SNAPSHOT:Election of Procurement Committee Members (ADPC)

PROPOSAL: Procurement Committee


In light of the Procurement Committee temperature check that resulted in 99.28% of participants voting in favor, I’d like to announce the commencement of the election process that will run in parallel with the on-chain vote, which will fully implement the ArbitrumDAO Procurement Committee.

Snapshot for Reference

Disclaimer: The implementation of the elected members with the corresponding rights & obligations will only be effective should the on-chain proposal for establishing the ‘ArbitrumDAO Procurement Committee’ pass accordingly.

The ADPC will be composed of three [3] members that will facilitate & administer procurement frameworks as ratified by the ArbitrumDAO from time to time. The appointment of ADPC members will be effected via an open election process via Snapshot’s weighted voting system; wherein the first three [3] ranked members in the vote will be elected to the ADPC. Albeit not legally binding, when voting for prospective members of the ADPC, delegates & token holders alike should prioritize the following eligibility criteria to equip the ADPC in carrying out its mandate properly.


Albeit not being legally binding, prospective voters looking to assess election applicants should in-principle conduct their assessments in light of these criteria:


A demonstrated knowledge of procurement principles & best practices;

In-depth knowledge of procurement frameworks as ratified by the ArbitrumDAO from time to time;

At least 3 years experience in Legal, Operations, or an Administrative role.


  • Disclosure of any involvement in ethical breaches, fraud, manipulation, or other forms of misconduct, whether in the past or present.
  • Failure to provide accurate and complete disclosure of such information will result in the forfeiture of the applicant’s eligibility upon discovering this information.

Conflicts of Interest and Independence of Mind

  • Disclosure is required for any actual or potential conflicts of interest that may emerge upon being selected for the role applied for.
  • This includes any factors that may impair one’s ability to carry out decisions with sound, objective, and independent judgment.

Industry Knowledge

  • A comprehensive grasp of industry-specific service procurement challenges, procurement frameworks, and prevailing best practices.
  • Previous experience drafting governance proposals.

Analytical Skills for Service Contracts

  • Robust analytical capabilities for evaluating and negotiating service contracts, including service-level agreements (SLAs) and performance metrics.
  • The ability to identify and assess risks associated with service procurement decisions.

Financial Acumen (Service Costs)

A firm grounding in financial aspects of service procurement, including budgeting, cost analysis, and financial implications.

Communication Skills

  • Exceptional communication abilities, both oral and written, for managing relationships and interactions with service providers, stakeholders, and fellow committee members.
  • The capacity to convey complex service procurement information clearly and effectively.


  • A high degree of proficiency in negotiating service agreements and SLAs to secure favorable terms, pricing structures, and quality standards with service providers should the need arise.
  • The ability to build and maintain positive relationships with service providers.

Project Management Abilities

  • Proficiency in project management related to service procurement, including project planning, execution, and performance monitoring.
  • The ability to effectively manage timelines, resources, and deliverables for service projects.

Ethical Conduct

  • An unwavering commitment to ethical conduct in all service procurement activities, ensuring transparency and fairness in service provider whitelisting & facilitation.

Team Player

  • The ability to function effectively as a committee team member and collaborate with other organizational departments, stakeholders, and service providers.

  • Willingness to consider diverse perspectives and reach consensus on service procurement decisions.

Technology Proficiency

  • Familiarity with service procurement software and tools for managing service procurement processes, data analysis, and reporting.
  • Previous experience with Asana/Airtable.
  • Previous experience with Multi-Sigs.

Decision-Making Skills

  • Sound judgment and decision-making skills to make informed and strategic service procurement choices aligned with the organization’s service procurement strategy.


  1. Forum Post

This Forum Post will detail the eligibility criteria (ref. above), and the application template prospective applicants must use.

Within a 3 business-day period from the publication of this Forum Post on the ArbitrumDAO Forums, the submission period will be initiated for 7 business days;

  1. Application Submission (7 business days):

Anyone may apply on this dedicated page of the ArbitrumDAO Forums in conformity with the application template stipulated hereunder;

  1. KYB/KYC + Delegate Review Period (7 business day period following the end of Application Submission Period):

Applicants who would have validly submitted their applications in conformity with the application template will then be required to undergo KYC/KYB processes. All candidates will cooperate with the Arbitrum Foundation and complete the compliance process. The Arbitrum Foundation is responsible for removing any candidates who fail the compliance process. Only applicants who pass KYB/KYC will be eligible for the ADPC election;

  1. Member election (7 business day period following the end of KYB/KYC + Delegate Review Period):

A Snapshot with weighted voting will be included, including the list of all eligible candidates. The three [3] highest-voted candidates will be elected to the Procurement Committee.

The ArbitrumDAO may approve and implement a Non-Constitutional AIP to change future ADPC election rules. Still, the AIP process may not be used to intervene in an ongoing election.


Applicant Information:

Name of Applicant & Applicant’s Representative [If Applicable]:

Email Address:

Telegram Handle (if applicable):

LinkedIn Profile (if applicable):

Primary languages spoken:

Disclosure of other time commitments:


[Refer to Eligibility Criteria] Please briefly overview your experience in the digital asset industry and, more specifically, the Ethereum & Arbitrum Ecosystems. Include any relevant projects, contributions, or roles within the ArbitrumDAO, if applicable. (400 words max)

Objectives & Motivation

Explain how you envision contributing to the primary mandate of ADPC (300 words max)


Disclose any past or present involvement in ethical breaches, fraud, manipulation, or other forms of misconduct. If you have no history of such activities, please explicitly state this. (300 words max)

Skills and Experience

[Refer to Eligibility Criteria] Provide details about your relevant skills and experience in Legal, Operations & Admin, including any previous work or contributions related to the mandate of the ADPC (300 words max)

Industry Knowledge

Explain your understanding of the specific industry or sector related to the services in which the ADPC will operate, especially in the context of procurement. (300 words max)

Financial Acumen (Service Costs)

Describe your experience and capabilities in budgeting, cost analysis, and understanding financial implications related to service procurement. (300 words max)


Highlight any previous experience in negotiating service agreements, securing favorable terms, pricing structures, and quality standards with service providers. (300 words max)

Project Management Abilities

Provide examples of your project management skills related to service procurement, including planning, execution, and performance monitoring. Include references to any relevant tools that you’ve utilized in this regard. (300 words max)

Technological Proficiency

Kindly detail your experience with service procurement software and tools, focusing on key insights gained from your prior use of platforms such as Asana/Airtable and Multi-Sigs. Additionally, list any other relevant software and tools that you might have utilized or consider pertinent in this domain. (300 words max)

Super excited about this, and I am looking forward to seeing awesome candidates step forward and and drive the space forward. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. LFG!


Applicant Information:

  • Name of Applicant & Applicant’s Representative (If Applicable): Pavel Fedotov
  • Email Address:
  • Telegram Handle (If Applicable): pfedprog
  • LinkedIn Profile (If Applicable): Pavel Fedotov - Pin Save | LinkedIn
  • Primary languages spoken: English, Russian, some Spanish
  • Disclosure of other time commitments:

Elected member of ArbitrumDAO Mini-Grants Council - Plurality Labs: "Our Biggest Minigrants Yet" (JokeRace)

Founder of Pin Save - decentralized Pinterest. The dApp is currently in Mina Navigators program at least until April 2024. RetroPGF 3 recipient and we are also planning to apply for optimism retroPGF 4.

Mentor at Mina ZkIgnite 2 cohort, that receive funding from the 500k USDC and 500k MINA tokens grant pool.


With over 3 years of experience as a Full Stack Blockchain Developer, I have actively contributed to the advancement of decentralized applications (dApps) within the Ethereum and Arbitrum ecosystems. My proficiency spans a range of technologies, including Rust, Solidity, Python, JavaScript, React, and NextJs. Notably, I have been recognized and awarded by various prominent blockchain platforms such as Filecoin, Uniswap, Algorand, Near, Fuel Blockchain, Ceramic, and UMA.

One of my notable achievements includes the successful completion of a Filecoin grant focused on advancing decentralized identity (ERC-725) in conjunction with NFT privacy-focused standards. I also serve as the Founder of Pin Save, a decentralized Pinterest dApp, which is currently part of the Mina Navigators program until at least April 2024. Additionally, Pin Save has received the RetroPGF 3 grant, and we are actively preparing to apply for the optimism RetroPGF 4.

Furthermore, my role as a mentor in the Mina ZkIgnite 2 cohort, which receives funding from the 500k USDC and 500k MINA tokens grant pool, demonstrates my commitment to fostering growth within the blockchain ecosystem.

Overall, my extensive experience in blockchain development, combined with my active involvement in various grant programs and mentoring initiatives, underscores my dedication to advancing public goods and aligns closely with the mandate of the ADPC.

Objectives & Motivation:

My primary objective within the ADPC is to leverage my expertise in blockchain development and my unwavering commitment to advancing public goods within the blockchain ecosystem. I envision contributing by actively participating in the procurement framework processes, ensuring that they are not only robust and efficient but also align with the core values of transparency and fairness.

My motivation is rooted in my firsthand experience in developing and contributing to decentralized applications, coupled with my active engagement in Ethereum communities. I am particularly eager to engage in Gitcoin and Retroactive Public Goods Funding initiatives on Optimism, recognizing the significant potential for impact and positive change that these endeavors present.

Here is my Gitcoin Grants analysis that achieved 2.5k views and 40 likes: Lifetime Gitcoin Grants Data Analysis and Hypothesis Testing - 🧙 🧙‍♀️ Ideas and Open Discussion - Gitcoin Governance

Furthermore, my mission-aligned approach and proficient skill set offer a strong foundation for effectively administering procurement frameworks that drive the advancement of public goods within the blockchain space. It is my firm belief that my active involvement in the procurement committee will not only facilitate the alignment of services with the organization’s strategic objectives but also ensure these services benefit the broader blockchain ecosystem.

In conclusion, my motivation to engage with the ADPC lies in my genuine commitment to the ethos of public goods in the blockchain ecosystem and my desire to contribute meaningfully towards their advancement.

Integrity: I have no history of involvement in ethical breaches, fraud, manipulation, or any form of misconduct.

Skills and Experience:

My proficiency as a Full Stack Blockchain Developer, complemented by my background in Python programming and data analysis, aligns seamlessly with the requirements of the ADPC. I possess a robust understanding of blockchain technology and decentralized applications, coupled with hands-on experience in developing applications using Rust, Solidity, Python, JavaScript, React, and NextJs.

I hold a BA in Business Studies and Economics from the University of Manchester, where I graduated with Honors. During my academic journey, I had the privilege of publishing an academic article titled “Critical analysis of the electric vehicle industry: Five forces and strategic action fields” which received more than 10k downloads.

Industry Knowledge:

In terms of industry-specific knowledge, my in-depth understanding of blockchain services positions me effectively to operate within the ADPC, particularly in the realm of procurement. Furthermore, my active involvement in governance proposals in Developer Dao, Algovera, Ocean Marketplace, Mina, Gitcoin and Arbitrum mini-grants serves as a testament to my capability and insight within this domain.

