BristolBlockchain Delegate Communication Thread

Bristol Blockchain Society

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Snapshot Profile: Snapshot

Delegate Statement: Link


March 2, 2024
1 Poll Closing
AIP: ArbOS 20 “Atlas” - Arbitrum Support for Dencun + Batch Poster Improvements
Vote: For
This proposal enables the use of EIP 4844 to post batches of L2 txns on L1 Ethereum at cheaper price thus reducing the gas fees. Others L2s already implemented this change, we are in support of this proposal.

March 7, 2024
1 Poll Closing
[Non-constitutional] Proposal to fund Plurality Labs Milestone 1B(ridge)
Vote: For
We are very supportive of this proposal and truthfully believe in the value that funding can create. Creating “the most robust pluralistic grants ecosystem in DAO history” will be challenging, and you will make mistakes. We appreciate that you admitted your mistakes and proposed a solution for them; that is why we are improving.

It takes time to see another 250+ projects succeed. However, as long as Arbitrum still exists and has the proper structure/vision, that time will come.

March 12, 2024
5 Polls Closing

[1] ARDC Research Member Election
Vote: 75% for Blockworks/Delphi Digital, 25% for The Block
We believe that both of the options will suit the role well. However, we weighted Blockworks and Delphi Digital more based on the active participation of Blockworks Research in the Arbitum DAO and the JV between the two firms.

[2] ARDC DAO Advocate Election
Vote: 100% for L2BEAT/Ant Federation
L2BEAT actively participates in the Arbitrum DAO, commenting, proposing ideas, and creating proposals, making them well-suited for the ARDC DAO Advocate role.

[3] ARDC Security Member Election
Vote: 40% for Trail of Bits, 40% for OpenZeppelin, 10% for Halborn, 10% for Nethermind
We believe that OpenZeppelin and Trail of Bits, with their undisputed expertise in security research, deserve a significant share of the vote. Recognising the importance of nurturing a diverse security landscape, we also support emerging firms like Nethermind and Halborn.

[4] ARDC Risk Member Election
Vote: Elect Chaos Labs.
There is no other option.
We’ve seen the quality of their work firsthand during Aave’s market risk assessment. Their insights and precision in risk evaluation are essential for Arbitrum DAO.

[5] [Non-Emergency Action] Fix Fee Oversight ArbOS v20 “Atlas”
Vote: Set L1 Surplus Fee and L2 minimum
This proposal seeks to adjust Arbitrum’s fee structure to reflect Ethereum’s Dencun upgrade changes. It proposes reducing the L1 surplus fee to 0 and the L2 base fee to 0.01 gwei, aligning with Arbitrum Nova’s settings. While it’s expected to reduce short-term revenue for the ArbitrumDAO, we believe that it will create long-term benefits through increased transaction volume.

March 18, 2024
1 Poll Closing
Request for Continuation of the Arbitrum DDA Program Request
Vote: For
We support the continuation of the Questbook’s Arbitrum Delegated Domain Allocation Program. The initial phase has already shown significant success by distributing $912k to over 60 innovative projects, demonstrating tangible value to the ecosystem. Advancing with a $4m budget dedicated to domain-specific allocations will open new doors for the development of niche products and also welcome fresh talents.

March 20, 2024
1 Poll Closing
[Non-Constitutional AIP] Front-end interface to force transaction inclusion during sequencer downtime
Vote: For
We support this proposal for enhancing trust and censorship resistance in the Arbitrum ecosystem. Enabling users to submit transactions directly on L1 during Sequencer outages ensures uninterrupted access and aligns with Arbitrum’s commitment to decentralisation.

March 22, 2024
1 Poll Closing
Catalyze Arbitrum Gaming: HADOUKEN!
Vote: Abstain
We support the Gaming Catalyst Program’s intent to enrich Arbitrum’s gaming ecosystem. However, the requested 200m ARB seems excessive given the current market valuation, approximately $350m. While we acknowledge the potential of gaming to enhance L2 competitiveness, we remain skeptical about its ability to deliver proportional value for such a significant investment.

