GFX Labs Delegate Communication Thread

1 Poll Closing July 28, 2023

Update Security Council Election Start Date to Ensure Time for Security Audit
Summary: This offchain poll asks ARB holders whether to support an amendment to the ArbitrumDAO Constitution. This change would alter the election schedule of Security Council members. The relevant change is from the election beginning September 15th, to September 15th or the earliest possible date an onchain election can begin.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. This change is necessary to prevent conflict between a hardcoded constitutional requirement and practicality. In practice, there are several intermediate steps that may not take an exact amount of time, owing to the nature of smart contracts, permissionless calling of functions, and human error. In practice, Security Council terms are not a set period of time, but a minimum period of time that comes to an end when someone calls for a new election. Because of this, the proposed change harmonizes reality with the constitution.