Financial Acumen (Service Costs):

Financially, my expertise in business studies and economics, combined with my experience in blockchain development, equips me with a strong foundation in budgeting, cost analysis, and understanding financial implications in the context of service procurement. I am committed to ensuring that all procurement decisions are not only aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives but also optimized from a financial standpoint.


My negotiation skills have been honed through practical experience in securing and managing grants and corporate-level negotiations within the blockchain space. Notably, I successfully applied for, negotiated, and completed a Filecoin grant, showcasing my ability to articulate the value proposition of a project and effectively negotiate terms to secure essential resources.

In my current role as a founder, I have further refined my negotiation skills by spearheading discussions and agreements with key stakeholders, fostering successful partnerships, and securing resources vital to the organization’s growth and success. My adeptness in navigating complex negotiations and fostering mutually beneficial agreements has proven instrumental in driving the corporation’s strategic objectives forward.

Furthermore, my receipt of a Retroactive Public Goods Funding (PGF) grant from Optimism and my active involvement in advertising and engaging with Optimism badgeholders underscore my capability to engage in effective negotiations within the blockchain ecosystem. These experiences have equipped me with the ability to communicate the value of initiatives and secure essential funding resources to advance public goods within the blockchain space.

Overall, my proficiency in negotiation, demonstrated through successful grant applications, corporate leadership, and engagement with prominent blockchain platforms, positions me to effectively contribute to the procurement committee by driving mutually beneficial agreements and partnerships that align with the organization’s strategic goals.

Project Management Abilities:

My project management abilities are underpinned by a proven track record of spearheading and delivering successful blockchain developments. As a Full Stack Blockchain Developer, I have overseen the end-to-end execution of projects, from planning and resource allocation to execution and performance monitoring. My adeptness in utilizing project management tools such as Asana, Airtable, and Multi-Sigs has been instrumental in ensuring the seamless coordination and delivery of projects.

In my capacity as a leader within a corporation, I have demonstrated the ability to effectively manage and execute projects, displaying prowess in strategic planning, team leadership, and resource optimization. This experience has equipped me with the requisite skills to not only drive the successful processing of grants and procurement but also to leverage resources in a manner that maximizes their impact and aligns with the organization’s overarching objectives.

My comprehensive project management abilities, refined through hands-on experience in blockchain development, corporate leadership, and engagement with prominent blockchain initiatives, position me to actively contribute to the procurement committee by ensuring the streamlined management and successful execution of strategic initiatives within the ArbitrumDAO.

Technological Proficiency:

My technological proficiency encompasses a diverse range of tools and languages, enabling me to drive innovation and development within the blockchain space. With expertise in languages such as Rust, Solidity, Python, and JavaScript, I have actively contributed to the advancement of decentralized applications (dApps) within the Ethereum and Arbitrum ecosystems. My proficiency in React and NextJs has further enabled me to architect user-friendly interfaces and enhance the overall user experience of blockchain applications.

In addition to my programming acumen, I boast a deep understanding of blockchain protocols and their implementation. This includes hands-on experience in building and deploying smart contracts, integrating decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, and contributing to the development of blockchain infrastructure.

My technical proficiency extends to utilizing various development tools and methodologies, allowing me to effectively manage and execute projects. I am well-versed in using project management tools such as Asana, Airtable, and Multi-Sigs, enabling me to coordinate team efforts and deliver projects with precision and efficiency.

Moreover, my experience with grant applications and navigating retroactive public goods funding processes has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the technical requirements and implications of blockchain-related grants and initiatives. This expertise equips me with the insight necessary to evaluate the technical aspects of procurement proposals effectively and ensure that they align with the technological goals and standards of the ArbitrumDAO.

In conclusion, my extensive technological proficiency, complemented by a robust understanding of blockchain development and infrastructure, uniquely positions me to contribute valuable technical insights within the ADPC, fostering the successful procurement of services that are aligned with the technological aspirations of the ArbitrumDAO.


Name of Applicant & Applicant’s Representative [If Applicable]: Joseph [Immutablelawyer] on behalf of Axis Advisory [4 members]

Email Address:

Telegram Handle (if applicable): @immutablelawyer

Primary languages spoken: English, Maltese, Italian

Disclosure of other time commitments: Founder of [Axis Advisory]


Axis Advisory is a legal, regulatory and DAO Advisory firm providing services exclusively within the Digital Asset industry. Joseph has four years of experience in crypto-focused legal, regulatory & product consulting & advisory services, advising clients on a myriad of matters including [but not limited to]; organizational setups, progressive decentralization & product structuring. Joseph is also a member of the dYdX Operations Trust, the dYdX SubDAO that facilitated the launch of the dYdX Chain.

More specifically to the ArbitrumDAO, Joseph’s initial contributions emanated from his role within the TraderJoe Governance Council [a body set up within the TraderJoe community to facilitate & administer the voting power endowed within as a delegate]. Most prominently, as part of the TraderJoe Governance Council (together with fellow Council colleagues), Joseph contributed to the Council’s efforts in participating in the STIP Project Assessment by reviewing, assessing & voting on the various proposals submitted. In this regard, Joseph also authored a post on this model for delegates (The Delegate’s Handbook: A Primer on the Council Model).

Within the ArbitrumDAO, Joseph has also participated & spearheaded various endeavors aimed at optimizing and/or establishing pivotal infrastructure pieces to ensure long-term scaling & sustainability for existing projects & projects intending to build on Arbitrum. A TL;DR of my contributions hereunder:

Snapshot [Passed] This proposal aimed at establishing a procurement framework for security-oriented services within the ArbitrumDAO. In the drafting of this proposal, a public consultation period was initiated to solicit stakeholder feedback so as to optimally structure this framework.

Snapshot [Passed] This proposal aims at establishing a collective of individuals and service providers to provide pivotal proposal-stage reporting to aid and enhance delegate decision-making. All members to be appointed by election with applicable caps.

