HiringDevs.eth Delegate Communication Thread

This will be the main communication thread for my personal governance delegation and votes for both Snapshot and Tally.

As a reminder, I am now an employee of Gauntlet, but was an Arbitrum delegate long before joining Gauntlet. I will continue to manage my personal delegation in line with the views on my original delegation application; these may be similar outcomes to how Gauntlet votes. I will recuse my personal delegation for any votes with conflicts of interest for myself or Gauntlet.

Snapshot Votes
ArbOS Version 20 “Atlas”
Vote: For
I am really excited to see the development around EIP-4844 and am optimistic about the impact this proposal will have on the long-term adoption of Arbitrum. While many chains have been talking about the positive impact of 4844, Arbitrum is leading the charge in terms of implementation. This is a big step that can both reduce gas costs and improve the profitability of the protocol.

Batch Poster Manager and Sequencer Inbox Finality Fix
Vote: FOR
This is a great step from the DAO at improving the safety of Arbitrum and decentralizing operations. I am pleased with the simplicity and elegance of this proposal at addressing a clear problem for the protocol’s security. With other major chains having suffered hacks from compromised wallets, it is great we are able to proactively make this change and not risk having Arbitrum reach the same fate.

Empowering Early Contributors
I am in favor of early contributors getting compensated, but also worry about where/how to draw the line. Abritrum is now quite large and has an abundance of contributors, while we would not have gotten here without the early contributors, we need to focus on how to retain and empower the contributors we currently have.

I am not personally familiar with this contributors actions, so I opted to Abstain. If the community values the contributions that is okay. If this becomes a funding strategy the community wants to lean on more, I would encourage them to create a scalable program more akin to Optimism’s RPGF vs. doing one off payments.

Funding for Into the Dungeons
Arbitrum needs to figure out how to build a gaming ecosystem, but I am worried that this proposal may cause more delays in rolling out larger, more scalable programs for the rest of the community. This proposal favors a single project and does not result in any user incentives. While there may be merit this structure of funding, the DAO will likely want to monitor it’s performance before continuing with similar programs for other projects. This gives an unfair advantage to this project, as well as risks the DAO deciding not to fund other games.

I would encourage the community to work on a dedicate funding track for games, which can be easily scaled and monitored moving forward.

Tally Votes
Long Term Incentives Pilot Program
Vote: FOR
Arbitrum is at risk of losing new developers and users to emerging ecosystems, which have recently launched tokens and fresh incentive pools. With the remainder of Arbitrum’s incentive programs running out, LTIP will be an important program for the community to rely on for continued user incentives. I encourage the LTIP council to focus on developing a data-driven methodology that can result in positive ROI for the DAO.

Changes to the Constitution and the Security Council Election Process
Vote: FOR
This is a straight forward update that will improve the election process for the security council. I am happy to support.


Snapshot Votes
Funding for Plurality Labs 1B
Vote: FOR
Joe has been a valuable resource for the DAO. He has helped coalesce action and get the DAO oriented around a common mission, while actively working to not become the central figure. I am happy to support this proposal and see builders that add value to the ecosystem get funding.

ARDC Research Member
Vote: 100% Blockworks/Delphi
Matt from Blockworks has been an invaluable resource for the Arbitrum DAO and helps drive important conversations. Beyond that Blockworks and Delphi have been active in the blockchain research space and do great work. I am glad to see their collaboration here.

ARDC DAO Advocate
Vote: 100% L2Beat / Ant Federation
L2Beat has been an important voice in the early days of the Arbitrum ecosystem and other Layer 2 DAOs. They do a great job of coordinating members of the ecosystem, pushing conversations along, and placing checks/balances where it makes sense. I am less familiar with Ant Federation, but eager to see their work along side L2Beat.

