Arana Digital Delegate Communication Thread

Arana Digital Delegate Communication Thread

Delegate address: 0x0579A616689f7ed748dC07692A3F150D44b0CA09

Delegate ENS Address: aranadigital.eth

Forum Usernames: @AranaDigital, @Farfel.eth (primary contact)

Voting Activity: Tally & Boardroom


We are a governance group composed of ex-Michigan Blockchain members. Our team is currently made up of five individuals, all of which are deeply steeped in the crypto space and have multiple years of participation in protocol governance. With delegation history for DEXs, money markets, L2s, liquid staking protocols, and stablecoins, we’re acclimated with a breadth of sectors. We bring a diversity of experience to DAOs–our members have consulted for companies like Immutable and dYdX, worked at crypto investment and trading firms, set up various validator nodes, and run educational events for university students. Our current team led the Michigan Blockchain ARB delegation from the launch of Arbitrum governance till December 2023 and maintained 100% voting participation. Our goal is to continue contributing to the Arb DAO going forward in a more professional capacity by actively imparting our perspective on proposals, helping formalize governance operations, and facilitating the growth/maturation of the Arbitrum ecosystem.


ARDC Elections

We want to start by thanking all applicants to the ARDC for their efforts and commitment to the Arbitrum DAO. The quality of applicants is a testament to the Arbitrum ecosystem and establishing this collective strongly positions the DAO and the community as a whole to grow and thrive over the coming months and beyond. We would also like to thank @immutablelawyer and the Axis Advisory team for their efforts in establishing this framework for the DAO to foster a more sustainable and effective governance.

ARDC Research Member Election

Vote: Blockworks/Delphi Digital
Type: Snapshot

The combination of these two entities makes for the highest quality candidate to serve on the ARDC. @BlockworksResearch and @Delphi-Digital have been at the forefront of research in the space. They possess expertise in Ethereum scaling solutions and their mechanisms, will create insightful content to advance Arbitrum, and deliver refined research to offer unbiased, data-driven guidance for informed decision-making by the DAO.

Blockworks has been intimately involved with the Arbitrum DAO since its inception and we look forward to continuing to work with them and their partner in Delphi Digital to further strengthen the Arbitrum DAO.

ARDC Advocate Member Election

Vote: L2Beat/Ant Federation
Type: Snapshot

L2Beat has been a steward for the Aritrum DAO thanks for the work of @krst and @Sinkas. They have been proactive in engaging the community through their governance calls and office hours. @dk3 and the L2Beat Governance team have continued to provide insights and serve as a proponent for what is best for the Arbitrum DAO. We believe the L2Beat/Ant Federation team will serve as a valuable member of the ARDC serving as the bridge and patron for the ArbitrumDAO.

ARDC Security Member Election

Vote: 50% OpenZeppelin / 50% Trail of Bits
Type: Snapshot

The Arana Digital team has collaborated closely with Jun within the Compound DAO for several years, entrusting OpenZeppelin as our reliable security provider. With our deep understanding of their offerings and direct involvement with their projects, we allocate 50% of our votes to them. The remaining 50% is directed towards Trail of Bits, a group that has demonstrated its dedication to the Arbitrum Ecosystem through their extensive collaboration with Offchain Labs and ecosystem protocols. Trail of Bits has been actively engaged with various leading protocols in the industry since its establishment in 2012, and their development of tools like Echidna and Slither for identifying contract vulnerabilities underscores their expertise and commitment.

ARDC Risk Member Election

Vote: Chaos Labs
Type: Snapshot

Drawing on their extensive experience providing risk assessment services to the top DAOs in the Arbitrum Ecosystem and across Ethereum such as Aave and GMX, Chaos Labs is poised to bring valuable insights to the ARDC. Chaos Labs’ track record of publishing valuable data-driven analyses and modeling further displays their suitability for this role, and, the presence of their CEO within the Security Council reinforces their organization’s qualifications and fit for this role.