Snapshot [Passed] This proposal aims at establishing the ArbitrumDAO Procurement Committee to not only facilitate and administer the ratified procurement framework for security services, but also create new frameworks, propose a subsidy fund for services, & create a means test to assess projects’ eligibility for subsidisation.

Objectives & Motivation

Firstly, I will commit my expertise to meticulously researching and drafting a comprehensive proposal to establish a subsidy fund for security-oriented services within the Arbitrum Ecosystem. This fund will play a pivotal role in subsidizing the costs of security services for smaller projects, thereby fostering a secure environment for the entire ecosystem.

Secondly, I shall diligently develop a framework that incorporates both qualitative and quantitative metrics, akin to a “Means Test,” to assess project eligibility for the subsidy fund. This framework will ensure transparency and fairness in the allocation of resources, setting a benchmark for future initiatives within the ArbitrumDAO. This will undoubtedly aid in attracting newer projects to the Ecosystem as it will serve as an indirect incentive.

Furthermore, I will actively engage in the establishment of procurement frameworks for various verticals and service types, aligning with the proactive approach essential for the ecosystem’s growth. My commitment extends to ensuring that these frameworks undergo applicable public consultations & receive the necessary ratification through Snapshot votes, guaranteeing the democratic participation of the ArbitrumDAO.

Lastly, I will contribute to the creation and dissemination of guidance notes and circulars, which will provide detailed insights to prospective applicants navigating the procurement process. These documents will serve as invaluable resources, streamlining the application procedure and ensuring that applicants can fulfill the steps of the respective procurement frameworks with ease.

In conclusion, my dedication to the ADPC’s mandate is unwavering, and I pledge to bring my legal acumen, commitment to transparency, and efficiency to the committee’s endeavors. I believe that by actively contributing to the committee’s objectives, I can play a pivotal role in the growth and security of the Arbitrum Ecosystem.


I have no past or present history or involvement in ethical breaches, fraud, manipulation, or other forms of misconduct.

Skills and Experience

I have been working within the digital asset industry for the past 4 years now as a legal, regulatory & product advisor. Over the years, I have garnered a keen interest in aiding projects progressively decentralize so that they can incrementally satisfy the prongs of ‘Decentralised’ ‘Autonomous’ and ‘Organization’ [The procurement committee will be an endeavor that naturally aids in ensuring or rather, progressing, towards achieving the organizational prong].

I have had the pleasure of working with service providers of a centralized and decentralized nature and now, through Axis Advisory, I focus purely on open-sourced tech-stacks & provide my expertise via DAO Contributions in ecosystems such as OlympusDAO, dYdX (Where I am still a member of the dYdX Operations Trust) & the Arbitrum Ecosystem where I have participated in & spearheaded various proposals (including this one) in my time here.

Given my previous experience working on the procurement framework for security-oriented service providers & the successful implementation thereof I am confident that I will be able to successfully execute on the ADPC’s mandate.

Industry Knowledge & Financial Acumen

Given my experience working in an advisory role for the past few years within the digital asset industry (sometimes on a retainer-basis & thus, having a more active role), I have encountered various (if not all) verticals that projects need to interact with to get their project market-ready. In addition, prior to working within the digital asset industry, I was employed within the legal department of a governmental entity within my home jurisdiction of Malta; wherein procurement frameworks via tendering processes are a norm when soliciting goods & services that may be needed from time to time. This experience, coupled with my background negotiating and executing transactions in relation to service agreements for a myriad of verticals on behalf of my clients, has granted me a holistic understanding of what is needed to execute on the ADPC’s procurement mandate.

The above naturally resulted in having a good understanding of budgeting, cost analysis, and understanding financial implications related to service procurement. This is due to the fact that for tendering processes, one must submit a detailed RFP detailing the entity’s budget allocation for a particular endeavor, a cost identification assessment, cost estimation, a comparative cost assessment and (most importantly) a cost-benefit analysis.


Throughout my career, I have actively engaged with a diverse range of clients operating within the digital asset industry. These clients normally seek my expertise in navigating the complex landscape of transactional service agreements, where precision, foresight, and an acute understanding of industry dynamics are paramount.

Naturally, as part of advising clients on verticals which are external in nature to the legal & regulatory field, a lawyer needs to both review and negotiate service agreements on behalf of his client so as to correspondingly result in fair and adequate terms for the client. This will naturally translate into the procurement committee’s role of ensuring that terms entered into with security-oriented service providers are reflective of the details that led to the respective service provider’s whitelisting and quality assurance grading.

The above has provided me with a profound understanding of negotiating service agreements, securing favorable terms, structuring pricing models, and upholding rigorous quality standards. I am confident that my expertise will aid the committee in fulfilling the mandate of the ArbitrumDAO Procurement Committee and contributing to the ecosystem’s growth and longevity.

Project Management Abilities

Firstly, as a member of the dYdX Operations Trust, the dYdX SubDAO that facilitated the launch of the dYdX Chain, all members were jointly managing the project’s strategy that eventually led to the deployment of the dYdX Chain’s infrastructure. This included, but was not limited to, managing contractual agreements, devising regulatory & legal strategies, employing independent contractors, & liaising with stakeholders so as to ensure that strategic priorities are being met.

In addition, as an advisory firm operating within the industry, for nascent projects we ideally undertake the role of a retainer-based agreement wherein we aid developers in establishing, executing and subsequently managing legal, regulatory and product strategies that would eventually lead to the launch of the project. This naturally leads to Axis Advisory having the reins on managing various verticals of the project’s lifecycle from a legal, regulatory, operational and product structuring perspective as well (dependant on the client’s needs and manpower. Ancillarily, as part of our role, we are given the reins in procuring high-quality service providers to provide our clients with services that may be required in the nascent stages of product development & services that may be required (on an ongoing basis or case by case basis) post-deployment.