March 27, 2024
2 Polls Closing
[1] Expand Tally Support for the Arbitrum DAO
Vote: For
Tally’s proposal to expand support for the Arbitrum DAO is significant for ensuring efficient, inclusive, and scalable governance within the Arbitrum ecosystem. Their history as a reliable service provider and their commitment to enhancing the proposal process and governance infrastructure demonstrates a clear alignment with Arbitrum’s decentralised ethos. We love Tally!

[2] [Non-constitutional] Proposal to fund Plurality Labs Milestone 1B(ridge)
Vote: For
Forwarding the rationale from the Snapshot phase:
We are very supportive of this proposal and truthfully believe in the value that funding can create. Creating “the most robust pluralistic grants ecosystem in DAO history” will be challenging, and you will make mistakes. We appreciate that you admitted your mistakes and proposed a solution for them; that is why we are improving.

It takes time to see another 250+ projects succeed. However, as long as Arbitrum still exists and has the proper structure/vision, that time will come.

March 30, 2024
1 Poll Closing
Double-Down on STIP Successes (STIP-Bridge)
Vote: Against
We’re leaning towards supporting the idea behind the STIP Bridge proposal, which aims to ensure key projects remain on Arbitrum amidst competition. However, the rush to advance this proposal has left us with too many unresolved questions and a sense of ambiguity about its implementation details. Until a clear and more detailed revision is presented, we’re hesitant to fully back it.

April 6, 2024
1 Poll Closing
Arbitrum Stable Treasury Endowment Program
Vote: For
We support the idea of using the treasury to generate stable income. By investing in assets with minimal volatility and providing yield that is uncorrelated to crypto markets, the proposal will generate a reliable source of income.

April 12, 2024
2 Polls Closing
[1] Empowering Early Contributors: The community Arbiter Proposal 2.0
Vote: For
We strongly believe that earlier Arbiter should be compensated for what they had done.

[2] Expand Tally Support for the Arbitrum DAO
Vote: For
Forwarding the rationale from the Snapshot phase:
Tally’s proposal to expand support for the Arbitrum DAO is significant for ensuring efficient, inclusive, and scalable governance within the Arbitrum ecosystem. Their history as a reliable service provider and their commitment to enhancing the proposal process and governance infrastructure demonstrates a clear alignment with Arbitrum’s decentralised ethos. We love Tally!

April 15, 2024
77 Polls Closing
These polls were related to the LTIPP Council’s Recommended Proposal. We voted “For” for 69 of the proposals. For the remaining 8, we voted “Abstain” because we share some of the council’s concerns.

Primex LTIPP Council Recommended Proposal
Pike LTIPP Council Recommended Proposal
Orderly Network LTIPP Council Recommended Proposal
Mountain Protocol LTIPP Council Recommended Proposal
Knights of the Ether LTIPP Council Recommended Proposal
Fiat 24 LTIPP Council Recommended Proposal
DeltaPrime LTIPP Council Recommended Proposal
Steadefi LTIPP Council Recommended Proposal

April 20, 2024
1 Poll Closing
Request for Continuation of the Arbitrum DDA Program
Vote: For
Forwarding the rationale from the Snapshot phase:
We support the continuation of the Questbook’s Arbitrum Delegated Domain Allocation Program. The initial phase has already shown significant success by distributing $912k to over 60 innovative projects, demonstrating tangible value to the ecosystem. Advancing with a $4m budget dedicated to domain-specific allocations will open new doors for the development of niche products and also welcome fresh talents.

April 25, 2024
3 Polls Closing
[1] Delegate to Voter Enfranchisement Pool — Event Horizon
Vote: For
We agreed that voting power is fragmented among the delegates, especially the small delegates. We hope this proposal helps distribute the voting power back.

[2] Subsidy Fund for Security Services
Vote: 100% for 1 cohort of 8 weeks, $2.5M fund
We believe in the idea of a security audit subsidy fund; thus, we are voting in favour. As the first trial, we think a 1 cohort with $2.5M would be a good starting point.

[3] Safeguarding Software Developers’ Rights & the Right to Privacy
Vote: 100% for Fund with 500,000 ARB each
We think that, as the leader in the industry, Arbitrum should stand in a position to support these efforts. Software developers should be able to contribute to the development and subsequent deployment of open-source permissionless software without the risk of getting legal challenges.

