SEED Latam Delegate Communication Thread

Arbitrum Short-term incentive Program

On September 11 we had our 11th governance call at SEED Latam in collaboration with L2 en Español where we discussed this proposal with our community.

Participants: 23 attendees

Duration: 1h 37m


We decided to vote first for 75M, 50M and at last 25M

To learn about the voting procedure of SEEDLatam and L2 en Español, you can read it here.

If you missed our governance call you can watch it here


Given the fact that liquidity incentive proposals are still to be proven to be efficient, we believe that the DAO currently is at a stage in which it can take the liberty to experiment with these programs and learn what could be improved in order to ensure that incentives proposals avoid attracting mercenary capital + keep a sticky TVL.

We also believe this is a good way to have a more generalized approach towards incentivizing liquidity, instead of simply prioritizing specific protocols over others. Making it more fair for current protocols and also less conflicting.


We’re looking forward to the implementation of this incentive proposal, we feel that the DAO is in a good position to start experimenting with liquidity incentives and the amounts asked for seem reasonable.