Technological Proficiency

Firstly, Asana has been a pivotal tool in my arsenal for project management and task tracking. I have employed Asana to meticulously plan, organize, and monitor the various stages of client engagements, internal operations and DAO Contributions. Its user-friendly interface allows for the creation of detailed project timelines, task assignments, and progress tracking, ensuring that all committee members are aligned and aware of their responsibilities. This should facilitate smooth communication and collaboration within the committee, fostering a sense of accountability and transparency.

In addition, the use of Multi-Sigs, while not a traditional software tool, has been essential in our approach to ensure security and accountability in our firm. Apart from laying the groundwork for the Multi-Sig infrastructure of the Arbitrum Research & Development Collective, we also employ the use of the SAFE SDK to custody our advisory firm’s assets with included checks & balances for optimal operational security.


I look forward to the election & am keen on executing on the committee’s mandate together with other elected members!


Firstly - many thanks to @Immutablelawyer for driving this initiative - it is long overdue in the industry. As it would be an honour to stand as a candidate for one of the committee roles, here is my response to each of the candidacy criteria:

Name of Applicant: Paul Imseih

Email Address:

LinkedIn Profile:

Primary languages spoken: English, some French

Disclosure of other time commitments: I am the Principal and Founder of Daimon Legal. The ADPC role can be incorporated into my current practice without issue.


I have been a contract and commercial lawyer for over 25 years. These roles have been predominantly in the technology sector working for Tier 1 suppliers including EDS, NetApp and NTT, negotiating complex technology transactions valued anywhere between USD$150 Million to over USD$1 Billion.

These deals applied industry best practice in structuring, negotiating, drafting and implementing supply and procurement contracts. The contracts covered the full spectrum of the technology stack including Outsourcing, SaaS, CaaS, Software, Hardware, Networks, Support and Maintenance, Consulting and Security. Many of these contracts included some form of SLAs so I have drafted and reviewed a wide range of service level agreements.

For 2 years as Principal Lawyer in the Department of Treasury for the Victorian Government, I handled the State’s public goods procurements with major suppliers like Microsoft, Oracle, and IBM. This role involved preparing and negotiating all legal documents associated with the tender including RFTs, RFQs, EOIs, Master Agreements and Panel Agreements. I was involved through the entire procurement process from advising on procurement strategy, reviewing tender responses, negotiating with suppliers (often in parallel), internal governance, and probity. This role also involved drafting and reviewing the Government’s procurement, intellectual property, data protection, and technology security policies.

More often than not, there was some level of internal governance and approval processes for procurements and tenders so I have a very good sense of industry best practice around legal and operational risk allocation.

Objectives & Motivation

As a highly experienced procurement and legal professional, I have decades of knowledge to share with the ADPC and will be able to make a significant contribution to Arbitrum’s procurement tasks.

Not only can I offer concrete policy advice, but I have the legal and drafting skills required to negotiate and draft agreements with suppliers and partners. For a concrete example of my contributions on the unique procurement issues for DAOs, please refer to my detailed post on the Sushiswap forum here.


I have no history of any ethical breaches, fraud, manipulation, or other forms of serious misconduct. As a legal professional operating in a common law jurisdiction, I adhere to extremely high standards of ethics, particularly regarding confidentiality, conflicts of interest, and avoiding dishonest or disreputable conduct.

Failure to comply with these rules could result in serious consequences for my practice. For more on the standards applicable to my legal practice, please refer to the Conduct Rules & Code of Ethics here.

Skills and Experience

I have had a keen interest in Arbitrum since the earliest days and was attracted by the technology and traditional legal structures used to assist with governance and off-chain tasks. I might be one of the few who has fully reviewed and edited the Arbitrum Foundation deed and Arbitrum constitution – see post here and github repo here. This gives me unique insights into the Arbitrum governance model and structures which will be distinct advantage for the ADPC role.

My law firm, Daimon Legal, is a crypto-native firm supporting DeFi, GameFi, NFTs, and VC projects, founded in 2020. My involvement in the crypto sector however dates back to 2016. I have made numerous contributions in the legal sphere for crypto innovators, often pro bono, through Lex DAO and other public forums. As a strong believer in the open source model, feel free to browse some of my contributions to supported projects and initiatives on my Github page here. Better yet, send me a pull request if you find something that can be improved.

Expect to see more open-source work in the coming year, including through MakerDAO where I also sit on the board of the Dai Foundation.

Industry Knowledge

My career in crypto started in 2017, primarily through hosting weekly community events, running training sessions on legal issues specific to crypto, and providing ad-hoc advice to projects.

In 2020, I moved full-time into the crypto sector, transitioning my consulting practice into a crypto-native law firm. Since then, I have gained extensive knowledge of the industry, familiarising myself with key players including many of the major CEXs, market makers, auditors, law firms, and accountants. I also have connections with industry bodies and have contributed to policy initiatives in Australia and the US.

For insights into some of my work, including peer-reviewed articles on new forms of property rights in digital assets and legal issues around DAOs and Soulbound Tokens, see here and here. Both of these articles are useful primers if you are new to the topics.

My network also includes service providers in the Caymans and BVI, popular jurisdictions for DeFi, GameFi, and crypto projects. This is particularly relevant because both the Arbitrum Foundation and the Constitution rely on Cayman law, so understanding the common law and regulatory frameworks in these jurisdictions will be critical.

Financial Acumen (Service Costs)

Having worked extensively with top sales and proposal teams in the tech industry, I am familiar with most of the pricing and scope strategies employed in the sector.

My detail-oriented nature, combined with a strong understanding of the underlying technology, industry standards, and legal terms, has made me a formidable technology lawyer. I have often picked up anomalies in pricing and deal structure that others might miss, benefiting from my extensive experience in large, complex deals.

I also have a strong understanding of benchmarking methodologies as a procurement tool. In many larger tech deals, benchmarks by companies such as Gartner and Boston Consulting are often used to aid decision making. Even smaller deals can benefit from some basic benchmarking, using the same techniques as those applied by the big benchmarking firms (for example the use of a normalisation methodology to create “apples for apples” comparisons).


Since 1997, I have been negotiating technology contracts on behalf of suppliers and buyers. These negotiations cover the full spectrum of the tech and service industry as I described above. In the crypto industry, I’ve leveraged these skills to assist teams in deal negotiations, including capital raising for VCs and crypto projects, involving complex tokenomics, vesting schedules and legal issues that aren’t typically found in traditional capital raises or tech deals.

I have received formal training in the Harvard method of Principled Negotiation, which provides valuable tools for resolving impasses. Beyond technical skills, I have honed a keen sense for the politics and psychology of negotiation, including “reading the room” and adjusting language and tone as needed. There is always some level of theatre in every negotiation.

Project Management Abilities

As the lead lawyer for many large deals, I was required to manage the entire procurement process, from strategy development to execution. This often required coordinating multiple procurements simultaneously with strict deadlines and diverse teams, including external law firms, internal stakeholders, and service providers.

Running my own firm has elevated my project management skills, as I now manage client projects while supervising staff and managing the firm’s operations.

Technological Proficiency

Most of the procurement tools used these days are collaboration and database tools – I’ve used Asana and Notion quite a bit recently and am comfortable using both. In my current practice, I frequently use most of the popular software and collaboration tools required to get jobs done in crypto law.

As an industry professional and heavy user, I have a solid understanding the various cold and hot wallets in the market as well as wallet and password and wallet management and operational security.

Final Comments

I’d like thank the Arbitrum community for considering my interest in the role.

To @Immutablelawyer and the other candidates who have applied: all the best in this election cycle. This is a really exciting project so I hope we get a chance to work together soon!




Applicant Information:

Name of Applicant & Applicant’s Representative (If Applicable): Bernard Schmid on behalf of Areta

Email Address:

Telegram Handle (if applicable): bmitte

LinkedIn Profile (if applicable): Bernard Schmid - Areta | LinkedIn

Primary languages spoken: English, German, Spanish

Disclosure of other time commitments: Partner at Areta, Uniswap-Arbitrum Grants Program Lead

Personal profile & background: Find details on my background here

Details on background and experience


Please briefly overview your experience in the digital asset industry and, more specifically, the Ethereum & Arbitrum Ecosystems. Include any relevant projects, contributions, or roles within the ArbitrumDAO, if applicable. (400 words max)

The initiative will be led by Bernard and supported by a dedicated team from Areta. We are an ex-McKinsey/Blackstone team specializing in complex governance processes and strategic transactions and have had the privilege to work for some of the leading companies and DAOs in the crypto space.

Examples of our work include leading the first cross-ecosystem growth initiative for Uniswap and Arbitrum, the first acquisition of Coingecko, the sale of Solscan to Etherscan, and the strategic wind-down of Gro DAO. All of these initiatives share one common element: a strong focus on establishing clear and transparent processes, tracking and reporting outcomes, and communicating these to the highest quality standard. If these standards were not met, leading parties in the industry would not repeatedly engage us in complex situations.

We have been very actively involved in Arbitrum DAO’s governance, including leading the Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant program, initiating the Uniswap-Arbitrum Metagovernance program, and actively contributing to the community calls and various working groups. We had many interactions with delegates on- and offline, and see ourselves as long-term supporters of the ecosystem.

My experience at McKinsey and as Founder of Areta equips me perfectly for this role. At McKinsey, I gained extensive knowledge in procurement principles and operational, and administrative functions. My integrity is proven by my ethical and transparent career. At Areta, I developed a keen market understanding of service providers and mastered the intricacies of contracts and offers, vital for effective negotiations. I bring skills in financial analysis, communication, project management, including proficiency with tools like Asana/Airtable/Notion.

Objectives & Motivation

Explain how you envision contributing to the primary mandate of ADPC (300 words max)

In addressing the challenges of large-scale DAOs, especially in service provider procurement and management, my vision for the ADPC mandate is clear. With my background in the Arbitrum ecosystem and at Areta, I aim to bring a depth of knowledge and experience to ensure the highest quality in service provider engagements and focus on:

  1. Operational Efficiency: Streamlining operational processes to enhance Arbitrum’s growth with the right choice of service providers.
  2. Structured Frameworks and Negotiation Support: Implementing comprehensive frameworks and processes for evaluating complex proposals and leading active negotiation to close preferred conditions for Arbitrum DAO.
  3. Communication Transparency: Emphasizing clear, transparent communication and reporting to the DAO for accountability and to provide ground for optimization.


Disclose any past or present involvement in ethical breaches, fraud, manipulation, or other forms of misconduct. If you have no history of such activities, please explicitly state this. (300 words max)

I don’t have any past or present involvement in ethical breaches, fraud, manipulation, or other forms of misconduct.

Skills and Experience

[Refer to Eligibility Criteria] Provide details about your relevant skills and experience in Legal, Operations & Admin, including any previous work or contributions related to the mandate of the ADPC (300 words max)

My qualifications in Legal, Operations, and Administration are well-suited for the ADPC’s objectives, drawing from my experiences at McKinsey, Areta, and in the Arbitrum ecosystem.