Week of March 16-23, 2024

Continuation of Abitrum DDA Program Request

Vote: For
Type: Snapshot

We are voting for this proposal due to the sustainable benefit this program has on the Arbitrum Ecosystem. Questbook and the Domain Allocators have done a great job ensuring the program remains transparent and the continuous reporting has enabled the DAO to ensure the funds are being put to good use. We look forward to continuing to work with Questbook, the Domain Allocators, and the protocols to support this program and the Abritrum ecosystem.

[Non-Constitutional AIP] Front-end interface to force transaction inclusion during sequencer downtime

Vote: For
Type: Snapshot

We are in favor of this proposal and want to thank WakeUp Labs for their efforts in pushing this concept to the DAO. Having a clear interface for forcing transactions and assets out to the L1 is a crucial step for ensuring network resilience and hope the community finds comfort in this resource to help all users should the system go down at some time.

Fix Fee Oversight for ArbOS v20 ‘Atlas’

Vote: Set L1 Surplus Fee and L2 Min.

Type: Snapshot and Onchain

We supported the aforementioned decision because aligning Arbitrum’s fee structure with these improvements enables the network to accommodate higher transaction throughput while decreasing costs for users. This is crucial for sustaining Arbitrum’s attractiveness in a competitive Layer 2 environment. Although we anticipate a decrease in revenue, it’s a necessary step to ensure Arbitrum remains competitive in pricing. The expectation is that increased transaction volume will offset the reduction in marginal revenues, ultimately restoring total revenue to its previous level—and hopefully surpassing it.

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Catalyze Arbitrum Gaming: HADOUKEN!

Vote: For
Type: Snapshot

We have decided to support this proposal. We want to thank @thedereksmart and @Djinn for their continuous communication and addressing of concerns from the community. We agree that the requested amount is aggressive, but the Arbitrum protocol is at a stage where large investments in the near term will be largely rewarded in the future. Arbitrum has established itself as a leading scaling solution for DeFi applications, and the growth of TreasureDAO, its upcoming Treasure Chain, and the expanding ecosystem along with the selection of the Arbitrum tech stack for Apechain has propelled Arbitrum to the forefront of gaming development. The Gaming Catalyst Program will further support Arbitrum as a leader in this growing vertical. The competition between scaling solutions is only increasing. Arbitrum has cemented its place as a part of the future of scaling Ethereum, but this proposal ensures its pace of growth remains competitive with the burgeoning list of prominent rollups and scaling solutions going forward.


Arbitrum Stable Treasury Endowment Program

Vote: For
Type: On Chain

We are in support of this program and are looking forward to setting the framework for better utilization of treasury funds going forward. Arbitrum DAO setting an example for the space for sustainable treasury management.

Expand Tally Support for the Arbitrum DAO

Vote: For
Type: Snapshot
Tally has been a valuable partner to the Arbitrum DAO and we look forward to expanding this beneficial partnership and working with @Frisson, @cbxm, and the rest of the Tally team.


Double-Down on STIP Successes (STIP-Bridge)

Vote: For
Type: Snapshot

Supporting the STIP Bridge proposal recognizes its strategic value in bolstering Arbitrum’s competitiveness and retaining key protocols through targeted incentives. It’s a proactive measure to sustain the ecosystem’s growth and user engagement amid intense competition from other Layer 2 solutions. However, as we voted in favor, we also recommend critical enhancements for the proposal’s refinement:

  1. Enhanced Eligibility Criteria and Evaluation Metrics: Clearer guidelines and measurable performance benchmarks will ensure transparency and fairness in selecting projects for bridge grants.
  2. Comprehensive Risk Assessment: Identifying and mitigating potential long-term risks will safeguard the ecosystem’s health and sustainability beyond this current Arbitrum DAO solution.
  3. Analysis of Past Incentives: A thorough review of the successes and failures of previous incentives will guide effective resource allocation, enhancing the future programs’ impact.
  4. Innovation and Ecosystem Diversity: Encouraging a broader spectrum of innovative and diverse projects can further enrich Arbitrum’s ecosystem, cementing its long-term leadership in the space and resilience.
  5. Transparency and Community Engagement: Revising and improving frameworks for regular updates and open communication about the proposal’s implementation and outcomes will build trust and foster a collaborative community. Clear and concisely articulated updates will enable the best community involvement and participation.

