L2BEAT Delegate Communication Thread


[Snapshot] Onboarding Matrixed.Link as a Validator - Voted AGAINST

You can find our extensive rationale for voting against the proposal here.

[Snapshot] Building the Future of NFTs: The Rarible Protocol - Voted FOR

After extensive discussion with the Rarible team, and after them revising their proposal based on the feedback they received, we decided to vote in favour of the proposal. A more thorough explanation of our rationale can be found here.

[Tally] Building the Future of NFTs: The Rarible Protocol- Voted FOR

Following a successful temp-check, the proposal from Rarible went to on-chain vote unaltered, and therefore we voted for it to pass, just as we did during temp check.

[Tally] Update Security Council Election Start Date to Ensure Time for Security Audit - Voted FOR

After the points that we raised were addressed in discussion in the public forums, we voted in favour of the proposal.

[Tally] Security Council Implementation Spec - Voted FOR

We were in agreement with the implementation spec provided in the Security Council Elections post and therefore we voted in favour of it during the on-chain vote.

[Tally] Arbitrum One Governance Parameter Fixes - Voted FOR

Having reviewed the proposed fixes as well as the associated security audit, we decided to vote for the proposal.

[Snapshot] Time Management in Arbitrum’s Governance - Voted FOR

We engaged in a conversation with @Cattin regarding their RFC and we decided to vote in favour of the proposal after suggesting some ways the proposal could be improved before going to an on-chain vote.

[Snapshot] Domain Allocators

After reviewing all applications for each domain, and after hosting 2 pitching sessions for domain allocators (more info below), we cast our vote for each domain. Our rationale for each domain can be found here.

[Snapshot] Arbitrum Short Term Incentive Program - Voted FOR

Having attended the liquidity incentives workshops, and after consulting with other delegates and relevant third parties regarding the potential impact of the program, we decided to vote for it, with a preferred allocation of 50M ARB.

[Tally] Arbitrum Short Term Incentive Program - Voted FOR

Following a successful temp-check which ended with our preferred allocation of 50M ARB as the most voted option, we cast our on-chain vote in favor of the program.

[Snapshot] Arbitrum as official sponsor of Ethereum Mexico 2023 - Voted AGAINST

Our vote against the proposal had more to do with the channel it was pursued through, rather than with the proposal itself. This proposal came after Questbook’s Grant program was voted on and after domain allocators were elected, and we believed that going through the program would be a more suitable avenue for the proposal. As a result, we voted against the proposal during temp check.

[Tally] Security Council Elections - Round 1 & Round 2

We cast our votes for both rounds after extensive internal discussion, research and due diligence. Our extensive rationale as well as the list of nominees we voted for in each round can be found here.

[Snapshot] STIP Applications

We reviewed and voted on all STIP applications. We shared our approach as well as reflections on the whole process here.

[Snapshot] Empowering Early Contributors: The community Arbiter Proposal - Voted AGAINST

While we’re very much in favour of rewarding contributors, we felt that the amount requested was too high, without relevant data supporting it. We shared our explanation under the original proposal.

[Snapshot] Build Optimal Onboarding for STIP Teams (BOOST) - Voted AGAINST

We like the idea of using quests to educate users and help protocols distribute their STIP funds in a streamlined way. Given there was another similar proposal from Rabbithole, we felt it’d be beneficial if discussed these proposals as a DAO in more depth before deciding on an approach. That’s why we decided to vote against for the time being, but shared our support in the forum.


Hosted Open Governance Calls #5, #6, & #7

You can find the recording, chat log and transcript of Open Governance Call #5 here.

You can find the recording, chat log and transcript of Open Governance Call #6 here.

You can find the recording, chat log and transcript of Open Governance Call #7 here.

Domain Allocators Pitching Sessions

During the elections process for Domain Allocators for Questbook’s grant program, we organised and hosted 2 pitching sessions for Domain Allocators to introduce themselves and present their relevant experience to delegates.

Both calls were recorded and published in the forums to be available for people who were unable to make it.

Decrease Censorship Delay from 24 hours to 4 hours

Following the discussion both on the forums but also during the open governance call, we planned a separate call to discuss the proposal to reduce the censorship delay from 24 hours to 4 hours in more detail.

The recording of the call as well as the transcript can be found here.

[RFC] Introduction of a new role in governance - Governance Facilitator

We reviewed and provided our feedback to the proposal.

[RFC] Allow the PL-ARB Grants Safety Multisig to trade ARB for sequencer fee ETH

We reviewed and provided our feedback to the proposal.

[RFC] Delegate Incentive System for ArbitrumDAO

We had extensive conversations with @Cattin who brought forward the proposal on behalf of SEED Latam during our Office Hours, on Telegram, and during a community call hosted by SEED Latam. Overall, we believe it’s a very important topic for the DAO and as such we offered our extensive feedback to the proposal.

[RFC] Fund Arbitrum Odyssey 2.0 Airdrop

We reviewed the proposal and provided our feedback. Arbitrum Foundation announced Odyssey Reignited a week later and as a result the proposal wasn’t pursued any further.

Community Growth through Educational Content and Events & Protocol Owned Liquidity Calls

During Governance Call #6, there were 3 proposals that were briefly discussed. We followed up with organising and hosting 2 calls to facilitate a discussion around those proposals. These calls were not recorded.

[RFC] Activate ARB Staking

We shared our thoughts and feedback on a proposal by PlutusDAO to activate ARB staking.

Etherean League Gathering - Governance Workshop

L2BEAT is happy to announce that we’ll be hosting a Governance Workshop during L2DAYS in the context of Devconnect in Istanbul.

More information here.

L2BEAT Arbitrum Office Hours

Lastly, we want to remind everyone that to further our communication with our constituents and any interested party in the community, we’re hosting recurring Office Hours on Google Meets.

The office hours are held every Thursday at 3pm UTC/ 11am EST

During the Office Hours, you will be able to reach L2BEAT’s governance team, which consists of @krst and @Sinkas and discuss our activity as delegates.

The purpose of the office hours is to gather feedback from the people who have delegated to us, answer any questions in regards to our voting activities and rationale, and collect input on things you’d like us engage in discussions about.

You can add the L2BEAT Governance Calendar in your Google Calendar 10 to find the respective Google Meets links for every call and to easily keep track of the Office Hours, as well as other important calls and events (e.g. voting deadlines) relevant to Arbitrum that L2BEAT governance team will be attending or hosting.