Gauntlet Delegate Communication Thread

This will be the main communication thread for Gauntlet’s Arbitrum DAO governance votes both on Snapshot and Tally.

Snapshot Votes
Arbitrum Stable Treasury Endowment Program
Vote: FOR
We believe it is important for the Arbitrum DAO to diversify its treasury. Arbitrum’s $6B treasury is one of it’s most competitive assets. If managed properly the treasury can sustainably fund ongoing DAO operations, offer builders the resources they need to attract users, and serve as a means of bootstrapping DeFi liquidity.

This is a well thought out proposal which will help aid in both diversifying the treasury and attracting DeFi projects via liquidity. We are excited to support this proposal and future treasury diversification proposals.

ArbOS Version 20 “Atlas”
Vote: FOR
EIP-4844 has been a big piece of the excitement around ETH L2’s. It offers the possibility for gas costs on Arbitrum to get reduced even more and may allow for increased sequencer fees. We are excited for what this will help enable when implemented.

Batch Poster Manager and Sequencer Inbox Finality Fix
Vote: FOR
OpSec is an important part of crypto and hacks are too common. Any kind of irreversible hack to the Arbitrum protocol could be catastrophic for it’s long-term adoption. We appreciate this proposal’s efforts to reduce the security risk of Arbitrum by creating a “batch poster manager”.

Empowering Early Contributors
While we do believe it is important to empower and reward early contributors, it can be a tricky balance deciding who does and does not deserve rewards. We do not believe we are prepared to evaluate the contributions of these individuals, so we opted to abstain. If the community values their inputs and opts to rewards these individuals, we support that decision.

Tally Votes
Long Term Incentives Pilot Program
Vote: FOR
Incentives are a core piece of an ecosystem’s ability to grow. It is important for the Arbitrum DAO to deploy their treasury to help ecosystem projects in a responsible fashion. The LTIP is a step in the right direction for getting ongoing project incentives in place, that will rewards developers for coming to Arbitrum.

We encourage the DAO to maintain an analytical approach to their incentive programs, as we learn from these experiments and create positive ROI systems. We hope the committee in charge of LTIP takes time to learn from the STIP program and hones in on long-term value generative incentives for Arbitrum.


Snapshot Votes
Funding for Into the Dungeons
This is a major funding proposal and would be the first time the Arbitrum DAO gave a grant directly to a project. The proposal additionally is asking for the funds to be used for development rather than user incentives or other activity that will directly benefit the DAO. While we understand the importance of helping fund builders, we believe this proposal is a bit premature and would set a bad precedent for project funding.

We would encourage the DAO to continue developing a program to provide funding for gaming projects. It is becoming fairly clear that many of the funding streams are built primarily for the DeFi project lifecycle and gaming projects are struggling to get funding from the DAO. If Arbitrum wants to be competitive in gaming it will need to continue to work with gaming builders.

Tally Votes
Changes to the Constitution and the Security Council Election Process
Vote: FOR
We support this adjustment to the Security Council election process which will help make the elections fairer for all participants.

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Snapshot Votes
Funding for Plurality Labs Milestone 1B
Vote: FOR
We have been excited to see Joe’s involvement in the Arbitrum DAO. He has helped set a culture of action and we are seeing the impact of his early work for the DAO. We are happy to support this continuation of his efforts and see what comes next.

ARDC Research Member
Vote: Blockworks/Delphi 100%
Blockworks and Delphi have both been active in the Arbitrum DAO and have strong research teams. We believe that between the choices, they are best positioned to help answer the most pressing questions for the DAO.

ARDC DAO Advocate
Vote: L2Beat/Ant Federation
L2Beat’s impact in the Arbitrum DAO is seen by all. We are happy to have both L2Beat and Ant Federation helping guide the DAO in the role of DAO Advocate.