May 2, 2024
2 Polls Closing
[1] GovHack at ETH CC (Brussels)
Vote: For
As a university society, we deeply understand how hackathon is essential to encourage hans-on experience.

[2] Grant Request - Curve Finance
Vote: For
Curve has been the backbone of DeFi since the beginning. We believe this funding will help increase the liquidity in the Arbitrum ecosystem.

May 9, 2024
1 Poll Closing
Proposal for Approval of DeDaub as the ADPC Security Advisor
Vote: For
The budget is reasonable, and the candidate has more than enough background.

May 15, 2024
1 Poll Closing
Pilot Phase: M&A for Arbitrum DAO
Vote: For
We believe in the power of investing, such as M&A. This will help Arbitrum acquire resources instantly in deals that seem fit.

May 27, 2024
18 Poll Closing
[1] MUX STIP Bridge Challenge
Vote: Abstain
We believe that the asking amount is too much.

[2] Stargate STIP Bridge Challenge
Vote: Approve funding
We believe that the proposal is possible to execute and the asking amount is reasonable.

[3] Solv STIP Bridge Challenge
Vote: Approve funding
We believe that the proposal is possible to execute and the asking amount is reasonable.

[4] Sanko GameCorp STIP Bridge Challenge
Vote: Approve funding
We believe that the proposal is possible to execute and the asking amount is reasonable.

[5] Tide STIP Bridge Challenge
Vote: Abstain
We believe that the proposal is not possible to execute and/or not reasonable.

[6] KyberSwap STIP Bridge Challenge
Vote: Approve funding
We believe that the proposal is possible to execute and the asking amount is reasonable.

[7] Gains Network STIP Addendum
Vote: Approve funding
We believe that the proposal is possible to execute and the asking amount is reasonable.

[8] Boost (Prev. RabbitHole) STIP Addendum
Vote: Abstain
We believe that the asking amount is too much.

[9] Thales Protocol STIP Addendum
Vote: Approve funding
We believe that the proposal is possible to execute and the asking amount is reasonable.

[10] Savvy DAO STIP Addendum
Vote: Approve funding
We believe that the proposal is possible to execute and the asking amount is reasonable.

[11] Stake DAO STIP Addendum
Vote: Abstain
We believe that the proposal is not possible to execute and/or not reasonable.

[12] Furucombo STIP Addendum
Vote: Abstain
We believe that the proposal is not possible to execute and/or not reasonable.

[13] Socket Bridge STIP Addendum
Vote: Abstain
We believe that the proposal is not possible to execute and/or not reasonable.

[14] Angle DAO STIP Addendum
Vote: Approve funding
We believe that the proposal is possible to execute and the asking amount is reasonable.

[15] OpenOcean STIP Addendum
Vote: Abstain
We believe that the proposal is not possible to execute and/or not reasonable.

[16] Thetanuts Finance STIP Addendum
Vote: Approve funding
We believe that the proposal is possible to execute and the asking amount is reasonable.

[17] Dolomite STIP Addendum
Vote: Approve funding
We believe that the proposal is possible to execute and the asking amount is reasonable.

[18] Umami Finance STIP Addendum
Vote: Approve funding
We believe that the proposal is possible to execute and the asking amount is reasonable.

May 28, 2024
2 Polls Closing
[1] Arbitrum Multi-sig Support Service (MSS)
Vote: FOR - Implement MSS and Reporting
We support this proposal since a structured multi-sig framework will reduce operational spending and increase proposal efficiency. This will solve unnecessary overload.

[2] Streamlining the LTIPP Bounties
Vote: For
LTIPP includes a lot of protocols; creating a system will help increase efficiency and reduce unnecessary workload.

May 31, 2024
1 Poll Closing
Kwenta x Perennial: Arbitrum Onboarding Incentives
This proposal will onboard Kwenta users onto Arbitrum as Kwentra has proven itself to be a successful protocol since its launch on Optimism.

On Tally
May 5, 2024
Double-Down on STIP Successes (STIP-Bridge)
Vote: Against
Forwarding the rationale from the Snapshot phase:
We’re leaning towards supporting the idea behind the STIP Bridge proposal, which aims to ensure key projects remain on Arbitrum amidst competition. However, the rush to advance this proposal has left us with too many unresolved questions and a sense of ambiguity about its implementation details. Until a clear and more detailed revision is presented, we’re hesitant to fully back it.

