Arbitrum GovHack Mapathon for ETHDenver - Round 1 powered by Hack Humanity
This is happening online Tuesday 5pm - 7pm UTC.
The Mapathon is a community co-design process we run ahead of the ETHDenver GovHack hackathon to ensure contributors contribute to and know what areas are most valuable to build for the DAO.
Led and facilitated by Klaus and Hack Humanity crew
To lay the groundwork to determine Challenge Statements, Talent & Technology profiles that are best fit for the hackathon Tracks (areas of focus) for the in-person GovHack hackathon at ETHDenver Feb 26-28. Note - we may do additional mapathon rounds as and are where needed to get more detail for more tracks & challenges statements over the next 2 weeks.
Hack Humanity will guide the community through a facilitated process to map out the Arbitrum Ecosystem & Governance in particular areas, problems, opportunities, and needs. We’ll map best-fit talent & tech profiles that match these areas.
Async - we’ll work on writing clear Challenge Statements & prizes for hackathon tracks that fill focus and incentivize contributors IRL at GovHack ETHDenver.
Tuesday 5pm - 7pm UTC. Blocking 2 hours, we’ll take a break in the middle.
Zoom + Miro. Zoom link: