Thank ARB Weekly Governance Updates

April 26th Thank ARB Weekly Governance Update

Hi, this is Kat, the Thank ARB Grants Manager :wave:t2: With the help of @DisruptionJoe and @BenWest from the Thank ARB Team I will be posting weekly governance updates to give the community some insight into what we’ve been working on and what’s coming up.

On April 23, the Delegate Workshop on Ecosystem Goals took place instead of a board meeting.

The Thank ARB Oversight Board meets weekly with the Thank ARB team. In the last meeting on April 16, we discussed the Request for Programs Launch, gave a status update on M1b deliverables using the scorecard, and addressed general requests for help.

:eyes:View the agenda

:headphones: Listen to the recording or :open_book:read the transcript

Before jumping into the meeting, Rebecca and Katharina, who both joined the team in April as Grants Architect and Grants Manager, respectively, introduced themselves.

We launched the Request for Proposals for Milestone 1b :tada:

Here’s the tl;dr:

  • Funding: Approximately 3 million ARB available for distribution between 5-10 programs.
  • Scalability: Think about how you can demonstrate scalability and “one dollar in, two dollars out” strategy when crafting your proposals.
  • Timeline: Applications closed April 30, decisions made in mid-May by a decentralized group of reviewers, programs roll out between June and September.

Read the forum post!

The scorecard is how we keep track of the Thank ARB deliverables. We’re still working on refining the format to suit us best going forward.

:eyes:View the scorecard for more details.

Our main request for help was to share the link to the RFP launch forum post. Applications have now closed.

Cheers and talk to you next week,



Love to see these updates @katharina_thrive thanks for sharing!


Additionally, the line stating that we will have a decentralized review of the applications meant to say that we would have a group of people from the ecosystem outside of us reviewing and sharing opinions, but the decisions would ultimately be made by our team. Likely, they would be in line, but there could be cases where the application looks great to surface observation and we find deep flaws or conflicts. As the accountable party, we would like to move towards full decentralization, but we aren’t quite there yet!

May 3rd Thank ARB Weekly Governance Update

With the help of @DisruptionJoe and @BenWest from the Thank ARB Team I will be posting weekly governance updates to give the community some insight into what we’ve been working on and what’s coming up.

On April 30th, the Thank Arb Oversight Board came together for their weekly meeting. Feel free to view the agenda, listen to the recording and follow along the transcript to stay up to date. Here’s what we discussed:

Feel free to leave any comments or questions below :slight_smile:

Thank ARB Grants Manager


May 10th Thank ARB Weekly Governance Update

Hi community :wave:t2:

Here’s our next weekly update! The Thank Arb Oversight board met on May 7th. Here’s what was discussed:

You can view the agenda including all relevant links to catch up or follow along with the meeting
recording and transcript.

As always, feel free to leave questions, comments, and concerns below :slight_smile:

Thank Arb Grants Manager

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May 17th Thank ARB Weekly Governance Update

Hello everyone :wave:

Here’s your weekly update! The Thank ARB Oversight board convened on May 14th to review several important topics:

You can access the agenda complete with all necessary links, to review the details or watch the meeting
recording and transcript .

As always, your questions, comments, and feedback are welcome below :blush:

Best regards,
Thank Arb Grants Manager

May 24th Thank ARB Weekly Governance Update

Hi community :wave:t2:

Here’s our next weekly update! The Thank Arb Oversight board met on May 21st. Here’s what was discussed:

You can view the agenda including all relevant links to catch up or follow along with the meeting
recording or transcript.

Feel free to leave any comments or questions below :slight_smile:

Thank ARB Grants Manager

May 31st Thank ARB Weekly Governance Update

Hello everyone :wave:

Here’s your weekly update! The Thank ARB Oversight board convened on May 28th to review several important topics:

You can access the agenda complete with all necessary links, to review the details or watch the meeting recording and transcript .

As always, your questions, comments, and feedback are welcome below :blush:

Best regards,
Thank Arb Grants Manager

June 7th Thank ARB Weekly Governance Update

Hi community :wave:t2:

Here’s our next weekly update! The Thank Arb Oversight board met on June 4th. Here’s what was discussed:

You can view the agenda including all relevant links to catch up or follow along with the meeting
recording or transcript.

Feel free to leave any comments or questions below :slight_smile:

Thank ARB Grants Manager


Thank ARB Weekly Forum Update 6.10 - 6.14

Hello everyone! I’m Julian from the Thank ARB team and I’ll be updating everyone on our activities on a weekly basis moving forward.

Highlights of the Week

For this week, we just announced the grant programs selected by our group of high-context, decentralized reviewers. If you haven’t seen it already check out @BenWest ’s “Decentralized Review Process Summary: Thank ARB Milestone 1b” post that highlights the process we oversaw and the selections made.

Thank ARB wrapped up its Season 10 contribution listings that brought in over 120 grant program applications, over 50 Firestarter applications (number growing, still ongoing), Arbitrum ecosystem learning opportunities, and numerous other ways to engage with the Arbitrum community. Through this process, we’ve collected valuable data and are quickly learning the best reward mechanisms to incentivize community engagement for sustainable growth within Arbitrum. We’ll be kicking off Thrive ARB Season 1 very soon, so keep an eye out for that!

Meet our grantees

To kick off our Grant-a-Palooza X/Twitter Spaces series, where we are highlighting each grant program that was funded by Thank ARB with their program managers, we are starting off with Cartographer Syndicate (Managed by @Sov ).

Join this space to get a glimpse of their program and participate in thoughtful discourse. Our Grant-a-Palooza will be held on a weekly basis so follow our X/Twitter (@ThankArbitrum) to see who we have lined up for the next space.

Thank ARB Oversight Board Meeting

The Thank ARB Oversight Board convened on June 11th to review several important topics:

You can access the agenda complete with all necessary links, to review the details or watch the meeting recording and transcript. Meeting cadence will change to biweekly going forward, so the next meeting will take place on June 25th.

As always, your questions, comments, and feedback are welcome below!

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Thank ARB Weekly Forum Update 6.17 - 6.21

Highlights of the Week

We’ve been working on preparing for our upcoming season, Thriving Arbitrum Summer, that we plan on kicking off by Tuesday, 6.25. We’ll have many new ways to reward the Arbitrum ecosystem for engaging with the grant programs we funded through Milestone 1b to encourage understanding and participation.

We hosted the first X/Twitter space of our Grant-a-Palooza series with Cartographer Syndicate to discuss their program in detail. You can listen to the recording here.

Meeting our grantees

To continue our Grant-a-Palooza X/Twitter Spaces series, where we are highlighting each grant program that was funded by Thank ARB with their program managers, we have a space scheduled this week with ReFi in Arbitrum (managed by CharmVerse).

Set your X/Twitter reminder here.

Join this space to get a glimpse of their program and participate in thoughtful discourse. Our Grant-a-Palooza will be held on a weekly basis so follow our X/Twitter (@ThankArbitrum) to see who we have lined up for the next space.

Thank ARB Oversight Board Meeting

Meeting cadence has changed to biweekly so we did not have a meeting this week. The next meeting of the Thank ARB Oversight Board will take place on Tuesday, June 25th.

As always, your questions, comments, and feedback are welcome below!