Working with the ARDC as well as @SavvyDAO, @coinflip, @Djinn, and the rest of the Arbitrum community, we aim to see a final implementation that not only strengthens Arbitrum’s position in the competitive landscape but also ensures its growth is sustainable, inclusive, and aligned with the community’s long-term vision.


Expand Tally Support for the Arbitrum DAO

Vote: For
Type: On Chain

We continue to support this proposal under the ideas mentioned here. Tally’s increased support and updates will ensure the Arbitrum DAO continues to innovate and operate effectively.

Empowering Early Contributors: The community Arbiter Proposal 2.0

Vote: For
Type: On Chain

We support compensating these early supporters of the Arbitrum Ecosystem. We appreciate the work of @Mysterymen and others in their communication with the community and the transparency they brought to the distribution process and contributors being rewarded.

LTIPP Proposals

Please see below for our LTIPP voting decisions.

Request for Continuation of the Arbitrum DDA Program Request

Vote: For
Type: On Chain

This vote is in line with our previous support of this proposal on Snapshot. This program has done a great job of maintaining a transparent and effective process and we look forward to continue working with @Srijith-Questbook and the Domain Allocators.

Security Council Member Election

Vote: Certora
Type: On Chain

We are supporting Certora due to their expertise across the board on their application as well as their thorough experiences in the ecosystem and the experiences of our team working with them. Certora has proven its value to the industry through its formal verification and credibility in the security space. We believe they will be a great fit for the council.

Delegate to Voter Enfranchisement Pool — Event Horizon

Vote: For
Type: Snapshot

We want to start by thanking @EventHorizonDAO for their efforts in producing this proposal and working with the community to address questions and concerns. This proposal aims to provide smaller, actively participating DAO delegates with greater influence in voting decisions. We are generally in favor of this pursuit and experimentation in governance modeling, but we recognize that the practical application has its shortcomings. Similar past models suggest that as individual influence in large groups diminishes, so does participation due to the perceived ineffectiveness of single votes, potentially leading to widespread apathy and reduced voter turnout. This model with the single-vote NFT might undermine the intended benefits of the system, as leveling the playing field may paradoxically lower the incentive for well-informed decision-making.

The proposed remedy in the proposal entails increasing the value of each vote when overall participation is low. This approach merits further exploration, particularly the critical point where the effort of voting is balanced by the influence exerted by each vote.

Overall, we look forward to supporting this proposal and appreciate its strategies to increase participation and find an equilibrium of voting impact and effort, utilization of Gitcoin passports to reduce sybil threats, and willingness of the @EventHorizonDAO team to work with the community to see this program through to success.


Subsidy Fund for Security Services

Vote: 50% for 1 cohort of 8 weeks, $2.5M fund; 50% for Do Not Fund
Type: Snapshot

While the establishment of a subsidy fund to support security audits aligns with our goals to support smaller projects and enhance security within the Arbitrum ecosystem, we decided to align with the 1 cohort, $2.5M fund as an initial trial for this program for the following reasons:

  1. Audit Cost and Scope: The projected average cost of $200K per audit lacks detailed scoping which may lead to inaccurate funding estimates.
  2. Operational Readiness: As a newly formed committee, the ADPC must demonstrate its capability to manage such a funding effectively.
  3. Impact Measurement: The proposal does not sufficiently detail the metrics for evaluating the long-term impact of these subsidies on the ecosystem.
  4. Governance and Oversight: More robust mechanisms are needed to ensure transparency and prevent potential conflicts of interest.

Considering these factors, we recommended a partial allocation of $2.5M for one 8-week cohort. This phased approach allows the ADPC to refine its management processes and demonstrate operational effectiveness before further funds are disbursed. This strategy balances support for the overall initiative with ensuring risk management and optimal use of DAO resources.

