TempeTechie.eth Delegate Communication Thread

Hi everyone, this is my (Tempe Techie) delegate communication thread.

Basic info:

About me:
I am a software developer with over 10 years of professional experience. In the past 4 years I have been full-time in web3 development, using mainly Solidity (for smart contracts) and JavaScript/Vue on the frontend.

My focus is mainly on non-financial usecases of crypto, especially Web3 Social (e.g. social networks, chats etc.). I think tools which enable decentralized communication and governance are of major importance.

Some of the tools I’ve built include the Arbitrum Delegate Frame on Farcaster, which allows Farcaster users to check who their delegate is, and set a new delegate if needed. Another tool is called Iggy and it’s a Web3 Social framework, sort of like “wordpress” for web3 social.

I am an active voter in the Arbitrum DAO. I support proposals which are geared towards decentralization, censorship-resistance, and better communication & governance.

I often attend Ethereum conferences (Devcon, DevConnect, ETH Prague etc.) so you can meet me there and discuss everything related Arbitrum and Web3 Social.




Snapshot Proposal: Adopt a Delegate Code of Conduct & Formalize Operations
Voted: FOR
Reasoning (link):

I vote FOR the proposal. I don’t see any issues with it, and I believe it’s good for the DAO.

As for the Shielded Vote that olimpio mentioned, I think the will of the voters was clear - they support the shielded vote (56.69% approval). The difference in interpretation of this vote may arise from whether you’re more familiar with the “first-past-the-post” voting system or with the “proportional” voting system. Personally, I believe the proportional system better represents the will of the voters, which means it’s fair to sum up the total votes in favor of the shielded vote.

Snapshot Proposal: [Non-Constitutional] Treasury Management v1.2
Voted: FOR
Reasoning (link):

I am generally in favour of the idea of the proposal, but I agree with Tekr0x.eth that we should see a more precise plan (or guardrails) for selling ARB for stablecoins.

One idea is to have a daily limit (as percentage of ARB volume) on ARBs sold. Another is to perhaps also sell part of ETH, not just ARB. And also to extend the timeline of selling ARB (3 months may be too short if we don’t want to impact the price too much).

I also echo 404DAO’s suggestion of having only one committee instead of two.

That said, I’m voting FOR the proposal in the Snapshot voting. But I’d need the changes I mentioned (especially the guardrails for selling ARB) to be implemented in the proposal before supporting it in the Tally vote.

+an update after I asked a question on the Governance Call:

Updating my thoughts based on the feedback by Sam Martin on today’s Governance call.

As per Sam, Entropy will not define in the Tally proposal how exactly ARB will be liquidated for stablecoins. Instead, this will be a task for the TMC committee after (if) the Tally vote passes.

The good thing is that TMC will put their plan of ARB liquidation on the Snapshot vote, so if DAO members don’t agree with it, ARB will not get liquidated in that way.

To me, this is sufficient enough, so I plan to vote FOR the proposal on Tally.

Snapshot proposal: Restitution For Extensively Delayed ArbitrumDAO Minigrant Winners
Reasoning (link):

Too long delay in ARB payouts is very unfortunate and understandably painful for recipients. But the grant rules were clear about the payment being in ARB tokens. As chamadao said, the proposed restitution would create a dangerous precedent. For that reason, I vote against the proposal.

Snapshot proposal: Hackathon Continuation Program
Voted: FOR
Reasoning (link):

I voted FOR the proposal. I think it’s good to experiment with a program that helps the best hackathon projects grow and succeed even after the hackathon is over.

If this program proves to be successful, it would make sense to do a v2 of the program, but this time perhaps including finalists from past ETHGlobal hackathons. This would create a larger pool of high-quality projects and bring promising teams and developers to the Arbitrum ecosystem.


Tally Proposal: (V2) Arbitrum Research & Development Collective
Voted: FOR
Reasoning (link):

I voted FOR this proposal on Tally, especially based on how well ARDC v1 performed with the STIP analysis. The proposed budget is the lowest among the choices that were listed in Snapshot, but I’m sure the DAO could provide some additional funds (through a new proposal) if the need for that will arise.

