Here is a little more clarity on our Timeline
Phase 1 - Open call for applications (4/2 - 4/30)
Creation of the RFP and selection of ecosystem goals programs will support.
Phase 2 - Planning Grant Selections (5/1 - 5/10)
Selection of best program ideas, connecting them with program managers to receive a planning grant.
Phase 3 - Pilot Program Selections (5/11 - 5/23)
Reviewing the programs selected for pilots, ratifying success definitions, and reviewing with board
Phase 4 - Pilot Program Execution (5/24 - 8/9)
Facilitating the execution of grant programs, supporting compliance, coaching and documenting.
Phase 5 - Post Pilot Program Evaluations (7/22 - 8/30)
Self evaluations done by program managers. Community led and expert evaluations.
Phase 6 - PL M1B Reporting (9/1 - 9/30)
A comprehensive review of the results of Milestone M1B.