Proposal: [CONSTITUTIONAL] - Adopt Timeboost + Nova Fee Sweep
Voting type & platform: Onchain - Tally
Vote: For
Reasoning: We continue to adhere to our previous rationale in the tempcheck phases regarding timeboost and nova fee sweep.
Regarding Timeboost, while our rationale dates back to last September and some changes may have occurred since then, we still appreciate the fact that this proposal has gone through a lot of research and development since it started as a forum proposal over a year ago. We trust the work that OCL has done so far. We have reviewed the changes made in the combined proposal that was this proposal’s tempcheck phase, and as we did there, we continue to support it in the onchain phase. Timeboost represents innovation and increased security, two aspects we are always in favor of.
As for the Nova Fee Sweep part, as we have already indicated, we believe that this modernization process needs to continue on its path, and so we consider it necessary, and again we reiterate that we greatly appreciate the whole development of it, which has been done in a progressive and cautious way, plus security audits in the middle to get to the current status of the proposal. We believe that the proposal will have a potential revenue for the DAO by using the idle funds once and for all.