May votes:
Proposal: GovHack at EthCC Brussels
Vote: yes
Rationale: The event at Denver was a major step forward for the DAO, and the time is right for another session to build on that success.
Proposal: Grant request - Curve Finance
Vote: yes
Rationale: The proposal was aligned via an existing commitment, and complemented other efforts at user acquisition in DeFi.
Proposal: Front-end interface
Vote: yes
Rationale: Offchain Labs is obviously integral to Arbitrum but it’s also important to encourage other protocol contributions.
Proposal: Kwenta x Perennial: Arbitrum Onboarding Incentives
Vote: yes
Proposal: Streamline LTIPP bounties
Vote: yes
Rationale: I voted for this proposal in recognition of the expertise of the LTIPP Council, and the need use it judiciously given the cadence of other proposals needing delegates’ attention.