support ongoing governance initiatives, enhance transparency, and provide comprehensive insights into governance data.

Recommendation: Vote No. We voted Against, seems like an overkill of the current Karma dashboard we have.

1 Poll Closing August 15, 2024

Tally: [Constitutional] ArbOS 31 “Bianca” (Stylus, RIP-7212 Support, Nova Fee Router) )

Summary: This AIP proposes the activation of ArbOS 31 on Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, looking forward for the stylus upgrade.

1 Poll Closing August 15, 2024

Tally: Arbitrum Multi-sig Support Service (MSS) )

Summary: Proposal to create a structured multi-sig framework to facilitate funded programs within Arbitrum DAO to reduce operational spend and increase proposal efficiency.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, Goal and and rationale to improve multisig operations makes sense for us.

1 Poll Closing August 22, 2024

[ Should the DAO Default to using Shielded Voting for Snapshot Votes?(Snapshot)

Summary: This is a temperature check to gauge the DAO’s overall opinion on using Shielded Voting

Recommendation: Vote No. We voted Against, while it was a cool experiment to run for a temp check. We believe the shielded voting is not the best way to avoid bias voting based on the current weights of the votes and might cause even more voter fatigue.

1 Poll Closing August 22, 2024

[ Should the DAO Default to using Shielded Voting for Snapshot Votes?(Snapshot)

Summary: This is a temperature check to gauge the DAO’s overall opinion on using Shielded Voting

Recommendation: Vote No. We voted Against, while it was a cool experiment to run for a temp check. We believe the shielded voting is not the best way to avoid bias voting based on the current weights of the votes and might cause even more voter fatigue.

1 Poll Closing August 22, 2024

[ ArbitrumDAO Off-site(Snapshot)

Summary: temp check to explore the idea of an offsite for arb delegates.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted For, exploring the idea of an offsite is worth discussing. As this is a temp check, we see no harm in voting for.

1 Poll Closing August 22, 2024

[ An (EIP-4824 powered) daoURI for the Arbitrum DAO(Snapshot)

Summary: Proposal for the Arbitrum DAO takes control of its data by publishing a daoURI onchain.

Recommendation: Vote No. We voted Against, this doesn’t seem like a priority for the ARB dao to implement.

1 Poll Closing August 22, 2024

[ Strategic Treasury Management on Arbitrum(Snapshot)

Summary: The following proposal evaluates the consensus in the DAO to begin implementing the Arbitrum Strategic Treasury Management Group (ASTMG).

Recommendation: Vote No. We voted Against, proposal timing with the current market conditions and unclear political policies for crypto might increase risk for a possible vector attack by certain gov agencies.

1 Poll Closing August 23, 2024

Tally: Entropy Advisors: Exclusively Working With Arbitrum DAO )

Summary: This proposal aims to secure funding for Entropy Advisors to continue its work exclusively with the Arbitrum DAO for one year.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted FOR, The ask amount seems reasonable and we vouch for Entropy Advisor to work on this initiative.

1 Poll Closing August 29, 2024

[ Ethereum Protocol Attackathon Sponsorship(Snapshot)

Summary: This proposal seeks funding from the Arbitrum DAO to support an “Attackathon,

Recommendation: Vote Yes. We voted For Panda Partners, we believe increasing/enhancing Arbitrum security is a must.

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