Tekr0x.eth - Delegate Communication Thread

MARCH 2025

Snapshot :zap::
TMC Recommendation
Voted (#3, #1, #2, #4, Abstain): I reviewed the proposal and decided to vote as suggested by TMC (#3 Only Deploy Stable Strategy).

  1. However, I do think this kind of vote should be split into two different votes. It is very confusing and could result in missed voting intentionally.
  2. Since this topic was not listed under Proposals, it got way less attention before this was pushed to the vote. I hope the feedback collected during the snapshot phase will be regarded once this hits the Tally vote.
  3. I also agree with the opinion that this methodology (ranked voting) was not appropriate for this kind of vote. It should be strictly For, Against, or Abstain choices. Current ranked voting may lead to wrongly interpreted results.

Proposal: For Arbitrum DAO to register the Sky Custom Gateway contracts in the Router
Voted For: Sky/Maker has a great reputation in crypto, especially among users who have been in this space for some time. This is why it is great to see the integration of the Arbitrum chain (besides Ethereum, Base, and Gnosis). Our reputation with a combination of Sky and Spark can bring a lot more uses to Arbitrum.

I believe that the necessary upgrade in this proposal to update the router is a small effort to really increase users’ experience when onboarding sUSD and USDS. There is no cost related to this proposal, only work from both the Sky and Arbitrum teams. Both teams have already confirmed they are willing to work together to implement this.

GMC’s Preferred Allocations (7,500 ETH)
Voted For, Deploy capital: At first glance, the idea to spread funds between only four projects seemed kind of not well thought out. Lido, Aave, and Fluid seem like the most logical choices. I did agree with the opinion shared by many that we need to include more Arbitrum-native projects. This is why I love to see Camelot being added to this list.

Overall, the choices GMC made seemed logical. The right balance of trusted providers with good security. I do look forward to seeing the results staking will bring to the DAO.

Request to Increase the Stylus Sprint Committee’s Budget
Voted For: I agree with increasing the budget to fund additional projects. The Stylus Sprint program is an important piece of our ecosystem. We can see a real show of strength by having so many projects apply to this program (147). It makes sense to support as many as we can because this will allow us to grow the developer base for future development on Arbitrum and our Orbit chains.

[CONSTITUTIONAL] - Adopt Timeboost + Nova Fee Sweep
Voted For on Tally proposal for the same reasons as explained in my Snapshot comment.

[NON-CONSTITUTIONAL] Arbitrum Onboarding V2: A Governance Bootcamp
Voted For: I do share some concerns from fellow candidates that voted against this proposal, but I do still think that opportunity costs are much higher to not do it. I see this program as a way to bring 20 highly invested, talented people to Arbitrum DAO.

From that 20 people, we might see some take up even more active roles in our DAO, like working on individual proposals, helping define strategy, or even offering services. There will always be more important stuff to focus on in the DAO than to bring new people to governance, but we must find a way to get a new flow of people in the DAO. And this bootcamp seemed like a good way to do it. I support the idea.

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