May 19, 2024
GovHack at ETH CC (Brussels)
Vote: For
Forwarding the rationale from the Snapshot phase:
As a university society, we deeply understand how hackathon is essential to encourage hans-on experience.

May 28, 2024
Grant Request - Curve Finance
Vote: For
Forwarding the rationale from the Snapshot phase:
Curve has been the backbone of DeFi since the beginning. We believe this funding will help increase the liquidity in the Arbitrum ecosystem.

On Snapshot
June 12, 2024
Election of STEP Program Manager
After reading all the applicants, we believe that seems the most suitable.

[NON-CONSTITUTIONAL] Pilot Phase: Arbitrum Ventures Initiative
Vote: Abstrain
We believe that, as of now, it’s not the right time to establish a venture arm. It’s not that we are against the idea but more that we are unsure where the proposal will lead. Thus, we voted abstain.

June 14, 2024
AIP: BoLD - permissionless validation for Arbitrum
Vote: For
We believe that permissionless validation is essential to the Arbitrum ecosystem. This will enhance security and mitigate the risk of delay attacks. We should take security very seriously.

AIP: Funds to bootstrap the first BoLD validator - Bond sentiment.
Vote: For
This is a continued proposal from the above. We are already in support of permissionless validation. Therefore, we voted “for”.

AIP: Funds to bootstrap the first BoLD validator - Operational cost sentiment.
Vote: For
This is a continued proposal from the above. We are already in support of permissionless validation. Therefore, we voted “for”.

June 18, 2024
Pilot Stage – Treasury Backed Vaults research and development
Vote: Against
This proposal creates unnecessary risks for Arbitrum. We do not see any problem with distributing rewards in native $ARB tokens.

June 20, 2024
[Non-Constitutional] Betting on Builders: Infinite Launchpad Proposal
Vote: Against
This proposal creates unnecessary risks for Arbitrum. We believe that the goal of Arbitrum is not to be a venture building platform.

June 27, 2024
ArbitrumHub Evolution: The Next Step in Streamlining Information Access and Raising Awareness for Arbitrum DAO
Vote: Against
We believe in the idea of this proposal, however, the cost is too expensive. For this reason, we are voting against it.

June 28, 2024
Multisig Support Service (MSS) Elections
Griff Green

Disruption Joe
The Block
404 DAO

We chose these weightings for individuals or organizations based on their contributions to the Arbitrum ecosystem.

On Tally
June 4, 2024
Front-end interface to force transaction inclusion during sequencer downtime
Vote: For
Forwarding the rationale from the Snapshot phase:
We support this proposal for enhancing trust and censorship resistance in the Arbitrum ecosystem. Enabling users to submit transactions directly on L1 during Sequencer outages ensures uninterrupted access and aligns with Arbitrum’s commitment to decentralisation.

Pilot Phase: M&A for Arbitrum DAO
Vote: For
Forwarding the rationale from the Snapshot phase:
We believe in the power of investing, such as M&A. This will help Arbitrum acquire resources instantly in deals that seem fit.

Catalyze Gaming Ecosystem Growth on Arbitrum
Vote: Against
Forwarding the rationale from the Snapshot phase:
We support the Gaming Catalyst Program’s intent to enrich Arbitrum’s gaming ecosystem. However, the requested 200m ARB is way too much. While we acknowledge the potential of gaming to enhance L2 competitiveness, we remain sceptical about its ability to deliver proportional value for such a significant investment.

June 9, 2024
Constitutional AIP - Security Council Improvement Proposal
Vote: For
This proposal creates more safety for the users. A similar implementation was implemented on Optimism. We believe this is the way it should move forward.

June 10, 2024
ArbitrumDAO Contribution; Safeguarding Software Developers’ Rights
Vote: For
Forwarding the rationale from the Snapshot phase:
We think that, as the leader in the industry, Arbitrum should stand in a position to support these efforts. Software developers should be able to contribute to the development and subsequent deployment of open-source permissionless software without the risk of getting legal challenges

June 25, 2024
Kwenta x Perennial: Arbitrum Onboarding Incentives
Vote: For
Forwarding the rationale from the Snapshot phase:
This proposal will onboard Kwenta users onto Arbitrum as Kwentra has proven itself to be a successful protocol since its launch on Optimism.

1 Like

December 2024



[1] Arbitrum D.A.O. Domain Allocator Offerings) Grant Program - Season 3
Vote: Renew with 5 domains
We have voted to renew the grant program for Season 3, expanding to five domains by adding Orbit. In previous seasons, the program demonstrated acceptable results; for instance, Season 1 achieved a completion rate of 73%. Therefore, we believe it is prudent to continue into Season 3.

Orbit is essential to the Arbitrum ecosystem as it enables developers to launch customizable Layer 2 and Layer 3 chains, enhancing scalability and interoperability within the network. Consequently, we support the inclusion of five domains in the upcoming season.

[2] ARDC (V2) Risk Election
Vote: 100% for Nethermind
Having a prior role in the STEP Committee that oversaw the deployment of $35M in stablecoin investments, Nethermind’s skills in managing financial risks was clearly demonstrated. The expertise in risk assessment and coming up with solutions in tokenomics in their works with dYdX and Puffer Finance also further supports this. Their proposal for the Incentive Programme Allocation Framework, unlike other candidates, includes defining quantitative milestones which is something we agree with as a structured approach that should be implemented to ensure that incentives are effective.

While other candidates bring great value, we believe either their scopes are too narrow and too focused, for example, on governance attack vectors. It may also be the case that they lacked the financial modelling experience that Nethermind offers. Overall, from their past impact on the DAO, we think they should be able to align to ArbitrumDAO’s goals.

[3] ARDC (V2) Supervisory Council Election
Vote: 100% on Frisson (Comm Role)

Frisson has demonstrated significant engagement in Arbitrum’s governance, actively participating in discussions and proposals. Given this active involvement and commitment to the Arbitrum ecosystem, Frisson is well-suited for a communication role within the community.

[4] [NON-CONSTITUTIONAL] Arbitrum Onboarding V2: A Governance Bootcamp
Vote: For
We support the Governance Bootcamp proposal, as it offers a structured pathway for newcomers to effectively engage in Arbitrum’s governance.

Investing in comprehensive programs like this, despite their complexity and time requirements, is essential for the sustainable growth of our governance community.

A clear and well-defined onboarding process will streamline the integration of new participants, enhancing their contributions and fostering a more inclusive ecosystem.

[5] ARDC (V2) Security Election
Vote: 50% for OpenZeppelin, 50% for Trail of Bits
We have allocated our votes equally between OpenZeppelin and Trail of Bits, recognizing both as top-tier security firms in the DeFi space. OpenZeppelin is renowned for its comprehensive security audits and widely-used smart contract libraries, contributing significantly to blockchain security. Trail of Bits has a strong reputation for high-end security research, securing some of the world’s most targeted organizations and products. Their track records make them ideal candidates to enhance the security and integrity of the Arbitrum ecosystem.

[6] ARDC (V2) Research Election
Vote: 40% for The Block, 40% for Blockworks Research, and 20% for Llama Research.
In the ARDC (V2) Research Election, we have allocated our votes as follows: 40% to The Block, 40% to Blockworks Research, and 20% to Llama Research. These weightings reflect our recognition of each firm’s expertise and contributions to the Arbitrum ecosystem.



[1] Arbitrum Hackathon Builder Continuation
Vote: For
This project would allow for projects with high potential to get the resources and funding they need. With mentorship and the right support, it would help create long-term value for the Arbitrum ecosystem. The phases defined help ensure that there is market demand and strong business cases to allow for resources to be allocated to projects that have the highest potential.

This can fast track not just the development of projects but also the growth in the ecosystem. Hackathons are already a great way of gathering a pool of talented individuals with great ideas and helping them with connections and giving the right support should allow these projects to continue on prospering and lead to significant developments.

However, we think that clear milestones should be set for these teams to ensure accountability. There should be some sort of method to measure progress to make sure the teams are moving forward and towards a goal they have. This could be brought up by the RnDao committee after assessment of the teams. Nevertheless, a great initiative.

[2] Treasury Management V1.2
Vote: For
We are voting FOR on Tally. This proposal addresses the issue of underutilised treasury assets and adds an extra layer of security against market volatility by creating a stablecoin reserve and deploying ETH holdings into productive strategies.

However, in future iterations, we believe committee members should be elected with active participation from the DAO. This should allow for more transparency and ensure that the members elected are those that the majority of the DAO truly agrees on. That being said, having compensation being tied to milestones achieved is a step in the right direction, as it promotes accountability and ensures that the appointed members are incentivised to deliver measurable outcomes.

Establishing two management tracks creates a structured approach to optimising resource allocation. The treasury management track should address the immediate need to reduce volatility risks and make sure service providers are paid reliably. The growth track would allow for a forward-looking perspective through building partnerships and investing in ETH-backed strategies.

Ultimately, This is a good first step and a solid foundation for improving the DAO’s financial management and operational efficiency. Improvements should be analysed and addressed in the next iteration.

January 2025



[1] Non-Constitutional: Stable Treasury Endowment Program 2.0
Vote: For
We support STEP 2.0 as it strengthens RWA as a key narrative for Arbitrum, positioning the ecosystem at the forefront of real-world asset adoption. The initial implementation of STEP demonstrated strong execution and stability, and we believe expanding this initiative builds on that solid foundation. Diversifying treasury assets is essential for long-term sustainability, mitigating exposure to crypto market volatility while generating stable cash flow.

[2] Arbitrum D.A.O. Season 3 Elections - New Protocols and Ideas
Vote: CastleCapital, Saurabh, Gabriel (33.33% each)
After thoroughly reviewing the applications and assessing the candidates’ consistent contributions to Arbitrum’s governance, we have determined that Gabriel, Saurabh, and CastleCapital are exceptionally qualified for this role. Their active participation and demonstrated commitment to the community’s development have led us to allocate our votes equally among them, with each receiving 33.33%.

[3] Arbitrum D.A.O. Season 3 Elections - Education, Community Growth, and Events
Vote: SEEDGov 100%
After reviewing the applications and considering the candidates’ contributions to the Arbitrum ecosystem, we have cast our vote entirely in favor of SEEDGov. Their extensive experience in governance design and operations, as well as their active participation in various DAOs, demonstrates their capability to effectively manage grants in the Education, Community Growth, and Events domain.

[4] Arbitrum D.A.O. Season 3 Elections - Dev Tooling on One and Stylus
Vote: Andreiv 40%, ariutokintumi 40%, Abstain 20%
We allocated our votes as follows: 40% to Andreiv, 40% to ariutokintumi, and 20% to Abstain. This distribution reflects our assessment of the application quality, acknowledging the strengths of both candidates. The 20% abstention indicates our view that no single applicant fully meets all criteria for the role.

[5] Arbitrum D.A.O. Season 3 Elections - Gaming
Vote: Abstain 100%
After reviewing all candidate applications, we found that none fully met our criteria for the role. Consequently, we have chosen to abstain from voting, reflecting our assessment that there is no suitable candidate at this time.

[6] The Watchdog: Arbitrum DAO’s Grant Misuse Bounty Program
Vote: For
We strongly support the proposal. Implementing this system is a prudent measure, as the cost of establishing such a program is significantly lower than the potential losses from misused funds. Grant systems are often susceptible to exploitation, with common issues including conflicts of interest, inadequate support for fund usage, and outright theft. Lastly, establishing clear guidelines and a structured reporting mechanism will promote transparency thus increasing trust among stakeholders.

[7] Proposal for Piloting Enhancements and Strengthening the Sustainability of ArbitrumHub in the Year Ahead
Vote: For with Retroactive Funding
We have cast our vote For with Retroactive Funding on the proposal to enhance and sustain ArbitrumHub. We believe that ArbitrumHub can serve as a unified resource for the entire Arbitrum ecosystem, centralizing information and fostering community engagement. Additionally, we support retroactive funding, adhering to the principle that valuable contributions should be recognized and rewarded. Compensating the team for their past work acknowledges their efforts and encourages continued dedication to the platform’s development.

[8] Arbitrum Strategic Objective Setting (SOS) – Defining the DAO’s Interim Goals
Vote: For
We voted FOR, recognizing the urgency of establishing interim goals to ensure alignment and effective governance within the DAO. By setting clear short- and mid-term objectives, we aim to unify contributors, promote accountability through measurable targets, and enable efficient resource allocation toward initiatives that support our shared objectives.


