[RFC] Arbitrum Multi-sig Support Service (MSS)

I voted FOR everyone who met the following criteria in the MSS elections:

  • I have personally worked with them on an operational matter related to governance and they performed well
  • They are an active contributor to the Arbitrum DAO

I voted for the following members:

  • PGov
  • Limes.eth
  • JoJo
  • Westie
  • Sov
  • Avantgarde
  • Madison Sinclair
  • Fees
  • Den
  • Sinkas
  • Arana Digital
  • StableLab
  • Disruption Joe
  • Myself
  • Lindsey Winder
  • 404 DAO
  • Alex Lumley

Voting has completed for the MSS members. Thank you to all who took part and congratulations to the winners:

  1. @AlexLumley | Chair 1
  2. @cattin | Chair 2
  3. @Frisson | Chair 3
  4. @Sinkas
  5. @JoJo
  6. @Matt_StableLab (Stable Lab)
  7. @Griff
  8. @PGov
  9. @DisruptionJoe
  10. @0x_ultra
  11. CastleCapital
  12. 404DAO

The KYC process with the foundation will now begin before this proposal moves to its final stage of Tally.


On behalf of the UADP, we have voted for three members that we thought were fit for the role and have been very involved in discussions following up and during the voting process. Three votes was such that each vote made a decent impact on the results.

  • PGov
  • StableLab
  • Alex Lumley

We voted FOR the following 12 candidates. As an applicant ourselves, we decided to spread our votes equally and to candidates who have been valuable and active contributors to the DAO:

  • PGOV
  • JoJo
  • Griff Green
  • Cattin
  • Den Technologies
  • Sinkas
  • Arana Digital (Ourselves)
  • StableLab
  • Disruption Joe
  • Frisson
  • 404 DAO
  • Alex Lumley
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gm, voted for the following candidates. My selection was based on their performance and experience in the ArbitrumDAO and blockchain industry in general.

  • Sinkas
  • Frisson
  • Jojo
  • Cattin
  • 404DAO
  • Westie
  • Reverie
  • Puncar
  • Xavier
  • Griffin Green

Savvy DAO voted for the following. We know it wasn’t 12 people but honestly there were too many good candidates!

  1. PGov
  2. Dylan Brodeur / Limes.eth
  3. JoJo
  4. Westie
  5. Griff Green
  6. Sov
  7. Castle Labs
  8. Chris “@Caesar” Eley
  9. Avantgarde Finance
  10. Madison Sinclair / Coolhorsegirl
  11. Cattin
  12. Defipm / 0xCasio
  13. Ultra
  14. Feems
  15. Den Technologies Inc
  16. Sinkas
  17. DAOplomats
  18. Serious People
  19. Arana Digital
  20. StableLab
  21. Disruption Joe
  22. Frisson
  23. Lindsey Winder
  24. 404 DAO
  25. Alex Lumley

See voting reasoning here: Savvy DAO - Delegate Communication Thread - #55 by SavvyDAO


Voted FOR as this is an easy way to increase efficiency and address holes in the current MS process per proposal.

The list of candidates I voted FOR were known figures that contributed to the DAO and are aligned with Arbitrum.

I voted for in hope that this will reduce costs overall over time.
But I still think that the payment made montly is way too high.
Because looking at the figures given in the first year there is no benefit in having the MSS.

I know these numbers can and will change but given that there are only 1-3 transactions a month paying basically 500$ per transaction if its 3, is a lot.
Yes these people are responsible for important tasks but for example I am in multiple Aave DAO multi-sigs regarding the Aave protocol embassy or Guardian and none of the signer is getting paid. Its a free service to the DAO.

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Just voted FOR in the on chain tally proposal.

Will post my rationale later.

The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.

We’ll be voting FOR this proposal during the onchain vote.

We supported the proposal during the Snapshot vote, participated in the elections of the MSS members, and will also support it on-chain. We’d like to resurface that in addition to signers going through KYC, we would like to see the structure of a legal agreement that binds the signers to act in good faith and protects them from any liability that comes with executing a transaction.

That is not currently not addressed in the proposal, but we’re voting in good faith that Entropy will ensure that the aforementioned agreement is introduced.

I voted FOR this proposal on Tally, for the reasons outlined below

I’m voting FOR on Tally.

On the previous snapshot vote this was my rationale.

I’m happy feedback was incorporated into the final form of the proposal and happy to be one of the MSS members.

We vote FOR the proposal on Tally.

We maintain the rationale below on this proposal and continue to support the selected members to act as the guardians of the Arbitrum Multi-sig.

Voting “for” on Tally.

  • the initiative will be cost saving for the DAO
  • there will likely be an higher security standard and approach to the matter, thanks to a more robust initiative (member already went through a specific workshop)
  • I am part of the multisig, so obviously I support it.

I have supported the MSS since inception and will continue to show my support by voting “For” on Tally. I think this will help reduce cost and increases efficiencies within the DAO moving forward.

I voted “FOR” because this proposal is a smart way to save the DAO a cool ~$315,000. Instead of throwing ARB at fragmented multi-sig signers, we’re getting a streamlined, pro team to handle it all, cutting down on costs and chaos. Plus, with the r3gen reporting, we’ll have a clear view of every ARB in and out, making it easier to track spending. It’s about efficiency, transparency, and keeping the DAO’s wallet happy.

The results are in for the # Arbitrum Multi-sig Support Service (MSS) onchain proposal.

See how the community voted and more Arbitrum stats:

DAOplomats voted FOR this proposal on Tally.

This was a good initiative we supported during the temp check so we showed our support during the onchain vote as well.