My involvement in strategic projects and governance in the crypto space showcases my adaptability and proficiency.

  1. Procurement Skillset and DAO-Native: My analytical skills and structured approach translate effectively into the DAO context. Working with leading DAOs has given me insight into the unique requirements of service providers in the DAO space compared to traditional sectors.
  2. Transparency and Accountability: My role in key projects like the leading the Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program underscore my commitment to transparent processes and accountability.
  3. Clear Communication and Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging with major stakeholders across DAO ecosystems for complex initiatives is my bread and butter. This enabled me to led even complex governance initiatives like the wind-down of Gro DAO and larger financial transactions in the space.
  4. Negotiation and Financial Analysis: At Areta, I frequently negotiate with suppliers and customers, applying a structured approach to offer comparisons, demonstrating my negotiation prowess and financial expertise.
  5. Capacity of High-Performing Team: Areta is equipped with a full team that can be deployed as needed, adept at managing work peaks in setting up processes and selecting providers, as well as in ongoing process management.

Industry Knowledge

Explain your understanding of the specific industry or sector related to the services in which the ADPC will operate, especially in the context of procurement. (300 words max)

I run a crypto-native strategy firm called Areta. We have worked with and contributed to various DAOs of different sizes, including Uniswap, dYdX, Safe, and Gro DAO, as well as leading players in the crypto industry such as Coingecko and Solscan/Etherscan. Additionally, we’ve collaborated with more than 30 leaders in research, including Polygon and Sandbox. Our network encompasses a broad range of crypto-native organizations and DAOs, crypto companies, VCs, and institutional entities.

I am confident that our experience in establishing and managing structured processes from the traditional and venture side (McKinsey, Blackstone), combined with our crypto-native work, equips us with the necessary skillset to develop procurement processes that truly meet the demands of Arbitrum DAO. I fundamentally believe this role goes beyond traditional procurement and requires a nuanced approach that factors in the specifics of crypto-native service providers.

My experience has equipped me with a solid grasp of financial aspects crucial to service procurement, including budgeting, cost analysis, and the financial intricacies involved. This expertise stems from the necessity of crafting comprehensive Request for Proposals (RFPs) in tendering processes. These RFPs require a thorough breakdown of budget allocation for specific projects, an in-depth assessment of costs, cost estimations, comparisons of various cost factors, and, significantly, a detailed cost-benefit analysis.

Financial Acumen (Service Costs)

Describe your experience and capabilities in budgeting, cost analysis, and understanding financial implications related to service procurement. (300 words max)

My professional background encompasses a range of financial expertise, notably in investment banking with Barclays, venture capital with Atlantic, and strategy consulting with McKinsey. My focus in these roles has been on budgeting and cost analysis, which are key components of effective financial management.

Furthermore, we as a firm are one of the leading investment banks in crypto, naturally being involved in managing and owning financial models and forecasts for significant projects in mergers and acquisitions, as well as capital raising efforts. Within DAOs, my experience as the lead of the Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program has given me a deep understanding of working together with crypto-native service providers and the unique challenges attached to that, including forecasting, milestone setting, tracking, reporting, and managing payouts.

Complementing my practical experience is my academic background, where I earned a Master’s degree in Business and Economics, with a Finance specialization, from the London School of Economics.


Highlight any previous experience in negotiating service agreements, and securing favorable terms, pricing structures, and quality standards with service providers. (300 words max)

As a Partner at Areta, I have extensively engaged in negotiating service agreements, securing favorable terms, and establishing pricing structures. My role involves negotiations with clients and counterparties, where I lead discussions and strategize to achieve optimal outcomes. This has included conducting market assessments of selected parties and overseeing competitive selection processes (beauty contests), to ensure the best fit for service needs.

My experience extends to guiding teams through complex negotiations, and providing insights and leadership that ensure fair and effective agreements. This has sharpened my understanding of the nuances in service agreements, especially in fast-evolving sectors.

This expertise is vital for the procurement committee’s role in the ArbitrumDAO ecosystem, where securing advantageous terms with service providers is crucial. My approach focuses on aligning agreements with both parties’ expectations and the overarching quality standards. This ensures a balance between value, efficiency, and compliance with agreed-upon criteria, contributing significantly to the procurement process’s success and integrity.

Project Management Abilities

Provide examples of your project management skills related to service procurement, including planning, execution, and performance monitoring. Include references to any relevant tools that you’ve utilized in this regard. (300 words max)

My project management expertise, particularly in service procurement, is grounded in experiences ranging from orchestrating large-scale projects for S&P 500 companies at McKinsey to strategizing for bootstrapped startups. This spectrum of work has sharpened my proficiency in all aspects of project management, including meticulous planning, efficient execution, and rigorous performance monitoring.

At McKinsey, the use of Agile methodology and tools like Notion/Asana for project management was integral in managing complex timelines and deliverables. These experiences honed my ability to effectively allocate resources, track progress, and adjust strategies as needed, ensuring the successful delivery of each project.

Additionally, my role in setting and monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) was crucial in maintaining a clear vision and measuring project outcomes against established goals. This strategic approach has been vital in my work, from managing expansive projects for leading corporations to guiding smaller-scale initiatives in the startup realm.

Technological Proficiency

Kindly detail your experience with service procurement software and tools, focusing on key insights gained from your prior use of platforms such as Asana/Airtable and Multi-Sigs. Additionally, list any other relevant software and tools that you might have utilized or consider pertinent in this domain. (300 words max)

I have been using various project management tools mentioned to a high degree throughout my career. This includes Asana, Notion, and the use of Multi-Sigs.

