Arana Digital Delegate Communication Thread

Delegate Updates December 12th - DAO Holiday

Snapshot Votes:

  • Unifying Arbitrum’s Mission, Vision, Purpose (MVP)
    Vote: FOR
    Rational: The unification of the DAO’s goals and vision for it’s role in the Arbitrum ecosystem was a necessary step towards aligning delegates on the DAO’s approach to proposals and its overall function going forward. We thank @Entropy for their effort here and look forward to seeing the impact.

  • Partner with ETH Bucharest 2025
    Vote: AGAINST
    Rational: The success of the previous Bucharest Hackathon by this team is commendable and we are excited to have them look to have Arbitrum engage with ETH Bucharest 2025, which is sure to be an incredible event for the space. That being said, the DAO’s role in sponsoring events has been outlined in the Events Budget for 2025. Though this proposal is above the Questbook cost, it is due to the DAO being placed into “Genesis Block Package” and included an hour speaking slot, a speaker dinner, and VIP area sponsorship, all of which are excessive and unnecessary for an DAO entity. We align with the importance of a strong Arbitrum presence at large community events such as ETH Bucharest 2025, but we agree with many of our fellow delegates that a restructured proposal at a reduced budget would be a perfect fit for the new season of Questbook Grants. Given the support and positive response for their previous efforts through Questbook, this feels appropriate and sets the standard for event proposals that should come before the DAO. We understand time constraints and logic for expediting, but we do not support this proposal as it stands and stand behind the effectiveness of the Domain Allocators and Questbook’s Program to work with projects and opportunities such as this.

  • OpCo – A DAO-adjacent Entity for Strategy Execution
    Vote: FOR
    Rational: We have watched the progress and iteration to develop this final proposal and feel is aligns with the community’s needs and vision for the role of such an entity. As the DAO looks to mature and form the foundation for an efficient and effective governance group, the OpCo is a large step in the right direciton.

Tally Votes:

  • Arbitrum Hackathon Builder Continuation Program
    Vote: FOR
    Rational: Similar to our rational for the Snapshot, we find this to be a reasonable conclusion to the matter and would like to focus on preventing such delays and issues from the DAO’s side in the future.

  • Treasury Management V1.2
    Vote: FOR
    Rational: Aligning with our snapshot vote, this is a necessary proposal for the DAO.

Delegate Updates Jan 6th - 17th

Snapshot Votes:

  • Non-Constitutional: Stable Treasury Endowment Program 2.0
    Vote: FOR
    Rational: We are proud to be voting in support of this proposal. As the DAO (and this industry) matures, the diversification of treasuries is a necessary step to ensure longevity and sustainability for the Arbitrum ecosystem. This initiative has been pursued with transparency at the forefront and we agree that the continuation of these efforts should be supported. STEP as its own program will continue and this new iteration leaves us excited for what may come down the road with this engagement and partnership.

Tally Votes:

  • [Constitutional AIP] Activate Arbitrum BoLD + Infura Nova Validator Whitelist
    Vote: FOR
    Rational: We maintain our support for this proposal as we indicated during the Snapshot temperature check. BoLD is an exciting step for Arbitrum, and being one of the most widespread and reputable providers in the space, the whitelisting of Infura for Arbitrum Nove validation is sensible and exciting for the growth of the ecosystem.

Delegate Updates Jan 18-24

Snapshot Votes:

  • Arbitrum D.A.O. Season 3 Elections - New Protocols and Ideas
    Vote: 1/3 for Castle Capital, 1/3 for Saurabh, 1/6 for Gabrial, 1/6 for Uhthred
    Rational: This Domain Allocator position was stacked with deserving and credible applicants. With our large deligation, we did not wish to have a drastic impact on the outcome as our review of the applications and personal experiences with the candidates led to our sense that many would perform a fantastic job. Our breakdown of votes was determined by our reflection on the applications submitted by the applicants and our evaluation of their fit for the role given prior experience working with the candidates.

  • Arbitrum D.A.O. Season 3 Elections - Education, Community Growth, and Events
    Vote: 100% SEEDGov
    Rational: Our work with SEEDGov throughout our experience as an Arbitrum delegate and their exceptional efforts as a DA in past seasons has led to our decision to fully support their return to this position. We look forward to continue working with Gianluca and the team going forward.

