LTI Pilot Program Position Application Thread


Name: Curia

Position I am applying for: Council

Twitter: Curia_gov

TG: @v3dao

Affiliations (Currently I am working with, invested in, etc.): Curia has existing or past relationships with ArbitrumDAO, Optimism, SafeDAO, 1InchDAO, and dYdXDAO.

Why You?

Why would you be the best candidate for this position?

Our team at Curia brings a unique blend of expertise and dedication, making us ideal candidates for this council position. As seasoned professionals, comprising researchers, data analysts, blockchain engineers, and developers based in Southeast Asia, we are deeply committed to fortifying the DAO ecosystem. Our approach is centered on providing robust tooling, insightful analytics, and active delegate participation, ensuring transparency and efficiency in governance processes.

  • Our experience is extensive, having reviewed over 190+ proposals across various DAOs. This involvement has honed our analytical and evaluative skills and also endowed us with hands-on understanding of decentralized operations and community-centric initiatives. These experiences are crucial for the incentive pilot program, as they ensure a nuanced and balanced evaluation of applications. Our focus is unwavering on key aspects such as transparency, accountability, and the alignment of project goals with the broader community interests.

  • V3naru_curia, our governance lead, held a seat on Milestones and Metrics Grant Council member for Optimism. This role, focused on assessing milestones and metrics for grants, is testament to our capacity for critical analysis and strategic evaluation.

  • Our proficiency in data analytics is evidenced by our development of governance dashboards for SafeDAO and Optimism. These dashboards reflects our analytical and technical acumen.

In summary, our diverse skill set, combined with our proven track record in DAO governance and data analysis, positions us uniquely to contribute meaningfully to the council. We are eager to bring our experience, insight, and dedication to the Arbitrum DAO’s Long Term Incentives Pilot Program, ensuring its success and alignment with the community’s aspirations.

What do you think a good incentive application looks like?

A good incentive application is distinguished by its strategic alignment with Arbitrum’s long-term goals and its ability to drive meaningful engagement and sustainable growth within the ecosystem. Here’s how we envision such an application:

Strategic Alignment with Arbitrum’s Goals: The application should support projects that resonate with Arbitrum’s overarching objectives, contributing to its broader vision. This means funding incentives that offer both immediate and long-term value, facilitating the overall development, scalability, and increase in number of users within the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Implementation Readiness: An outstanding application is backed by a robust and realistic action plan. Proposals should present a detailed strategy for deployment, demonstrating readiness for swift and effective implementation upon approval.

Measurable Impact on the Arbitrum Ecosystem: A crucial attribute of a commendable application is the presence of specific, achievable milestones that are aligned with KPI of the incentive program. This approach allows for tracking progress and evaluating success, ensuring transparency and tangible benefits for the Arbitrum community.

Positive-Sum Outcomes for the Arbitrum Ecosystem: The applications should be designed to enhance the overall health and growth of the Arbitrum ecosystem, providing substantial value not just to the protocol receiving the grant but also to the wider Arbitrum ecosystem. The focus should be on building integrations and solutions that offer lasting benefits to all network participants.

Long-Term Contribution to the Arbitrum Ecosystem: Grantees should envision their role beyond the duration of the grant. The relationship with the ArbitrumDAO should be seen as a long-term partnership, with a commitment to ongoing collaboration that contributes to the growth and innovation within the Arbitrum ecosystem over time.

In summary, a good incentive grant for the Arbitrum ecosystem is one that is well-aligned with the network’s strategic goals, demonstrates readiness for effective implementation, and can clearly showcase its positive impact on the ecosystem.

What are your goals for this program?

In this pilot program, our primary goal is to significantly contribute to the refinement of incentive models within the ArbitrumDAO, using insights from past initiatives like STIP V1. Our approach includes the development of a comprehensive evaluation rubric, in collaboration with other council members and advisors, to ensure objective and merit-based assessment of protocols, while aligning with the ecosystem’s broader objectives.

We are committed to a meticulous review and grading process for all applications, striking a balance between stringent evaluation standards and an appreciation of the diverse needs within the ecosystem. This process will be underpinned by a commitment to transparency and accountability, ensuring that our decision-making is clear, rational, and publicly communicated, thereby building trust within the community. We are dedicated to fostering innovation and inclusivity, particularly by offering constructive feedback and guidance to new applicants, thereby nurturing a supportive and dynamic environment.

Furthermore, we plan to help establish standardized processes for the program, prioritizing efficiency and integrity. Our aim is to minimize waste and fraud, adhering to the highest standards of accountability. Overall, our goal encompasses creating a fair and robust evaluation framework, ensuring transparent and responsible decision-making, maintaining diligent oversight, and promoting a vibrant, inclusive ecosystem, all in line with the principles and goals of the Arbitrum DAO.