ARDC Security Member
Vote: 39.4% OpenZeppelin, 30.3% Trail of Bits, 30.3% Zellic/Debaub
While there are many great options for this category (which is a great signal for the Arbitrum DAO), we wanted to limited our vote to 3 options vs. voting for all of the great firms that have applied. We have seen the OpenZeppelin’s work first hand in the Compound DAO and are excited to see their activity in the Arbitrum DAO. We collaborated with Trail of Bits on the Arbitrum Coalition proposal and feel strongly about their quality of their work and understanding of the Arbitrum DAO. Finally, we were also excited to see the collaboration and thoroughness of the Zellic/Debaub proposal and believe more service providers should look to provide similarly thorough, yet concise, service offerings in their proposals.

ARDC Risk Member
Since there was not an option to abstain in this vote, we are opting to not vote as we have a conflict of interest with Chaos.

Fix Fee Oversight
Vote: 1. Set L1 Surplus Fee and L2 min, 2. Set only min L2 base see, 3. Set only L1 surplus fee, 4. Set neither and cancel
We are excited to continue supporting to integration of EIP-4844 into the Arbitrum ecosystem and believe this upgrade will help advance us along that path.

Tally Votes
Arb OS 20 Atlas
Vote: FOR
EIP-4844 will be a major step for Arbitrum to continue leading the market in gas fees, while also enabling the DAO to generate more income. We are in favor of all the technical upgrades being done to enable this integration.

Snapshot Votes
Fund Continuation of the Arbitrum DDA Program
Vote: FOR
It is important for builders to have multiple streams to which they can apply for funding. This enables specialization around different funding types as well as increased likelihood of success in winning developers to the Arbitrum ecosystem. We believe Questbook has been an effective funding stream for the Arbitrum DAO and that builders have suffered from not having access to the DDA Program over the last few months. We are happy to support this proposal and see builders get access to funding streams.

Tally Votes
Fund Plurality Labs 1(B)
Vote: FOR
Plurality Labs has been very hands-on with the Arbitrum DAO and incredibly willing to adapt to the needs of a sometimes ambiguous organizational structure. We are pleased with their ability to get multiple fire starters up and running, while also decentralizing control of these initiatives within the community. We believe it is important for the Arbitrum DAO to continue to fund Plurality Labs’s work in fleshing out DAO operations.

Snapshot Votes
Front-end interface to force transaction inclusion during sequencer downtime
Vote: Abstain
There has been a lot of conversations about the proper way to implement this and believe the community did not properly reach consensus. While we are generally supportive of optimizations around the sequencer, we want to ensure proper community alignment, so we are abstaining.

Catalyze Arbitrum Gaming
Vote: For
We are very excited to see the development of funding streams for gaming within the DAO. Initial programs for STIP, backfund, and LTIP have not been structured to properly attract gaming projects. Arbitrum will need a diverse ecosystem of builders in the long-run if it wants to survive. We believe this is a well-balanced proposal that offers longer-term value capture for the DAO and will help get builders bought into the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Expand Tally support for Arbitrum
Vote: FOR
Tally has built crucial infrastructure for the crypto governance ecosystem. We are happy to see deeper support for Arbitrum on the Tally platform.

Tally Votes
Arbitrum Stable Treasury Endowment
This proposal had some subtle but not insignificant changes implemented in between the Snapshot and Tally vote. We do not support this approach to governance and believe there should have been more transparent conversations before the proposal was submitted with revisions. Despite this lapse in process, the changes ended up being relatively minor, so we opted to abstain rather than vote against. In DAOs, it is not just the result, but how you get there that matters.

Security Council
Vote: OpenZepellin - 2M, Certora - 2M, Zellic - 2M, Fred - 2.01M
We are happy to support OpenZepellin, Certora, and Zellic for the Security Council as they are three of the leading cybersecurity firms in the Arbitrum ecosystem and larger blockchain ecosystem. We additionally supported Fred, as he is one of the most knowledgable people on the Arbitrum tech stack and deeply aligned with the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Snapshot Votes
LTIP Council Recommendations
Vote: FOR all Council Recommendations
We opted to vote in-line with all of the LTIP council recommendations. We believe they put a lot of time and effort into reviewing these proposals. They did a good job of getting projects to update their proposals and selecting impactful projects for incentives.

Tally Votes
Fund Continuation of the Arbitrum DDA Program
Vote: FOR
In line with our snapshot vote, we believe that Questbook has been an effective funding stream for the Arbitrum DAO and are happy to support it’s continuation.