SEEDGov Delegate Communication Thread

SEEDGov Delegate Communication Thread

Following the standards of SEEDGov, this is our thread with all our relevant decisions and participation in ArbitrumDAO’s governance.

Our previous voting activity is detailed here.

January 2025

[Constitutional AIP] Activate Arbitrum BoLD + Infura Nova Validator Whitelist

After consideration, the @SEEDgov delegation has decided to “FOR” on this proposal at the Tally Vote.


Considering what was expressed when we voted on Snapshot:

We still believe that BoLD is a necessary step in the roadmap of any rollup that seeks to be as decentralized, censorship-resistant, and secure as possible.

Regarding the Infura whitelist, we maintain our previously stated position:

Non-Constitutional: Stable Treasury Endowment Program 2.0

After consideration, the @SEEDgov delegation has decided to “FOR” on this proposal at the Snapshot Vote.


From our perspective, STEP is one of the best-executed programs within the DAO.

Several strong points allow us to continue trusting the team designated for this task:

  • The choice of Service Providers, including web2 institutions like Blackrock and web3-native entities like Mountain and Ondo among the selected ones, demonstrates not only reliable criteria but also a strategic deployment of funds between reputable actors from different sectors.
  • The dashboard was handy for tracking the funds’ evolution, although we would add more on-chain info for each holding and more details of the transactions made, providing greater clarity on the dates each investment was executed, the current location of the funds, etc.
  • The reporting has also been useful, though it would be reasonable to observe the intra-month variations of each holding more easily. For instance, to observe the addition of TBILLs from OpenEden, one must compare the reports from November and December as there is no written mention or graphical indication. Despite this, the periodic updates on changes to the backing of each asset are highly valuable information.
  • The estimated budget costs seem reasonable, considering that less time will be required to review applications from service providers who already participated in STEP 1.
  • As expressed by @L2Beat, perhaps in the future, this work could fall under the scope of the TMC and GM, all within a comprehensive Treasury Management strategy that we hope the OpCo will develop in coordinating these initiatives. Meanwhile, STEP has proven its value and should continue, as these precedents will aid in developing the mentioned plan, providing the DAO with experience, links to service providers, and a clear framework for executing the strategy.

To expand on the current board’s criteria, we highlight the transparency and reasonability for rejecting applicants:

All these points speak to the committee’s due diligence before approving or rejecting a Service Provider, which we highly value.

We hope they continue on the same path, prioritizing the security and liquidity of the invested assets.

Arbitrum D.A.O. Season 3 Elections

After consideration, the @SEEDgov delegation has decided to distribute their votes in the following way:

New Protocol and Ideas: 75% to Saurabh & Shogun - 25% to Castle Labs - NDW & Chilla

Gaming: 100% to Nikki Tran & Adam (Flook)

Dev Tooling on One and Stylus: 100% to Andreiv

Education, Community Growth, and Events: ABSTAINING here for COI reasons


New Protocol and Ideas: Among the candidates, we were most impressed by Saurabh - Shogun and Castle Labs - NDW & Chilla. The former demonstrated solid experience leading grant programs in GMX and Questbook, making integrations within the Arbitrum ecosystem, and conducting data analysis and metrics for tools and support. As for the latter, their extensive experience in incentive design, evaluation of protocol applications in LTIPP/STIP, and research and advisory within Arbitrum’s ecosystem made them an attractive option as well.

Gaming: For the Gaming Domain, both candidates were really solid:

Nikki Tran & Adam (Flook): Nikki possesses experience in content creation, managing Web3 campaigns, and audience growth across multiple platforms, making her a perfect fit considering the restructuring and scope change in this domain. Adam, as Co-founder of Merlyn Labs, has deep knowledge of Web3 gaming and has managed the Gaming Domain in Arbitrum for 14 months. Together, they appear to be an ideal match for the domain’s needs.

