Non-Constitutional: Proposal for Piloting Enhancements and Strengthening the Sustainability of ArbitrumHub in the Year Ahead

I’m voting AGAINST this proposal. While I appreciate the team’s efforts and intentions, the implementation doesn’t seem particularly useful at this point.

Most links redirect to the Arbitrum Governance Docs or other sections of the same website. Since the Governance Docs are already well-structured with a clear outline, I’m not sure why they would need a separate front end.

Additionally, the Developer Hub links currently point to the Hardhat/Foundry/Brownie homepage. I don’t think introducing developers to Hardhat, Foundry, or Brownie is the issue—our target audience is likely already familiar with these tools. This approach doesn’t seem like the most effective way to address their needs.

Thank you for the effort, but I believe the ArbitrumHub could be reworked to add more tangible value.