  • Arbitrum D.A.O. Season 3 Elections - Dev Tooling on One and Stylus
    Vote: 100% Juandi
    Rational: Similar to SEEDGov’s rational, we have evaluated Juandi’s performance, ownership of the position, and efforts in this role over the past few months and have concluded that we support the continuation of his participation.

  • Arbitrum D.A.O. Season 3 Elections - Gaming
    Vote: 100% Flook
    Rational: Flook has continued to demonstrate his expertise and fit for this role both through their application and performance in the position in the past. By bringing on additional support, their performance should only continue to improve and we support them confidently.

  • The Watchdog: Arbitrum DAO’s Grant Misuse Bounty Program
    Vote: FOR
    Rational: The decentralization of effort to ensure funds are not being misused is crucial for the immense funding the DAO has distributed and will look to distribute in the future. This initial bounty program takes a promising step in the right direction and we look to analyzing and reflecting on the success of such programs so we can continue to improve our grant processes going forward.

Delegate Updates Jan 25-31

Snapshot Votes:

  • Proposal for Piloting Enhancements and Strengthening the Sustainability of ArbitrumHub in the Year Ahead
    Vote: FOR without Retroactive
    Rational: We agree with and recognize many of the concerns addressed by our fellow delegates with the budget and potential fragmentation of efforts with ArbitrumHub’s own social presence and potential overlap with OpCo. The proposal has not been supported at this stage, but our support stemmed from a recognition of the significant effort put into the process of incorperating feedback and developing a tool that addresses many of the issues this community has felt being arguably the most active DAO in the space. While the costs were high, significant time and effort has been dedicated to this development and the transparency they offered for the cost structure helped us feel comfortable with the budget. We appreciate the team’s efforts and look forward to working with the community to address these issues.

  • Arbitrum Strategic Objective Setting (SOS) – Defining the DAO’s Interim Goals
    Vote: FOR
    Rational: The development of this proposal went through thorough phases of feedback and iteration and we appreciate the community for all the effort they’ve put in here to better align the objectives of the DAO. This will continue to be a process of iteration and we believe this establishes the correct framework from which to build upon.

Delegate Updates Feb 1-6

Snapshot Votes:

  • Approve the Nova Fee Sweep Action
    Vote: FOR
    Rational: It is sensible to combine these proposals into one as the DAO is very supportive of these moves by the Arbitrum team.

Tally Votes:

  • OpCo: A DAO-adjacent Entity for Strategy Execution
    Vote: FOR
    Rational: From ourconversations with fellow delegates and members of the AF and OCL, the need for a fully aligned entity to spearhead initiatives that the DAO has struggled to empower itself is worth this experimentation and support, especially after the considerable effort and community input that went into this proposal.

  • Non-Constitutional: Stable Treasury Endowment Program 2.0
    Vote: FOR
    Rational: The continued diversification of the treasury and setting of a framework for the financial sustainability of the DAO is worth advancing through these initiatives. We continue to support this proposal as we did from the temperature check.

Delegate Updates Feb 12-28

Snapshot Votes:

  • Request to Increase the Stylus Sprint Committee’s Budget
    Vote: FOR
    Rational: Stylus is one of the prominent differentiators and points of emphasis for the Arbitrum protocol and attracting new talent to the ecosystem. We support providing additional funding to push these efforts.
  • Arbitrum Growth Circles Event Proposal
    Vote: Against
    Rational: We support Arbitrum and the DAO have a significant presence at many events, but this is not an area to be discussed and decided upon by the entire DAO. We echo others concerns and views that this proposal should be fit for the Questbook program as well.
  • [CONSTITUTIONAL] AIP: ArbOS Version 40 Callisto
    Vote: FOR
    Rational: This proposal continues to push Arbitrum to the forefront of the Ethereum scaling roadmap and aligns with our views of the role Arbitrum will ever-increasingly play in the space.
  • Arbitrum Audit Program
    Vote: Abstain
    Rational: The ADPC is supporting the transition and internalization of this process by the Arbitrum Foundation. We support AF and OCL taking on larger roles and ownership of initiatives such as this, but the proposal left a lot of questions unanswered around the transparency and specific purpose of this program. We look forward to working with AF and better rounding out this proposal as it approaches Tally.

Tally Votes: