GIV-ARB Ecosystem Accelerator

Hey everyone, Kieran here from Giveth!

Our team is honored to have our grant program proposal selected for ThankARB Milestone 1B.

Here is a link to the application we submitted: Copy of ThankARB Program Application - Giveth 2nd Stage - Google Docs

Since that proposal was submitted, a few things have changed. The budget and amount to be allocated to projects have remained the same, but the timeline and structure have changed slightly.

Below is a revised version of our proposal that we will be executing on in the coming months:

GIV-ARB Ecosystem Accelerator Project

Program Summary:

The GIV-ARB Ecosystem Accelerator is a quadratic funding grant program that will operate on the Dapp. It will feature a bounty program with rewards for verified public goods projects that add an Arbitrum address to their profiles and a pluralistic QF round focused on projects developing or growing the Arbitrum ecosystem. Leveraging the power of quadratic funding rounds plus Giveth’s distinctive features like GIVbacks (donor rewards), GIVpower (decentralized project curation), recurring donations (streaming), and our “always-on” donation pages for projects sets our program apart.

Strategically, our program aims to support immediate needs and catalyze sustained community growth within the Arbitrum ecosystem. By providing both short-term funding and laying the groundwork for long-term scalability, we seek to foster a robust and thriving community of projects while also providing incentives for existing Giveth projects to utilize Arbitrum.

Allocation Mechanism

  • Onboarding/ARB address bounty phase

    • Bounty program that rewards existing projects for adding an Arbitrum address AND newly onboarded Arbitrum projects
    • Bounties will be distributed at the end of the phase.
  • 1 Pluralistic QF Round

    • Operated on the Giveth Dapp
    • Mechanism: Quadratic Funding using connection-oriented cluster match (COCM)
      • COCM is relatively new but has been tested by Gitcoin & Giveth, and we believe it is a more democratic mechanism than regular QF plus it includes an aspect of baked-in Sybil defense that lowers the program overhead.
    • $0.90 donation value threshold for matching
    • Gitcoin Passport integrated for Sybil defense

Program Details/Timeline

Phase 1 (June 20 - July 23, 2024)

  • Onboarding/ARB address bounty phase
  • 5K ARB to distribute to Giveth projects that add an Arb address to their profile
  • 1-2 workshops for the newly onboarded projects who participated on the GIVeconomy & other Giveth features

Phase 2 (July 23 - August 6)

  • QF round with 150k ARB matching pool
  • X spaces, marketing support, etc

Phase 3 (August 6 - 27)

  • Data analysis, Sybil analysis
  • COCM
  • Detailed report w/ metrics, KPIs, learnings, etc for ThankARB, ARB forum, Giveth forum
  • ThankARB conducts KYC for any projects receiving >2k ARB matching

KPIs/Critical Milestones

June 20 - Program starts, ARB address bounty phase begins, Onboarding begins
KPI: 150+ verified projects on Giveth add an Arbitrum address

July 23 - ARB address bounties all quantified and paid out
July 23 - QF round begins
KPI: 50+ high-quality, Arbitrum-focused projects onboarded for the round

August 6 - QF round ends

  • $40k+ total value of donations
  • 1500+ unique donors

August 27 - Projects KYC’d (if necessary) and all matching funds paid out

August 31 - Detailed final report shared with ThankARB and posted to Giveth & Arbitrum forums.

Other KPIs (date TBD)

  • 15+ newly onboarded project owners attend a workshop about Giveth and the GIVeconomy

Which Arbitrum ecosystem metric(s) do you anticipate this program will affect, if any?

  • Daily active users
  • New wallets on Arbitrum
  • Transaction volume
  • Protocols & dapps building on ARB
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Update #1:

We announced the Arbitrum address bounty program yesterday, July 2!

Check out the announcement tweet here:

We also sent out an email to all Giveth project owners.


  • All verified Giveth projects (even newly created ones) that didn’t have an Arbitrum address on their profile before June 20 are eligible to receive a bounty of 20 ARB if they add an an Arbitrum address to their profile.
  • 5k ARB to allocate for bounties, 250 projects max

Update #2:

We’ve announced the QF round, and applications are open!

See the announcement tweet:

Application form: GIV-ARB QF Round Application

Notion site w/ round info: Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

We’ve pushed back the start date 1 week. The QF round will be live from July 30 to August 13. This will give us more time to reach out to applicants and effectively market the round.

If you’re an Arbitrum builder, focused on growing the ecosystem/onboarding devs, or creating educational materials, go create a project on and apply to the round TODAY!


Update #3

The GIV-ARB Quadratic Funding round is now LIVE!!

Check it out at, discover some awesome projects, and donate to your favorite!

We’ll be using a QF mechanism called Connection-Oriented Cluster Match (COCM) to calculate the matching funds for this round. You can read more about the mechanism and our announcement here: Cluster Match QF Announcement - Quadratic Funding - Giveth Forum: Join the conversation to shape the Future of Giving.

The TLDR is this: The more projects you donate to, the more “unique” you are in the eyes of the mechanism, thus your donations will be matched at a higher rate!

The round is live until August 13 - go check out projects and donate today!

Update #4

The GIV-ARB QF round ended on August 13, and I am pleased to announce that the data analysis has been completed and the matching results are out now!

You can see the final matching results here: GIV-ARB QF Round Final Matching Results (External) - Google Sheets

Also check out our post-round recap and results forum post here: GIV-ARB QF Round Results & Wrap-up (July 30-August 13, 2024) - Quadratic Funding - Giveth Forum: Join the conversation to shape the Future of Giving (it was posted today and will remain live for discussion for 3 business days!)

Onwards! :saluting_face:

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