Proposal - Delegate Incentive Program (DIP)

Voting “For 1.5”.

First, I think continuing the incentive program will be a benefit to the DAO. We’ve seen over the last 6+ months a solid group of contributors who are actively voting and commenting on proposals that likely otherwise may not have or would have contributed in a far less impactful capacity. So as a broad response I think this is worth continuing

Second, as for 1.1 v 1.5, I’d prefer to go with the 1.5 route as it 1) learns from and fixes some of the difficulties learned in the initial trail period 2) focuses on getting quality feedback and rewards feedback prior to voting and 3) does a good job of factoring in concerns and feedback form delegates.

Finally, I believe the SEEDGov team hads gone a really good job of administering the program so far. As well as has put a lot of thought and consideration on how to improve it. So continuing to use them for the next 12 months is an easy ‘yes’ from me.

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