Carlos Gonzalez & Alejandro Ochoa: Carlos has technical experience in blockchain gaming, L3 appchain development, and hackathons. Alejandro, a leader in the Gaming and Blockchain sector at Afirme, has expertise in strategic investments and prominent projects in LATAM, as well as connections with major Web2 publishers

Here, we faced a difficult decision, but several factors favored Nikki and Adam:

  • With the change in the domain’s scope due to the GCP, Nikki’s profile, with experience in content creation within the gaming sector, can be of great help when it comes to user acquisition.
  • Conversely, while Alejandro’s connections with major Web2 publishers are valuable, his expertise would be better leveraged within the GCP as example.
  • Adam’s previous experience in the domain is a strong differentiator. We have firsthand knowledge of how the domain operates and he did a great job.

Dev Tooling on One and Stylus: In this particular domain, @andreiv’s presentation was very convincing. While it was also a difficult decision because we know Juandi from Seasons 1 and 2, we believe that Andreiv’s experience as a dev in events related to Stylus makes him a great fit for the position, potentially the candidate who can best understand initiatives like Stylus Sprint.
It’s not a minor detail since having context and understanding of the applications funded in that program makes it more feasible to establish synergies by prioritizing projects complementary to those developed in the Sprint.

The Watchdog: Arbitrum DAO’s Grant Misuse Bounty Program

After consideration, the @SEEDgov delegation has decided to “FOR” on this proposal at the Snapshot Vote.


In light of our previous feedback, we appreciate all the clarifications provided by @Entropy as well as the amendments made to the proposal.

Regarding the incorporation of this committee into the OpCo in the future, we reiterate that this could be the new composition:

Proposal for Piloting Enhancements and Strengthening the Sustainability of ArbitrumHub in the Year Ahead

After consideration, the @SEEDgov delegation has decided to “AGAINST” on this proposal at the Snapshot Vote.


In line with what other delegates have expressed, a budget of nearly a quarter of a million for maintaining a website seems excessive. Additionally, much of the information overlaps with existing platforms, making it essential for a Hub like this to be developed in collaboration with stakeholders who have a deep understanding of the DAO.

Arbitrum Strategic Objective Setting (SOS) – Defining the DAO’s Interim Goals

After consideration, the @SEEDgov delegation has decided to “FOR” on this proposal at the Snapshot Vote.


We don’t have much to add, as we have already provided feedback on this framework twice (first and second comments). We are pleased with the final result and appreciate @Entropy for considering our suggestions. The framework is solid, includes necessary mechanisms for amendments, aligns with traditional governance standards, and, most importantly, allows for matrix unification. This is crucial, as it is unlikely that a single matrix would encompass all of the DAO’s key objectives.

February 2025

Approve the Nova Fee Sweep Action

After consideration, the @SEEDgov delegation has decided to “FOR” on this proposal at the Snapshot Vote.


There is no reason to oppose this action. It is a logical step after having modernized the fee collection structure.

OpCo: A DAO-adjacent Entity for Strategy Execution

After consideration, the @SEEDgov delegation has decided to “FOR” on this proposal at the Tally Vote.


Considering that the proposal has not undergone significant changes other than the adjustment of the amount to be requested based on the current state of the market, we maintain our position, previously justified in this comment.

Stable Treasury Endowment Program 2.0

After consideration, the @SEEDgov delegation has decided to “FOR” on this proposal at the Tally Vote.


Considering that the proposal has not undergone significant changes, we maintain our position, previously justified in this comment.

However, we hope that the committee will consider our suggestions to improve the current reporting with small changes.

Arbitrum D.A.O. (Domain Allocator Offerings) Grant Program - Season 3

After consideration, the @SEEDgov delegation has decided to “ABSTAIN” on this proposal at the Tally Vote.


First of all, and in line with our internal policy, we decided to abstain as we have economic interests at stake in this proposal.

