DAOplomats Delegate Communication Thread

[Snapshot] Gaming Catalyst Program (GCP) Council Voting

Voted: 33.3% each for Coinflip (Gov), David Bolger (BD) and Karthik Raju (Venture)

We would have preferred to abstain but we did support the individuals we feel are best suited for those positions.

[Snapshot] Entropy Advisors: Exclusively Working With Arbitrum DAO

Voted: Do not Fund

We agree Entropy has been great for the Arbitrum DAO but we couldn’t support this proposal because of its cost.

[Snapshot] [Non-constitutional] Incentives Detox Proposal

Voted: FOR

We were supportive of taking a break from incentives to really dial in on learnings. This would in turn help finetune future incentive programs we would run.

[Snapshot] ARB Staking: Unlock ARB Utility and Align Governance

Voted: FOR

ARB Staking unlocks various possibilities with the ARB governance token and the future of staking rewards. We supported this initiative by voting in favor during the temp check.

[Snapshot] Transparency and Standardized Metrics for Orbit Chains

Voted: FOR

We believe the metrics growthepie would be producing would be quite valuable for the DAO, so we supported this proposal during the temp check.

[Snapshot] ArbitrumDAO Governance Analytics Dashboard

Voted: FOR

We were in favor of this proposal as we believe this governance dashboard would make more critical governance analysis available for the DAO.

[Tally] [Constitutional] ArbOS 31 “Bianca” (Stylus, RIP-7212 Support, Nova Fee Router)

Voted: FOR

We supported all the upgrades during the temp check and maintained that stance for the onchain vote.

[Tally] Arbitrum Multi-sig Support Service (MSS)

Voted: FOR

We maintained our stance from Snapshot, voting in favor during the onchain vote.

[Snapshot] Should the DAO Default to using Shielded Voting for Snapshot Votes?

Voted: For Elections Only

Implementing this should serve as a good experimentation so we voted to use shielded voting for elections only at this point.

[Snapshot] Proposal to Temporary Extend Delegate Incentive System

Voted: FOR

We supported this temporary incentive extension as we have been pleased with the positive effect of this initiative so far and would love to see it continue.

[Snapshot] ArbitrumDAO Off-site

Voted: FOR

This is a good experimentation and one we were happy to support during the temp check.

[Snapshot] An (EIP-4824 powered) daoURI for the Arbitrum DAO


This proposal didn’t follow the right governance procedures so we voted against it.

[Snapshot] Strategic Treasury Management on Arbitrum


This is a good proposal but we would love to see an RFP process around it before moving forward. Thus, we voted against it during temp check.

[Snapshot] Should the DAO Create COI & Self Voting Policies?

Voted: FOR: Strict Self-voting Policy

We supported the creation of these policies but leaned towards a strict self-voting policy during the temp check vote as we believe that would be much more healthy for the DAO.

[Tally] Entropy Advisors: Exclusively Working With Arbitrum DAO


We maintained our stance from Snapshot, voting against during the onchain vote.

[Snapshot] Ethereum Protocol Attackathon Sponsorship

Voted: Panda Partners

We were happy to support this attackathon as panda partners as we believe security is important and we are generally in favor of initiatives that benefit the Ethereum ecosystem.

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