Tally Proposal: Establishing a DAO Events Budget for 2025
Voted: FOR
Reasoning (link):

I voted FOR this proposal on Tally. I think it provides a better system of organizing and funding DAO-related events.

As for whether to organize an Arbitrum-specific event not attached to any other conference, I think this sounds better on paper than in reality (at this point). I see for myself that when I travel to attend a crypto event, I choose to attend large conferences with many (side) events rather than to attend a smaller specific event with no other events around it (because it’s easier to justify the personal travel cost of attending a larger conference with side events). In the future, when the Arbitrum community grows, it could have its own major conference, but for now, let’s stick with side events attached to some major conference (e.g. an Ethereum conference or a non-crypto conference like krst from L2Beat proposed).

Governance calls in November:

  • I attended the bi-weekly Arbitrum governance call on 19 November 2024.
  • I did not attend the previous call on 5 November due to traveling to Thailand for Devcon 2024.
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Snapshot proposal: [Non-consitutional] User Research: Why build on Arbitrum?
Voted: FOR (Arbitrum + 2 others)
Reasoning (link):

I’m voting “FOR + two others” the proposal because we truly lack a deeper understanding of how developers see Arbitrum and building on it. While I am one of these developers, I’d like to see how others think about it and how their views differ from mine.

Danielo, does the “+ two others (SOL & OP)” include all chains within the Optimism Superchain, or just OP Mainnet? If the latter, then I would suggest doing a research on Base instead of OP Mainnet. My observation is that Base is having much more developer activity than OP Mainnet, and is also the largest chain by TVL within the Superchain.

Snapshot proposal: Designing and operating the reporting and information function
Voted: ABSTAIN (because the proposal author announced it’s cancelled)
Reasoning (link):

Overall I like the idea, but as many others have mentioned the main concern is the size of the budget. Since the proposal is supposed to be cancelled (as mentioned in the governance call), I voted abstain.

Snapshot proposal: Arbitrum D.A.O. Domain Allocator Offerings) Grant Program - Season 3
Voted: FOR (Renew with 5 domains)
Reasoning (link):

I’m voting FOR the proposal on Snapshot, more precisely the option “Renew with 5 domains”.

When it comes to attracting developers to apply for the grant, I suggest also taking a look at past ETH Global hackathon winners. Some gems may be hiding there, even if they deployed their projects on another chain (this grant can get them to move to Arbitrum).

Snapshot proposal: [NON-CONSTITUTIONAL] Arbitrum Onboarding V2: A Governance Bootcamp
Voted: FOR
Reasoning (link):

I voted FOR this proposal on Snapshot. V1 was a pilot project, so it makes sense to do a V2 based on everything that the proposal team learned from V1. After V2 is completed and evaluation done, we’ll have a better picture whether such program works and perhaps repeat it in the future.

Snapshot Elections:

I voted in all these 4 elections, but since votes are confidential, I won’t share how I voted until the voting is over.

Reasoning (link):

I went through all applications and gave each candidate a 1-10 score (which was then automatically translated into percentages). Because the vote is shielded, I will reveal my choices after the election is over, so that I don’t impact how other people vote.

EDIT (after voting ended):

I’ve read through all applications and graded candidates with a score 1-10 based on my subjective opinion. The reason I did that instead of just choosing one or two candidates is that I believe all candidates bring something valuable to the table, which is why I prefer proportional voting instead of “winner-takes-all” approach.

Here is my vote reveal:

Supervisory Council Election: 12.24% for Frisson (Comm Role), 14.29% for JuanRah + AlexLumley (Comm Role), 14.29% for Jameskbh (Comm Role), 16.33% for Entropy Adv. + Tamara (Op Role) , 14.29% for Pedro Breuer (Comm Role) , 12.24% for Violet Benson (Comm Role) , 16.33% for ZER8 (Comm Role).

Research Election: 17.07% for Revelo Intel, 17.07% for PYOR Research, 19.51% for The Block Research, 21.95% for Llama Research & Castle Capital, 24.39% for Blockworks Advisory.

Risk Election: 20.51% for Vending Machine, 23.08% for TAU Labs, 15.38% for Jupiter Block, 17.95% for DeFiSafety, 23.08% for Nethermind.

In the Security Election I decided to give 100% of my vote to one candidate, OpenZeppelin, because of its lengthy presence in the crypto world; commitment to open source development via smart contract templates, which increase overall security in the space (and they do it free of charge); extensive experience in auditing; and last but not least, their past work and experience as Security Member of the ARDC.

Snapshot proposal: Unifying Arbitrum’s Mission, Vision, Purpose (MVP)
Voted: FOR
Reasoning (link):

I vote FOR the proposal. Every organization needs clear vision and mission statements which serve as guiding stars for everything that we do in the DAO. And we also need to take actions that follow mission, vision, and purpose statements, so I’m looking forward to the upcoming SOS proposal!

Snapshot proposal: Partner with ETH Bucharest 2025
Voted: FOR with POAP
Reasoning (link):

I voted “FOR with POAP”. I think it’s important to keep presence on crypto events, especially the ones that have a hackathon. We need to get more builders who build new and innovative dApps on Arbitrum. The more dApps we get, the higher the chance we find so called “killer apps”, which are something that any successful ecosystem needs.

Snapshot proposal: OpCo – A DAO-adjacent Entity for Strategy Execution
Reasoning (link):

I vote AGAINST this proposal. While I think having a legal entity is beneficial, I think it should (at least initially) be a more passive and lean entity, used only when there’s a need for it. Cutting costs is harder than adding costs, so I think OpCo should start as lean as possible, and with the shorter initial (pilot) phase which could later be extended with a new proposal.


Tally proposal: Arbitrum Hackathon Builder Continuation Program
Voted: FOR
Reasoning (link):

I’m voting FOR on Tally for the same reasons stated in my Snapshot vote.

Tally proposal: Treasury Management V1.2
Voted: FOR
Reasoning (link):

I’m voting FOR on Tally for the same reasons stated in my Snapshot vote (reply 1, reply 2).

Governance calls in December:

  • I attended the bi-weekly Arbitrum governance call on 3 December 2024.
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Snapshot Proposal: Non-Constitutional: Stable Treasury Endowment Program 2.0

Voted: FOR
Reasoning (link):

I voted FOR the proposal on Snapshot. The operational expenses are low enough to be easily covered by the earned interest (by my calculations, expenses currently represent less than 30% of the profits - on a monthly basis). That said, I would like to see monthly expenses as a category in each report. ARB liquidation will be done by the Arbitrum Foundation, hopefully they will do it in a way that it least effects the price (e.g. OTC) :crossed_fingers:

Snapshot Proposals: Arbitrum D.A.O. Season 3 Elections (domain allocators)

Reasoning for all (link):

First of all I would like to thank everyone who put in the work and applied for any of the positions. It was hard to choose from so many very good candidates. None of them would have been a bad fit for the role, but only one can be selected for each position. I also gave a slight preference to teams over individuals, just because they can handle the workload better. Perhaps some of the applicants can team up in the future when they’ll run for domain allocators again.

In New Protocols and Ideas, I voted for Gabriel and Diego. Gabriel has been very active in the crypto space and also has extensive experience from the tradfi world, including evaluating investments for a family office. He has presented a good overview of how he intends to work as domain allocator, focusing on bold new ideas in the most important niches of crypto today, including AI which is probably the hottest of them all.

In Education, Community Growth, and Events, I voted for SEEDGov. They have past experience as domain allocator, and they have successfully demonstrated their diligent work in other initiatives, too. They have a clear vision and well-defined key factors for approval or rejection of an application.

Dev Tooling on One and Stylus - this was a tough one. All three applications are great. In the end, I went with ariutokintumi and Arturo. They are both software developers who won several hackathon prizes, organized a hackathon before (which means good connections with developers), and developed multiple libraries on their own.

