GCP Fund Security Review & Oversight
This proposal moves 220,000,000 ARB from the Gaming Catalyst Program (GCP) multisig to the Arbitrum DAO treasury. This will leave 3,650,000 ARB for the GCP to continue operations until needing to seek a transfer of more funds from governance. It is unconscionable to continue to allow a 3/5 multisig hold $120M in ARB when they have failed to meet their agreed on oversight obligations.
It is less safe to leave such large amounts of funding in a multisig than in the DAO treasury. There is no demonstrable need for more than $120,000,000 of funding to be immediately available and controlled by a 3-of-5 multisig, which also puts those signers at risk of phishing or physical danger.
It was a lot of work by a lot of people to pass GCP. So itâs a shame its council has not fulfilled its duties thus far and been tardy on meeting multiple of its oversight and transparency commitments that were ratified in the original proposal.
This provides a path for GCP to continue with its full operating funds and an opportunity to prove the viability of its investment thesis, while removing the security risks associated with the multisig and the governance risks of limited oversight.
Gaming Catalyst Progress
Since GCP was passed on June 10 (Now more than 4 months ago) it has spent 1,699,998 ARB.
In August Co-Auther of GCP, Karel, stepped down as Treasure has abandoned Arbitrum. GCP was passed with the understanding that Karel would be helping to lead it.
Then in September, GCP Working Group nominated council member Andrew Green stepped down as well.
The GCP is already significantly behind schedule, and the DAO deserves more guarantees that it can get on track. Grants applications and RFPs were supposed to open up by July, as seen in the original proposal, but none have been according to the update thread. More relevant to this proposal, however, is late delivery or nondelivery of transparency and oversight items promised in the GCP structure:
The two council members appointed by the working group were supposed to be reconfirmed in September. In a June meeting summary pre-dating that communication, this reconfirmation was stated as being end of the year. Regardless of which communication was intended to be accurate, in the ratified proposal, Phase 2: Program Development (2-4 months) directs this reconfirmation no later than 4 months, which would be October 10, 2024. No confirmations have taken place, but the working group did appoint a new council member to replace a retiring member on October 3.
The required quarterly transparency report has not been published. September 10, 2024 was one quarter since the approval of GCP.
EDIT: It has been pointed out that the original GCP post proposed the first transparency report would be posted 4-6 months on, which weâre currently in. I dont agree with this approach but you could interpret this as they have more time to complete the first one.
The most recent official update came about a month ago, and is limited to announcing the resignation of Andrew Green. Council meetings were to be held every two weeks in the ratified proposal. It is unclear if there are meetings without summary reports or if the cadence of meetings has changed - no notes have been shared if so. Only three meeting summaries have been provided, with two of them in June before permanent council members were elected.
These were the agreed on outcomes for 2-4 months, which we are now past:
After spending ~$800k in operation we have no RFP live, no Open Grants for game devs, and no published onboarding process for funded projects.
GCP is not on track and not meeting its obligations to the DAO. $120M USD is far too massive of an investment for the GCP council to be this far behind.
EDIT: GCP councilmembers have said The GCP council will be coming to the DAO in the coming days to formalize a start date for the program. Iâm looking forward to it and will not pursue the rest of the actions here if we can quickly get back on track and post these updates publicly. Without any public updates posted in the update thread, I have no other official source of information to go on about how close they are to hitting the 4-month goals.
Proposal Summary
To help governance enforce compliance with GCPâs approved transparency and oversight responsibilities, moving the bulk of the funding back to the treasury will ensure the GCP cannot go dark or quietly forget its reporting obligations while still having access to more than $100m in funds. It will also ensure governance is aware of the cadence of spending and offer the opportunity to ask questions prior to any outsized funding requests being approved.
This proposal would leave the GCP with almost $2m in funds to continue operations until it demonstrates a need to deploy more funding.
Transfer 220,000,000 ARB from 0xAe8cBcef7DE8664C3fF5BfC58536c183FfA60B51 back to the DAO Treasury at 0xF3FC178157fb3c87548bAA86F9d24BA38E649B58. This does not change the total authorized budget for GCP or alter any other portion of the proposal.
If the proper reports are not made immediately to the DAO then I will next propose to fully claw back the funds for the DAO and remove the authorized budget.
Please respond with feedback. I want to make sure every voice is heard on this as its a huge sum of capital and deploying it transparently is important to inspiring confidence in Arbitrum. We feel this strikes a valuable compromise that will satisfy GCP supporters because it does not affect GCPâs mandate or authorized budget, but will also soothe the fears of critics who see the early nondelivery of transparency items as proof GCP is not professionalized enough to handle this level of funding.
Itâs darkest before the dawn.