Alice Delegate communication thread

Voting week September 30th

Proposal: [Non-Constitutional] Whitelist Infura Nova Validator
Vote: Whitelist Infura Validator
Reasoning: Infura is an established and battle-tested provider serving the Ethereum ecosystem since inception. For this reason, I am in favour of whitelisting Infura as a Nova Validator.

Proposal: Research on context and retention
Vote: For
Reasoning: I am in favour of this initiative as it doesn’t require additional budget. However, I see a partial overlap with the “From engagement to rewards” analysis published by SeedGov.

Proposal: An EIP-4824 powered daoURI for Arbitrum DAO
Vote: For - use ENS txt records
Reasoning: Because this approach has been adopted by other large protocols, becoming an actual standard, I am in favour of adopting daoURI for Arbitrum DAO.

Proposal: UPDATED - Ethereum Protocol Attackathon Sponsorship
Vote: Against
Reasoning: While I see the value of the Ethereum Protocol Attackathon, I think it should be sponsored by the Ethereum Foundation and I am against sponsoring it as Arbitrum DAO given its limited impact on the ecosystem.

Proposal: [NON-CONSTITUTIONAL] Arbitrum DAO Procurement Committee: Phase II Proposal
Vote: For
Reasoning: I am in favour of renewing the ADPC for an additional 6 months for them to continue the work they started. I would expect a more in-depth evaluation of their work and achievements at the end of the second mandate.

Proposal: Constitutional AIP - Extend Delay on L2Time Lock
Vote: For
Reasoning: I am in favour of extending the Time Lock as suggested.