Safeguarding Software Developers’ Rights & the Right to Privacy

Vote: 100% for Fund with 1,000,000 ARB each
Type: Snapshot

The industry is just beginning to navigate the complex legal landscape as regulation becomes an evermore present force for consideration. Thus, funding organizations beneficially influencing digital asset regulation is crucial. Given the substantial costs of lobbying and litigation, we are supporting a 1M ARB allocation, enabling the parties to execute their strategies effectively.
We want to ensure these organizations instill a system of reporting that emphasizes transparency in delivering clear metrics of their successes and failures back to the DAO. Additionally, we are keen to understand the role of Immutablelawyer/Axis in bridging communications between these organizations and the DAO to ensure transparency and accountability.

Double-Down on STIP Successes (STIP-Bridge)

Vote: For
Type: Onchain

This vote aligns with our previous support of this effort to bolster the Arbitrum Ecosystem and retain key protocols. The team has worked well to address concerns from the community and included the ability for the DAO to veto addendums.

15 LTIPP Proposals

Vote: For/Against
Type: Snapshot

We voted according to the strength of the proposal and project. We tend to align with the council due to their extensive work and expertise on the LTIPP application pool. Protocols that have proven their PMF and have a track record of growth and user retention were prioritized with our view being that younger protocols are more fit for short-term grants programs.

GovHack at ETH CC (Brussels)

Vote: For
Type: Snapshot

The recent GovHack event has been positively received by those who attended and is widely considered a success. Organizing a similar hackathon in Brussels could be an excellent use of resources and time.

Grant Request - Curve Finance

Vote: For
Type: Snapshot

Given the reasonable size of this grant and the matching contribution from Michael, the founder of Curve, we believe this initiative is worthwhile for the DAO. The planned distribution of the funds appears reasonable, and it sets a positive example for other protocols seeking grant support, though timing it with the LTIPP could be done better.

Pilot Phase: M&A for Arbitrum DAO

Vote: For
Type: Snapshot

We want to start by thanking the team from Areta 4 for their efforts and their community-driven approach to introducing the concept of an M&A unit to the Arbitrum DAO. The proposed method of easing the DAO into this novel experimentation through a structured ideation and research phase reflects a strategic understanding of the DAO’s operational dynamics. The team’s engagement with community feedback through working group sessions and community forums has demonstrated their openness to delegate insights and strengthened the proposal’s development.

@Bernard, @sid_areta, and @fin_areta have made a compelling case for the DAO to take on direct responsibilities in forging strategic mergers and acquisitions as it develops. This shift aligns with the ecosystem’s goal towards greater decentralization and positions the DAO to leverage its talent and technology management capabilities. Our support for moving this initiative into its pilot phase stems from these considerations and understanding that the insights gained from this initial phase will be valuable for the community regardless of whether an M&A unit is formally established.

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Regarding the STIP Bridges Applications:
FOR: Umami, Dolomite, Thetanuts Finance, OpenOcean, Stake DAO, Savvy DAO, Thales, Boost, Gains Network
ABSTAIN: Kyberswap, Tide, Sanko Gamecorp, Solv, Stargate, MUX
AGAINST: Furucombo, Socket, Angle

Streamlining the LTIPP Bounties

Vote: For
Type: Snapshot

We support this proposal because it has the potential to streamline the LTIPP bounty process and reduce unnecessary voting burdens. By making the process more systematic, it addresses issues of bias and popularity, ensuring decisions are based on expertise. The council, elected for its proficiency, is trusted to act in the DAO’s best interest. Therefore, we cast our vote in favor.

Arbitrum Multi-sig Support Service (MSS)

1) FOR - Implementing MSS and Token Flow Reporting

2) FOR - Implementing MSS



Type: Snapshot

We support the MSS portion of this proposal as it introduces much-needed improvements. Tracking approved groups can be complex, and this initiative promises better efficiency, similar to practices in other DAOs like Uniswap. Effective monetary flow tracking and robust security measures, such as DEN integration, are commendable.

