Web3 Citizen Delegate Communication Thread

Snapshot vote: User Research: Why build on Arbitrum?

We will vote for this proposal, For + 2 ecosystems.

Our rationale is as follows.

We appreciate the goal setting and results in a research report as outlined in the proposal, and recommend the inclusion of specific recommendations/actionable takeaways in the final phase of completion. These outcomes can inform choices of domain allocators in the future, among funding and ideating other initiatives, ensuring they align well and effectively drive growth in Arbitrum. We should strive for efficiency and growth and we believe this can help the DAO get there.

Our questions regarding ARDC overlapping with the goals were addressed in the FAQs and this comment.

The goals stated make much more sense when comparing Arbitrum with two other ecosystems. We believe opting for this choice will give ArbitrumDAO a more comprehensive understanding of the builder landscape.