[1] [Constitutional AIP] Activate Arbitrum BoLD + Infura Nova Validator Whitelist
Vote: For
We support the proposal to activate Arbitrum BoLD and whitelist Infura as a Nova validator. Implementing BoLD will enhance the ecosystem’s security by introducing a robust dispute resolution protocol. Enabling permissionless validation is a critical milestone on Arbitrum’s journey toward full decentralization, ensuring network resiliency. We have supported this proposal in its earlier stages and continue to endorse its advancement.

February 2025



[1] Approve the Nova Fee Sweep Action
Vote: For
This proposal finalises a more efficient and transparent fee collection system for Nova. Transferring the accumulated fees from the legacy L1TimelockAlias contract into the DAO treasury ensures that these resources can be put to better use in support of the Arbitrum ecosystem.

[2] Arbitrum Growth Circles Event Proposal
Vote: For
We have decided to support this proposal, primarily because we believe it offers a constructive pathway to foster growth for protocols in the Arbitrum ecosystem. While concerns have been raised about the budget, we feel that the overall potential for bolstering community-led engagement and knowledge-sharing is a worthy investment.

We also note that the same team behind the Arbitrum Ventures Initiative (AVI) is proposing this event series, which suggests they already have a suitable audience of protocols in need of these support sessions. Given that the Arbitrum Ventures Initiative (AVI) was established to direct strategic ecosystem investments and expand Arbitrum’s reach among emerging protocols, it has already built a robust network of founders and industry partners.

However, we do share the community’s reservations regarding the softness of the proposed KPIs. Even though we are voting in favour, we would like to see more robust and quantifiable metrics in the final implementation. A clearer definition of success—such as the number of protocols effectively onboarded, specific liquidity or usage milestones achieved, or longer-term retention—would help ensure accountability and transparency in measuring this initiative’s true value.

[3] [CONSTITUTIONAL] AIP: ArbOS Version 40 Callisto
Vote: For
We support this constitutional AIP because upgrading Arbitrum One and Nova to the latest ArbOS version is essential for keeping both networks current, secure, and high-performing. We see no compelling reason to vote against a necessary software update that aligns with the broader goal of maintaining Arbitrum’s technical edge.

[4] Arbitrum Audit Program
Vote: For
We believe this proposal addresses a key challenge for small to medium protocols that cannot afford the high cost of audits. By lowering barriers to thorough security checks, the initiative will help these projects safely grow within the Arbitrum ecosystem. While we acknowledge there may be misalignment on who precisely should execute and oversee the programme, we view audits as indispensable for maintaining ecosystem trust.

Accordingly, we suggest forming a joint committee—comprising representatives from the ADPC and the Arbitrum Foundation—to manage the programme. This dual approach would align resources and expertise.



[1] Non-Constitutional: Stable Treasury Endowment Program 2.0
Vote: For
We already support this proposal in the Sanpshot phase thus we will in the Tally phase. We support STEP 2.0 as it strengthens RWA as a key narrative for Arbitrum, positioning the ecosystem at the forefront of real-world asset adoption. The initial implementation of STEP demonstrated strong execution and stability, and we believe expanding this initiative builds on that solid foundation. Diversifying treasury assets is essential for long-term sustainability, mitigating exposure to crypto market volatility while generating stable cash flow.

[2] Arbitrum D.A.O. (Domain Allocator Offerings) Grant Program - Season 3
Vote: For
We already vote for the Domain Allocator applicants in the Snapshot phase. We will supported the winning participant in the Tally phase.

Forwarding our rationales from the Snapshot phase:
We have voted to renew the grant program for Season 3, expanding to five domains by adding Orbit. In previous seasons, the program demonstrated acceptable results; for instance, Season 1 achieved a completion rate of 73%. Therefore, we believe it is prudent to continue into Season 3.

Orbit is essential to the Arbitrum ecosystem as it enables developers to launch customizable Layer 2 and Layer 3 chains, enhancing scalability and interoperability within the network. Consequently, we support the inclusion of five domains in the upcoming season.