While we support R3gen’s reporting services, the proposed fee of $5000/month seems excessive. A reduced fee of $2500/month is likely more reasonable, considering the subsequent months’ reports will be easier to produce. We signal the need for such reporting by voting in favor of R3gen but request a template for monthly reports before the on-chain vote.

ArbitrumDAO Contribution; Safeguarding Software Developers’ Rights

Vote: For
Type: On Chain

Aligning with our earlier snapshot vote, we support this contribution to protecting developers’ rights.

Constitutional AIP - Security Council Improvement Proposal

Vote: For
Type: On Chain

We support these security council modifications as we did in our Snapshot vote, believing they will significantly enhance the DAO’s governance.

Catalyze Gaming Ecosystem Growth on Arbitrum

Vote: Against
Type: On Chain

While we supported this proposal on Snapshot, we have decided to vote against at this stage due to insufficient responses to our previous concerns and its considerable scale. While we support the concept, the proposal needs refinement and a more manageable scope.

Kwenta x Perennial: Arbitrum Onboarding Incentives

Vote: Abstain
Type: Snapshot

We decided to abstain from this vote. Despite recognizing the potential benefits of Kwenta and Perennial, we believe that a formal incentive program like STIP or LTIPP should precede such grants. The competitive landscape on Arbitrum and the migration challenges from other platforms also raise concerns. We want to support the growth of Arbitrum protocols like Perennial and the deployment of prominent applications like Kwenta, but we prefer a structured RFP process, such as with the approved Synthetix grant that already serves to benefit Kwenta, over one-off requests for better transparency and alignment with the DAO’s strategic goals and efficient operation.

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AIP: Nova Fee Router Proposal (ArbOS 30)

Vote: For
Type: Snapshot

We support the implementation of this proposal as it should greatly enhance the DAO’s operational efficiency.

AIP: Activate Stylus and Enable Next-Gen WebAssembly Smart Contracts (ArbOS 30)

Vote: For
Type: Snapshot

Enabling Stylus and other WebAssembly smart contracts like Rust to operate alongside the EVM will increase developer engagement and allow for a broader range of protocols, thus significantly expanding our audience.

AIP: Support RIP-7212 for Account Abstraction Wallets (ArbOS 30)

Vote: For
Type: Snapshot

We support this proposal for Account Abstraction Wallets on Arbitrum. As RIP-7212 continues to gain traction, implementing this will enable more cost-effective signature verification.

Set up a Sub-Committee for the Security Services Subsidy Fund

Vote: Against
Type: Snapshot

We are voting against this proposal. While the creation of a subsidy fund may generate demand similar to past funding programs and require significant manpower, we believe that the ADPC is best suited for this role. It is our understanding that the subsidy fund would start around the end of the current ADPC term. The committee has had ample time to fulfill its mandate, and any extension proposal could incorporate this responsibility. Given the size of the subsidy fund and its timing, the ADPC is the most capable entity for this task, and adding unnecessary layers of complexity without clear justification is unwarranted.

AIP: BoLD - permissionless validation for Arbitrum

Vote: For
Type: Snapshot

We have voted FOR this proposal. BOLD is an exciting innovation for the Arbitrum community and a step towards a credibly neutral Arbitrum protocol by enabling permissionless state validation.

AIP: Funds to bootstrap the first BoLD validator - Bond sentiment

Vote: For

AIP: Funds to bootstrap the first BoLD validator - Operational cost sentiment

Vote: Abstain

Type for both: Snapshot

In response to the two above proposals:
We fully support the Arbitrum Foundation’s establishment of the first BoLD validator and the DAO treasury’s provision of funds to bootstrap the bond for this endeavor and have voted for this first proposal on Snapshot. We do, however, have some concerns regarding the DAO funding of the Service Fee and have decided to Abstain from that Snapshot vote.