That said, we would like to add our perspective regarding the discussions that have taken place in recent days:

  • It is true that the program currently saves the DAO from significant operational headaches. Considering that there were over 500 applicants in Season 2, we are certain it would be unfeasible for delegates to analyze, negotiate, and vote on each proposal individually. A few examples of this are the recent proposals in the forum requesting less than 50k, which have been “Sent to Questbook.” Another case is the dozens of Stylus-related proposals that met the same fate due to budgetary constraints.

  • However, the other side of the coin shows that this alone cannot be sufficient reason to rush or delay a third iteration. We understand @Entropy’s argument that the focus should be on significantly improving the program. Given this, building a proper Arbitrum-branded platform for managing grant programs is not something that can be done quickly. The downside of delaying the program itself to achieve this could be very costly for the DAO and for delegates in terms of operational overload (although it is also true that the DAO could simply tell applicants to “wait until the new program is ready,” but that would also be a suboptimal solution).

    Perhaps the ideal approach would be that, if this proposal is approved on Tally, a parallel initiative should begin to develop this platform so that it can be used in the future for this program and others (such as the previously mentioned Stylus Sprint).

  • Regarding the alignment of the program with the DAO’s objectives: We believe that the program has demonstrated alignment, even though the objectives are not yet fully defined. The reality is that the DAO (and we dare say also AF/OCL) has shown interest in the verticals proposed by the Domains if we analyze each one:

    • Education, Community Growth, and Events:

      • We have participated as a Domain Allocator in these last seasons and have maintained communication with AF on several occasions—either receiving feedback on specific proposals or avoiding overlaps with events already funded by AF.
      • We have prioritized content creation related to the latest Arbitrum innovations, such as Stylus and BoLD.
    • Gaming:

      • The necessary adjustments have been made to generate synergies rather than overlaps with the GCP.
      • This is a good indicator that the Program Manager and other program participants seek to align with the current context of the DAO.
    • Dev Tooling:

      • There have been high-quality proposals within Stylus Sprint that could have applied to this Domain, but they were not approved/funded due to budget constraints and because they were deemed a better fit for this program.
      • This Domain could leverage approved Stylus Sprint proposals, becoming a tool to amplify the impact of these projects.
    • New Protocols and Ideas:

      • This might be the Domain with the least direct relationship to other active DAO initiatives.
      • However, it is the Domain with the highest level of innovation and has brought valuable governance tools, such as the Curia Dashboard. Considering this, it’s hard to imagine that it would not be aligned with the DAO’s needs and the broader ecosystem.
    • Orbit Chains:

      • We also find it hard to believe that this is not aligned with Arbitrum’s priorities, given all the discussions about improving interoperability within the Arbitrum Stack.
      • Also knowing that OCL has shown interest in @Maxlomu’s proposal, this Domain is likely a must-have in this program and in the DAO.

Final Thoughts

Yes, it is true—the program has a lot of room for improvement.
It is also true that it is difficult to improve it properly without taking a step back to review past performance and gather feedback on how to move forward. However, in this case, there were at least two or three months to propose improvements before the on-chain vote.

What cannot be ignored is that the program has proven to add value to the ecosystem.
This is not just another initiative that can be shut down overnight for the sake of “cleaning house.”

Despite our abstention, we hope this proposal will be approved.
We are more than willing to support @JoJo and other stakeholders in a parallel improvement process for the next iteration (or even for the second half of the program, if operationally viable).

We understand that the ARDC’s ongoing research into the program will provide valuable insights on what can be improved and what aspects of the program are already strong.

Request to Increase the Stylus Sprint Committee’s Budget

After consideration, the @SEEDgov delegation has decided to “FOR” on this proposal at the Snapshot Vote.


As members of the committee, we agree with the recommendation made, although it means almost doubling the budget originally allocated, the reality is that these proposals deserve to be funded by the DAO, just as we believe that the DAO can benefit from the fact that these promising projects/applicants use Stylus.

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