DataGrants: Permissionless Suggestion Box Kick-Off & Status

Another quick update - we have completed all of the submissions and are compiling votes for the second batch of submissions.

Having led similar programs over the years, mostly supporting Gitcoin-related ecosystems, I’ll share that as we end this program with an enormous amount of activity, engaged data scientists, and new approaches to analysis and to gathering data demonstrated - the next step starts.

And that next step is out of our hands. Now it will be the responsibility of the ThankARB and Arbitrum Community to decide whether they will embrace crowd-sourcing of insights or not.

If they do - they will have an ever more transparent and well-understood ecosystem. They will enable more and more community participants to analyze at a greater depth their own ecosystem. This will in turn increase the costs of fraud and manipulation and make it somewhat less likely that the results we see in crypto, such as the decisions made and the markets themselves, are being dominated by sophisticated attackers and whales.

To be honest, I don’t see a thirst in crypto for data analysis of the sort we did here, protecting the transparency and legitimacy of decision-making. And very few organizations understand community and open source. They are more likely to strip mine the community, taking benefits in the form of team members and novel approaches and projects while returning little if anything to support the community. If you believe that only a transparent community can protect the commons - and yet that community you are building is itself being taken for granted by the communities it sets out to protect - it can be dispiriting.

Anyway - prove me wrong Arbitrum! Embrace open data science, support the community builders and the open approaches to data science, and so protect the very commons upon which you depend!

Also please double-click on the submissions. Share them with your DAOs, champion the builders, and experiment with them yourself.

Here is an updated sheet with all of the submissions. The data analysis ones are now being voted up on by the volunteer council. You can follow along via the snapshot links shared in the spreadsheet.

[March 28 updated Bounties for Permissionless Suggestion Box ODC Data Grants - Google Sheets](Data Grants result spreadsheet)