Proposal: Arbitrum as official sponsor of Ethereum Mexico 2023

The below response reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking and ideation of the two.

We’ll be voting against the proposal at the temp-check, even though we’re in favor of sponsoring such an initiative. The reason for voting against doesn’t have to do with the proposal itself, but rather with the channel through which it’s being pursued.

Since Questbook’s proposal passed and domain allocators were elected, we believe such a proposal would be a perfect fit for the “Education, Community Growth & Events” domain, given the proposal’s scope and grant size. Afterall, the entire purpose of the domain allocators is to avoid having the entire DAO vote on such proposals.

Another reason for choosing to vote against the proposal is the fact that through the current DAO framework, the funding wouldn’t make it on time for the event which is on 21st of October, considering the voting takes 3 weeks in total, if you account for the 3 days delay before and after the voting.

We suggest the proposer to reach out to @cattin, the Domain Allocator for “Education, Community Growth & Events” domain directly and figure out a way to have this proposal funded within the grants program.