1 Poll Closing January 30, 2024
Election of Procurement Committee Members (ADPC)
Summary: This poll asks ARB holders to select members of the ADPC. There are three seats.
Pavel Fedotov [pfedprog]
Joseph [immutablelawyer]
Jeff G [jeff_g]
Bernard Schmid [bernard]
Paul Imseih [pablo]
Recommendation: Vote Joseph, Bernard, and Jeff G. Joseph (ImmutableLawyer) provides legal background for the committee. Paul does as well, but one lawyer is enough with only three seats available. Jeff G works in US government procurement and has the most directly relevant experience to develop procurement frameworks for governance to consider. Bernard of Areta likewise has procurement/allocation experience from grants program administration.
1 Poll Closing February 4, 2024
Proposal [Non-Constitutional]: Establish the ArbitrumDAO Procurement Committee
Summary: This poll seeks to release funds to and authorize an ArbitrumDAO Procurement Committee (ADPC). This body’s mandate would be to create and oversee procurement frameworks for governance to adopt, including the already approved Procurement Framework for Security Service Providers.
Recommendation: Vote Yes. Someone needs to administer the Procurement Framework for Security Service Providers. This body would do that. Further mandate increases would be subject to proposals drafted and submitted by the ADPC.