GCP Council Timelines and Nomination Process

Hi all,

We have some important updates regarding the GCP Council nomination and voting timeline!

Extended nomination timeline:

To accommodate those traveling for EthCC and to give DAO members sufficient time to apply or nominate, we are extending the nomination deadline to the end of the day on Friday, July 12.

Further clarification of the role and purpose of the GCP Council:

  • The GCP Council exists to uphold the principles and objectives outlined in the Arbitrum Constitution, ensuring responsible allocation of funds, and providing oversight to signal if GCP funds should be reclaimed.
  • Each domain-specific role contributes to maintaining transparency, accountability, and effective management of resources within the DAO.
  • If an overarching canonical oversight body is established, the GCP program plans to collaborate with the new oversight body and authors to best structure the GCP Oversight Council for future success within the context of a broader oversight framework.

Revised domain descriptions:

In response to feedback from the DAO, we are expanding and providing more comprehensive details about the skill domains outlined in our previous post. This expansion also aims to attract applicants with a wider range of skills, ensuring a well-rounded Council.

  • Venture Expert - Senior level venture capital and investing background: 10+ years of venture capital experience with a proven track record in deal structuring, execution, and identifying promising investment opportunities in the gaming industry.
  • Growth/BD Expert - Strong business development and partnerships experience: 7+ years in gaming with deep industry knowledge, extensive network, understanding of web3 game communities, and established track record in gaming venture landscape.
  • Governance Expert: Active participant in DAO governance with a proven track record of authoring proposals, and collaborating with DAO members. Additionally, possessing a deep understanding of Arbitrum’s unique features, (Orbit, Stylus, and Timeboost) is essential.
  • Operations Expert: 7+ years of experience in senior finance, legal, or operations roles. Games industry experience is a plus!
  • Player Engagement Expert - Live game ops and technical leadership experience: 7+ years of leadership experience in live game operations and/or deep technical knowledge of game systems and infrastructure.

Important Reminders for Applicants and Voters:

  • DAO members are preferred for any of the remaining Council roles, provided they possess the necessary expertise and passion for the domain! Your unique skills and perspectives will be invaluable.
  • All applicants must specify a single domain for the election. For instance, a DAO member with both venture capital and technology experience should choose the domain that best represents their primary focus for the election.
  • Reminder, we have two nominees chosen by the GCP working group last month with deep experience in games oriented venture capital and business development. :slightly_smiling_face:
    • Tim Chang (Venture Expert)
    • Andrew Green (Growth/BD Expert)

In September, both members will be going through a re-confirmation vote to ensure the DAO has a voice in selecting the best representatives for each category.

Election Process and Details

Voting Platform:

  • Platform: Tally or Snapshot (TBD, still discussing best platform to host elections)
  • Voting Period: July 15 - July 29
  • Voting System: Weighted voting system, proportional to each delegate’s stake in the DAO.

Election Mechanism:

  • Casting Votes: Delegates distribute their voting power across any number of candidates they support. For instance, a delegate with 100 voting power can allocate it among multiple candidates in any proportion they choose.
  • Skill Categorization: Candidates are grouped categorically by their domains to help delegates make informed choices to ensure a balanced representation of skills on the council.

Voting Process:

  • Single Ballot: There is one unified ballot listing all candidates.
  • Weighted Voting: Delegates can use their voting power to support multiple candidates, with their votes being weighted according to their stake in the DAO.

Voting Guidelines:

  • Transparency: All votes are transparent and recorded on Tally or Snapshot.
  • Eligibility: Only DAO members with voting rights can participate.

Vote Counting and Results:

  • Votes are tallied using Tally’s system (or Snapshot if more suitable), with results verified and publicly announced.
  • Selection: The three candidates with the highest total weighted votes are elected to the council.

Special Elections (if needed):

  • Tie Resolution: In the unlikely case of a tie for the third seat, a run-off vote will be held within one week following the initial voting period, including only the tied candidates.

  • Other Elections for Vacant Seats: If a council seat becomes vacant, a special election will be held within one week to fill the position.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us!


GCP Working Group