The STIP incentives were clearly effective as TVL has been stable after the program, the expansion of the incentive use makes sense, and the concerns from the challenge have been surely addressed by the team.
Umami Finance
Approve funding
The incentive seemed to work out well, and the team is planning to allocate the bridged incentive more effectively through their experimentation.
Approve funding
The incentive seemed to create a sustainable growth and the reasonable amount of the bridged incentive will be used to further the growth.
Thales Protocol
Approve funding
The incentive worked out quite well as clearly seen with comparisons with its Optimism and Base deployments and concerns from the challenge are appropriately addressed.
Savvy DAO
Approve funding
The incentives clearly attracted users into the protocol and kept them in the protocol. Tweaking the mechanism via the protocol users’ interviews are sound. Concerns from the challenge doesn’t seem to be a blocker.
Due to potential CoI with investments in our portfolio bridge protocol
Gains Network
Approve funding
The concerns from the challenge are no longer considered issues.
Solv Protocol
Approve funding
The incentive seemed to work well and it makes sense to continue funding for them to grow the protocol with an additional change to a new BTC related offering.
Reject funding
While we understand they improve the method and reporting process, we don’t consider a complete shift to the red-ocean USD stablecoin market is qualified for a bridge funding.
Mux Protocol
Approve funding
With the additional context provided for the TVL increase, the additional bridged incentives can continue to increase the use of the protocol, which contributes to the Arbitrum ecosystem. Good sybil resistance system can also be shared with other protocols for future applicants too.
Sanko GameCorp
Approve funding
The incentives with points and seasons system seemed to work for the user growth and protocol revenue. Continuous funding makes sense to support novel protocols in the Arbitrum ecosystem.
Reject funding
The retained increases in the metrics are not as significant to continue a bridge funding to the protocol.
Approve funding
As the most of the allocation has been returned after the unfortunate incident, we believe it makes sense to fund the protocol to assess the results without any disturbance.
Approve funding
We consider the Boost case is really interesting and great one for the DAO to learn from. The introduction of the sybil detection is appreciated. We’d love to see the results from the new approach by an additional funding.
Stake DAO
Reject funding
The team seemed to agree to delay the funding request later.
Due to potential CoI with investments in our portfolio bridge protocol
Tide Protocol
Reject funding
Clearly missed the target metrics and we are not certain somewhat revised plans will improve the trajectory in a significant way.
Reject funding
Concerns from the challenge didn’t seem to be addressed. A sudden increase in the ask without clear track record and execution plans shouldn’t be justified.
Summary: Set up a sub-committee called Security Services Subsidy Fund (‘SSSF’), seeking 60,000 ARB to fund members that are be tasked with administering $2.5 million worth of ARB and selecting the security service providers most deserving of a subsidy fund based on the Means Test outlined in the Subsidy Fund Proposal.
Voting: Against
Reasoning: We also believe the ADPC can handle the operations and the governance minimization matters especially in the Arbitrum DAO. If the ADPC didn’t account for the operations, we’d consider an additional small funding can be an option.
Summary: Stylus is the new technology that supports programming languages other than Solidity on Arbitrum and achieves cheaper execution on Arbitrum compatible chains.
Voting: For
Reasoning: Stylus is an ambitious, yet reasonable innovation that Offchain Labs has developed to make Arbitrum even more attractive to Rust and C++ developers. We’d hope that the technology will be integrated into other L2 chains so that the smart contract composability will remain as we have on the EVM platforms.
Summary: RIP-7212 is the first Rollup Improvement Proposal adopted by the broader Ethereum ecosystem to introduce a new precompile for verifying the secp256r1 curve on Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova.
Voting: For
Reasoning: RIP-7212 has been well-supported by the community and other L2 will certainly introduce it on their chains. This enables more secure smart wallets to be easily utilized on the L2 environments, which is a clear win for the better UX.