Proposal: Arbitrum Sponsorship at RWA Paris 2025

Hey Paulo,

Thank you for your comment. You’re absolutely right— the DAO can approve any amount of funding at any time for events or any other proposed initiatives.

However, the point I was trying to make was different, and I clearly failed to communicate it effectively. The DAO has reached a level of maturity where we need to ensure consistency both in what we vote on and in our internal processes in order to: (1) avoid overwhelming ourselves by having to review hundreds of proposals like this, and (2) provide external proponents with clear guidelines on the appropriate channels to use, so time isn’t wasted on discussions that could have been resolved more efficiently.

The DAO has already voted on two distinct channels for event funding.

One is through Questbook and its seasons, which clearly covers sponsorships of this type, where Arbitrum gains brand visibility and offers some form of educational content.

During the two Questbook seasons, more than 60 initiatives for event sponsorships or educational content funding were approved. None of them exceeded the $50K USD cap. In fact, the vast majority stayed well below this limit. Only two of those requests surpassed Questbook’s initial internal cap of $25K per Domain.

In this proposal, I don’t see a single reference explaining why this event is special or why it warrants funding that is more than triple the amount of 62 out of 64 initiatives approved through Questbook.

As I mentioned in my Eth Bucharest proposal vote:

I know that Season 3 is not yet active, but as I mentioned in my comment:

The other channel is the DAO’s event budget, which, as I believe and agree with Entropy’s concern, is intended to fund larger events where Arbitrum can host its own initiatives (like Arbitrum Day) rather than simply being one more sponsor at a given event. This budget is aimed at ensuring Arbitrum’s presence at massive events on a different scale than simple sponsorships:

Therefore, returning to the idea of consistency, in 2024 the DAO approved two types of funding for events in 2025: Questbook (with its Seasons 2 and 3) and the DAO Events Budget. In my opinion, this proposal does not follow the proper procedures to receive funding through either of these channels. The first, due to timing, as it should have requested funds during Season 2. The second, due to the type of proposed sponsorship.

I’m not defending the funding of this specific proposal. If this goes to a vote I’m still not sure if I would vote For or Against.

I just wanted to clarify that yours and @Curia comment that I quoted above could be read as misinformation by others. The DAO does not have a cap to spend money on events.

Also, regarding this:

I disagree. It can be argued that this proposal for sponsoring NFT Paris is actually perfectly suited to be funded by the Events Budget, because, as you quoted from the original proposal:

The proposed breakfast could be seen as a Delegate Gathering mentioned in point 1, and NFT Paris can be considered a major events that we would like to sponsor, making it part of the “Sponsoring of major events” in point 2.

So I believe this proposal is following the correct procedure to get funding from Arbitrum DAO, and is doubly suited to get funding from the 2025 Events budget since it complies with both key categories in the original proposal. So, in my opinion, this proposal is actually a great example of a service provider looking to get funded by Arbitrum DAO.

Also, I really really really don’t like the argument of:

“we delegates shouldn’t be bothered to decide on individual event sponsorships, because we don’t want to have more proposals to analyze and vote on”

We need to be mindful that right now, the DAO is spending about a quarter of a million dollars every month, to incentivize delegates to participate in governance, through DIP 1.5. so I feel it’s kinda rich, for delegates that are literally being well paid to analyze and vote on proposals, to complain that they have too many proposals to vote on, and argue to outsource that responsibility to yet another committee that the DAO would maybe have to spend even more money to fund.

Thanks for putting this proposal up, Rafalovic.

There’s already a very clear reason to not go ahead with this (doesn’t align with this 2025 Event proposal) but even if we wanted to, the timing for this is off.

Just to draw attention here for a bit

The event happens mid-February (a month away) and the governance process involved will take a sizable amount of that time. The DAO Event Budget proposal was drafted to mitigate situations like these.

Other causes of concern can be seen in the proposed budget, and also here:

Who is making the connections here? Is there going to be a DAO representative there?

Once again, we would say that since there already is a structure in place for events, we shouldn’t have to concern ourselves with one-offs like this. However, since OpCo would be taking over handling DAO events at some point, it might be worth considering setting aside some budget (maybe during the 2026 event planning) for these one-offs during situations where D.A.O. and other grant options aren’t live as some do come with potential.

Hello everyone,

First, we’d like to express our alignment with @Entropy’s response. We believe the current timeline is insufficient to develop an appropriate marketing strategy and that the Events Budget should focus on higher-scale proposals. However, the issue remains that there is no mechanism to bridge the gap between proposals up to 50k and those that exceed this amount without reaching the scale of major initiatives.

Additionally, one concern that has arisen (which we also noticed with ETH Bucharest) is that the current Events Budget committee lacks a mandate to negotiate budget terms with the various proposers. Ideally, if the DAO approves a proposal, it should only signify support for the idea while setting a MAXIMUM budget. The committee should then evaluate/renegotiate the terms, possibly rejecting the sponsorship if they believe the costs do not align with the value offered. In such cases, the proposer must seek funding through Tally to move forward.

Regarding Questbook, as previously mentioned, the application phase for Season 2 has concluded, and we still do not know who the DAs for each vertical will be in Season 3 (in fact, the latter hasn’t even been approved on Tally yet). Considering the event’s start date, it seems unlikely that it will be able to apply for the new Season.

It is a pity, considering that the DAO is positioning itself in RWA, the event could bring value to Arbitrum.