ARDC Security Member
Vote: 1/3 Zellic/Debaub, 1/3 Halborn, 1/3 OpenZeppelin
There are many great auditing firms, which made it hard to narrow down. The quality of applicants speaks to the success of the original ARDC proposal in scoping for security firms. Zellic took this even further by including a wide range of specific services, which seem highly valuable to the DAO. I would be keen to see more proposals in this form for service providers. Halborn and OpenZeppelin had slightly more cost effective proposals for the DAO and do great work in other ecosystems. I believe this range of options from great firms is a big success for DAO selection processes.

ARDC Risk Member
There is not an abstain option for the vote, so I am choosing not to vote. I have a conflict of interest due to my employer, Gauntlet.

Fix Fee Oversight
Vote: FOR
I am very supportive of all the technical upgrades that need to take place before the implementation of EIP-4844.

Tally Votes
Arb OS Version 20
Vote: FOR
I am very supportive of all the technical upgrades that need to take place before the implementation of EIP-4844.

Snapshot Votes
Continuation of Arbitrum DDA Program
Vote: FOR
I have been pleased with the structure of the Questbook program and their hands-on involvement with the Arbitrum ecosystem. Their lack of activity has definitely been noticed since the funding expired and I believe it is important for the DAO to renew the program, so builders can have access to more funding streams.

Tally Votes
Fund Plurality Labs 1(B)
As stated during the Snapshot phase, I believe Joe and the larger Plurality Labs teams have been valuable members of the Arbitrum DAO and active in pushing operational efficiency. I am pleased with the revisions they did during their proposal process and their willingness to collaborate with the DAO at large. I am excited to see what comes next from their involvement.

Snapshot Votes
Front-end interface to force transaction inclusion during sequencer downtime
Vote: Abstain
While this seems like it could be a valuable initiative, especially given Optimism has something similar, I believe there needs to be more conversations about the risks around this interface, as well as the optimal process for sourcing/hosting the frontend. There has been some active conversations in the forum, but I believe some reservations were brought up last minute and not fully addressed before the proposal was submitted.

Catalyze Arbitrum Gaming
Vote: FOR
This is a well thought out proposal that will help Arbitrum start allocating more tokens towards gaming projects. I appreciate the thought that went into designing this program and its ability to align incentives between gaming projects and the DAO via longer-term initiatives. I would like to see more proposals that help Arbitrum DAO get VC-style upside to drive more sustainable economics.

Tally Votes
Stable Treasury Endowment Program
While we are supportive of the initiative, there were changes to the proposal in between the Snapshot and Tally vote. Generally we should not start the precedent on making changes during the governance process, without thorough discussion among the community. The changes amount to $100K+ spend for the DAO, which is not significant in the scale of the treasury or even this proposal, but is still a significant sum of money.

Security Council
Vote: Fred - 146.92K, Zellic - 80K, Certora - 80K, OpenZepellin - 14.18K
I believe the Security Council requires a set of individuals or firms with a deep background in smart contract design and security testing, especially those with familiarity with the Arbitrum codebase. For that reason I supported Zellic, Certora, and OpenZepellin as leading audit firms in the industry and ecosystem (OpenZepellin ended up reaching the necessary vote threshold after 14.18K votes). I additionally supported Fred with an over-sized vote as he is one of the people most familiar with the nuances of Arbitrum’s design.

Snapshot Votes
LTIP Applications
Vote: FOR all Council recommendations
The LTIP advisors went through a thorough process to get projects to update their requests, fine-tune the structure of their incentives, and align the projects with the DAOs priorities. I am happy to support their recommendations for the DAO.

Tally Votes
Fund the Continuation of Arbitrum DDA Program
Vote: FOR
Questbook has been a valuable funding stream for the DAO and has enabled builders to get started in the Arbitrum ecosystem. I think it is a worthwhile cause for the DAO to continue moving forward.

Tally Votes
Arbitrum Security Council
Vote: 80.25K Fred, 80.25K Zellic, 80.25K OpenZeppelin, 80.9K Certora
It is important for the Arbitrum Security Council to be a highly technical group and I believe these four have a strong ability to meet that standard. I went for roughly 1/4th of my delegation for each, the few extra votes for Certora should be viewed as more of a operational discrepancy rather than any particular signal.