BoLD introduces permissionless validation, ushering in a new era for Ethereum rollups and the decentralization of the Arbitrum protocol. The foundation’s request of 4234 ETH enables the Arbitrum Foundation to run the first BoLD validator by supplying the 3600 for the assertion bond and funds for a challenge bond in case it is needed. This will enable the validator to instantly serve as a proposer for Arbitrum One. One aspect of this framework we would like to explore going forward is the utilization of ARB in the assertion bond as well as ETH. The ARB token is yet to grow beyond the utilization for governance and the integration with a proposer bond would enable it to contribute to the decentralization of the protocol, something which the Arbitrum DAO should be more than willing to support. The DAO is also more capable of supporting efforts outside of the Foundation, given the DAO treasury is made up nearly entirely of ARB rather than ETH.

The second proposal is regarding the additional 900 ETH allocated to the proposer Service Fee and the refund of L1 gas costs. This amount is to be allocated over 3 years. We abstained on this proposal due to sharing similar concerns as @swmartin and further highlighted by the @Entropy team in this Gas Fee & Revenue Breakdown. While an allocation to cover L1 fees and counter the opportunity cost of staking is reasonable, putting off this issue for three years may not be the best approach for the DAO or the Arbitrum protocol. This is an aspect of sustainability with the BoLD implementation and the DAO revenue model that should be further explored. Are there ways to make the incentives offered to proposers more attractive than the yield offered by staking? Staking is a good benchmark to start, but committing to three years of providing staking yield felt like something to reconsider, and we are open to investigating alternative solutions.

We look forward to working with the Arbitrum Foundation and our fellow members of the Arbitrum DAO to create a sustainable process for persmissionless validation of the Arbitrum Protocol.

Recent Snapshot Decisions:

Approval of STEP committee recommendations

Vote: For
Type: Snapshot

We are glad to see the STEP committee deliver an exciting plan and support the members and their recommendations.

Improving Predictability in Arbitrum DAO’s Operations

Vote: #1 Improving Predictability; #2 Predictability, Approval Process; #3 Abstain; #4 Against
Type: Snapshot

We believe this proposal has the right intentions, and it will be valuable going forward to provide additional structure to the DAO as it continues to grow and engage the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Pilot for a Questbook Jumpstart fund for problem definition and DAO improvement

Vote: In Favor, Without Playbook
Type: Snapshot

We are voting in favor of this initiative. Questbook’s incentive program has been a success in terms of transparency, fund allocation, and efficient use of resources. As noted in the forums, this program can collaborate with the Firestarters program and we would like to see continued coordination between effective teams supporting the Arbitrum DAO, community, and ecosystem.

August Delegate Update:

Snapshot Votes:

Tally Votes:

Arana Digital Update: New Delegation & Account Changes

TL;DR: We’re transitioning from a hardware voting wallet to a multisig wallet to secure a significant ARB delegation—that delegation to our multisig has now been completed. This change will unlink our historical voting participation (via Karma) from the new wallet, which impacts our eligibility for the delegate incentive program that requires ≥75% participation in on-chain votes over the last 90 days. We are posting to engage the community and recognize our continued participation to enable our eligibility in the program. We are committed to maintaining transparency and continuity in our voting participation as we make this shift.

Arana’s New Wallet Tally Page for Arbitrum: Delegate Profile

Further Details:
The Arana Digital team would like to inform the ArbitrumDAO community about an important transition within our delegation operations at Arana. Recently, we received confirmation from a delegator interested in a 5M ARB delegation to our team. However, a key condition for this delegation is that we switch from our current hardware voting wallet to a multisig wallet.

Our voting history, along with the associated participation rate (via Karma), is tied to our current hardware wallet. Transitioning to a new multisig wallet means that our participation metrics would not automatically carry over. This is crucial as, under the new requirements for the delegate incentive program (v1.5), delegates must maintain a participation rate of ≥75% over the past 90 days to qualify. Previously, the threshold was 25% of total historical votes, but this change reflects the growing number of proposals and the need for consistent, recent participation.