I have effectively used Asana for organizing and monitoring various projects, including client engagements and DAO contributions. Its user-friendly design has been crucial for maintaining project timelines, assigning tasks, and tracking progress, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Notion has been invaluable for its streamlined communication and organizational capabilities, enhancing collaboration and efficiency in complex project environments.

Additionally, my practical experience with Multi-Sigs, especially using Safe, has played a significant role in managing the Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program. This experience underscores my capability in ensuring operational security and accountability in sensitive financial and strategic operations.

Final Comments

Thanks all for considering my application and the 1-on-1 discussions leading to this application.

I am confident in my suitability for the role, given my extensive experience in strategic project management, developing processes and structures, and leading negotiations from the largest scale projects to small projects.

I aim to serve the role with a focus on:

  1. Operational Efficiency: Streamlining operational processes to enhance Arbitrum’s growth with the right choice of service providers.
  2. Structured Frameworks and Negotiation Support: Implementing comprehensive frameworks and processes for evaluating complex proposals and leading active negotiation to close preferred conditions for Arbitrum DAO.
  3. Communication Transparency: Emphasizing clear, transparent communication and reporting to the DAO for accountability and to provide ground for optimization.

In my initial weeks, I plan to deeply understand the needs of the DAO in procurement through reviewing past procurement decisions, identifying areas for improvement, and shaping a day-1 framework to then be iterated. This will inform the establishment of key framework areas.

Looking forward & always available for any questions or further discussion! :handshake:


Hi! Good idea! I join to all

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Join us for a pitch session today at 5pm UTC! This is your chance to meet the candidates, ask them questions, and learn more about their vision and plans. Don’t miss this opportunity to make an informed decision on who to vote for.

To participate, join this meeting:

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The pitching session is live, here are my pitching slides

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Pitch Session [Recordings + Chatlog]

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gm, and thank you to all of you who have come forward for the ARDC.

This is a very specific role so I voted in favor of whom I believe have the strongest mix of procurement skills and web3 expertise - not an easy choice even if Snapshot’s weighted voting system helped the process.

One consideration not related to the specific candidates:
it’s worrying that we only saw five candidates for three well-compensated positions.
We need to urgently find ways to help with the discovery of these opportunities outside our bubble - I hope the work that Thank Arb is doing will help with that.


After consideration Treasure’s Arbitrum Representative Council (ARC) would like to share the following feedback on this election.

We were thoroughly impressed by the exceptional quality of all applications received for this position. It’s evident that the DAO would benefit greatly from the expertise and dedication of any of the applicants.

During our deliberations, it became apparent that Council members placed varying emphasis on different qualities of the candidates. In order to reach a consensus, we encouraged each ARC member to express their individual preferences of voting split between candidates. The final vote submitted by the ARC was determined by averaging these different individual voting splits.

Our voting breakdown was as follows:

  • Pavel (15%)
  • Immutable Lawyer (22.5%)
  • Paul (50%)
  • Jeff (5%)
  • Bernard (7.5%)

Regardless of the final outcome, we will be pleased with the result. Best of luck to all applicants and we look forward to seeing the Procurement Committee in action.


The below response reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking and ideation of the two.

After carefully reviewing all applications and attending the pitching sessions held on Monday 29/1, we have decided to vote for the following applicants in equal weights.

  1. @ImmutableLawyer
  2. @Pablo
  3. @Bernard

We believe their collective experience and skillset is more than adequate to meet the mandate set forward by the ADPC proposal and we look forward to seeing them in action.

Having said that, we want to give a shoutout to @pfedprog and @Jeff_G for their outstanding applications. Even though we eventually decided to vote for the applicants mentioned above, we think that their experience can be really valuable to the DAO and we’d love to see them contribute in some other areas. With that in mind, we’d be happy to help them find the right areas for them to get involved in.


First of all, thanks for the proposal. As ITU Blockchain, we’d like to thank everyone who applied for their contributions. During the election phase, the most important thing we considered was experience, which is why one of the requirements was having at least 3 years of professional experience.

As ITU Blockchain, we’re voting for Immutablelawyer, Pablo, and Bernard to be selected for this committee.

This post has been brought to you through the efforts of @ismailemin


After review of all the applicants, I have voted for the following three as I thought they brought a great combination of procurement and blockchain experience. I do want to note that I think any of the five applicants would make a good committee member, so I would for sure recommend the two who end up not making it to run again in the future! Thank you everyone for applying

  • Pablo
  • Immutable Lawyer
  • Bernard

Thank you Krzystof for your feedback.
Feel free to reach out if I can help you with anything.
Best regards,


These are phenomenal candidates. Any of the five would be tremendously valuable contributors. I’m casting my vote for @Jeff_G (disclosure: he and I worked closely together at MetricsDAO) and cannot say enough good things about his work ethic, attention to detail, and diligence. The on-chain analytics skill he possesses is a prerequisite for monitoring & diligence in this industry & a fine complement to the legal talent that the other candidates possess. I’m also voting for @pfedprog - the developer background he possesses fills another critical niche in a well-rounded community - and Pablo (can’t mention due to forum limitations), on account of the wealth of experience he brings that’s specifically relevant to this role. However, I would be comfortable voting for any of the five, and hope that all of you will find active roles lending your talents and experience to the Arbitrum community.


Michigan Blockchain is voting for @Immutablelawyer , @Bernard , and @pfedprog . We believe that Joseph’s experience in the digital asset industry as a legal advisor through his firm Axis Advisory, and his previous work on past ADPC proposals makes him a great choice to be on the committee. Pavel’s experience as a blockchain developer, and past experience on the ArbitrumDAO Mini-Grants Council provides him a great technical background to be a member of the ADPC. Lastly, Bernard’s expertise in DAO governance and his previous commitment to transparency within the ArbitrumDAO provide him with enough knowledge to sit on the committee.