In the Gaming domain I voted for Flook and Nikki. Flook brings previous experience as a domain allocator as well as experience from running a gaming studio. Nikki brings good connections with creators from the web2 world, and personal experience as a Twitch streamer.

As I said, all the candidates are great and I wish whoever is chosen all the best with their work as domain allocators!

Snapshot Proposal: The Watchdog: Arbitrum DAO’s Grant Misuse Bounty Program

Voted: FOR
Reasoning (link):

I think this is a good proposal. As for the rewards for reporting, perhaps the fixed amounts should be somewhat lower, because the 5% share of recovered funds is a good enough incentive in my opinion.

Also, the fixed amounts for rewards should be denominated in USD (but paid out in ARB), just in case the ARB price goes up significantly.

It would also make sense to have a pilot phase for the program (measured in months or until funds run out - whichever is first), and evaluate everything after it (including the platform), so that it can be properly improved upon.

Snapshot proposal: Arbitrum Strategic Objective Setting (SOS) – Defining the DAO’s Interim Goals

Voted: FOR
Reasoning (link):

This looks like a good process/protocol to define Arbitrum’s goals and objectives - and also to re-evaluate them every year. Based on these objectives, it will be easier for delegates to decide which governance proposals to support and which ones not (same goes for proposal authors).

Snapshot proposal: Proposal for Piloting Enhancements and Strengthening the Sustainability of ArbitrumHub in the Year Ahead

Reasoning (link):

I voted against the proposal. As I mentioned before, the team size is too big and the proposed salaries are way too high for the location the team comes from (India). An average yearly salary in India is well-below $10k. If the proposal was, let’s say, $20k per year per person (which is still very high for the region), and the team size was reduced to 3 full-time persons, I’d consider supporting the proposal even though monthly website views are not that high (1700 monthly non-unique page views). I suggest the team applies for a Questbook grant instead.

Snapshot proposal: Approve the Nova Fee Sweep Action

Voted: FOR
Reasoning (link):

I agree with the Timeboost upgrade. I’m curious to see how it affects latency and UX on Arbitrum One mainnet, but if it turns out to have unexpected issues I’m sure we can revert back to the old approach. I also support the Nova fee sweep action, it’s a no-brainer, that’s why I voted FOR the proposal.


Tally Proposal: [Constitutional AIP] Activate Arbitrum BoLD + Infura Nova Validator Whitelist

Voted: FOR
Reasoning (link):

I voted FOR this proposal on Tally. I think it’s a good and necessary step towards making the Arbitrum ecosystem more secure, permissionless, and censorship-resistant.

Tally Proposal: OpCo: A DAO-adjacent Entity for Strategy Execution

Reasoning (link):

I voted AGAINST this proposal on Tally. While I agree with having an OpCo, I think the proposal’s budget is too high and the team size is too big. I see no point in having a full-time, in-house legal counsel, as well as some other employee roles at this point. I’ve seen in other DAOs that they started similar entities with as little as one employee and would scale later on if necessary.

The correct approach is to start lean, with a narrow scope, a short initial (pilot) phase, and then evaluate and scale the budget and the team if necessary. If the proposal was framed like that, I would have supported it.

Tally Proposal: Non-Constitutional: Stable Treasury Endowment Program 2.0

Voted: FOR
Reasoning (link):

I’m voting FOR the proposal on Tally for the same reasons as stated in my Snapshot vote.


  • I attended the bi-weekly Arbitrum governance call on 14 January 2025.
  • I attended the bi-weekly Arbitrum governance call on 28 January 2025.



Snapshot proposal: Request to Increase the Stylus Sprint Committee’s Budget

Voted: FOR
Reasoning (link):

I agree with increasing the budget, we need innovative Stylus projects. It’s also great to hear that so many builders applied, running out of a budget in this case is definitely a good “problem” to have (better than seeing low interest from builders).

Also, I agree with @JoJo to not extend the application window, because this may lead to the budget shortage again.



I attended these calls:

  • 5 Feb 2025: 22nd GRC - Part A | Arbitrum Reporting Governance Call (GRC)
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