Thanks for submitting this proposal @ostanescu.eth; from the photos and videos of ETH Bucharest 2024, it looks like it was a well managed and successful event! At the request of @paulofonseca we will confirm that as part of the Events Budget for 2025 proposal, service providers, event organizers, or individuals can bring requests of this nature to utilize the funds earmarked. The decision to fund such an event is made by the DAO, not Entropy or the other Events Budget members.
That being said, when crafting the proposal, Entropy had envisioned that requests would be for Arbitrum specific events like GovHack as opposed to sponsorships of this scale. However, the request does fall into the scope of the Events Budget proposal and we do not wish to stand as a gatekeeper if this is an event the DAO wishes to participate in and support.
Speaking as a delegate, we would echo @pedrob’s suggestion of waiting for the outcome of the Arbitrum D.A.O. (Domain Allocator Offerings) Grant Program - Season 3 proposal and directing the request through the Education, Community Growth and Events Domain. This proposal will move to a temperature check next week, so you will have a sense on how likely it is that the DAO funds the program fairly soon. Looking at the additional sponsorship add-ons, we believe there are a few that could be trimmed so that a sponsorship proposal fits within the $50k cap.