Given our consistent voting history over the past year, we want to ensure that our participation rate from the previous 90 days reflects our established record once we switch to the multisig wallet. This update has been confirmed with the Seed team.

We remain dedicated to maintaining transparency and active participation in the DAO. This transition is part of our effort to enhance security and reliability as we scale up operations. We’re working to ensure that this shift is as seamless as possible while preserving our track record.

We appreciate the community’s understanding and support as we navigate this change and reiterate our commitment to contributing actively to the DAO’s growth and governance.

Best regards,
The Arana Team

Delegate Updates November 20th - November 30th

Snapshot Votes:

  • [Non-Constitutional] Treasury Management v1.2
    Vote: FOR
    Rational: Entropy put thorough time and effort into working with fellow delegates to design this proposal. Through our discussions with them and review of the changes they’ve made, we are in support of this proposal and the creation of groups for Growth and Capital management. We look forward to working with the committees over the period to see this program is successful.
  • Restitution For Extensively Delayed ArbitrumDAO Minigrant Winners
    Vote: FOR
    Rational: The core of this proposal was to make up for the DAO’s delayed execution. The prompt delivery of funds for these programs is necessary, and this delay was unacceptable. While more discussion is needed as price fluctuations of ARB should be expected, the concept of delivering the funds we owed is supported.
  • Hackathon Continuation Program
    Vote: FOR, No Onchain Mechanism
    Rational: We align with the support of hackathon projects beyond the competition and seeing through their success. This will assist in our retaining of strong builders in the ecosystem and create substaintial opportunities for impact.

Delegate Updates December 1st - December 11th

Snapshot Votes:

  • [Non-consitutional] User Research: Why build on Arbitrum?
    Vote: AGAINST
    Rational: Our current belief is that the ARDC (given members are capable) should attempt such a program even with an understanding that they might not conduct a perfect job but sufficient given the transparency and openness of the report for which experienced delegates such as yourself are able to support and offer feedback to ensure we continue to improve especially as the actual pool of builders in the space grows. We align that arbitrum should continue to take steps to serve as the best ecosystem for builders and those objectives laid out feel approachable for a well-connected, thorough committee to execute on but I’m open to your views as this is not my area of expertise.
  • Designing and operating the reporting and information function
    Vote: Abstain
    Rational: While the proposal seeks to address the important need for improved reporting and transparency, we agree with other community members that it falls short in clearly defining and justifying its scale, cost, and complexity, which appear disproportionate to the problem and its objectives. Executing on this overall goal would be valuable for long-term DAO development but also poses challenges in the need for comprehensive reporting across the entirety of the system expenses and initiatives. Our understanding is that for the proposal is to be updated, and we look forward to this proposal evolving and addressing the need for consolidation and clarity as the DAO continues the development of the OpCo.
  • Arbitrum D.A.O. Domain Allocator Offerings) Grant Program - Season 3
    Vote: FOR, Renew with 5 Domains
    Rational: We have worked with Questbook and the Domain Allocators to iterate and improve this program over the first two seasons and are pleased to see its proposed return for a third. The transparency and impact of this program is impressive and one that we support the continuation of.
  • [NON-CONSTITUTIONAL] Arbitrum Onboarding V2: A Governance Bootcamp
    Vote: FOR
    Rational: Continued trials for expanding DAO participation and onboarding effective members of the Arbitrum Community is worth exploring. We believe the budget is acceptable and look forward to working with the team to assist in making this program a success.

ARDC (V2) Elections

Rational: It is a testament to Arbitrum and the DAO’s growth to have had to make decisions between such exceptional candidates for each position. Many of the applicants are deserving and hence why many of our votes were split between candidates. We want to thank the applicants for their time and effort and look forward to continuing to work with the elected members and all applicants to continue to growth and improve the DAO and the Arbitrum ecosystem.

In the end, our decisions were based on which applicant is best fit for the role. We analyzed the strength of the applications, and weighed our personal views from our experience working with the applicants with the current needs of the DAO for each role.

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