Delegate Statement Template

Name: Max Lomuscio

Wallet Address or ENS: 0xd333bc5c9670c9ceb18f9a2cf02c6e86807a8227

Tally Profile URL:

Hi, My name is Max, I am passionate about decentralization and social entrepreneurship .
I have been involved with web3 since 2017, currently working at Connext to help Ethereum scale its values and technology. We have been fully supporting Arbitrum and its ecosystem since the start, and are looking forward to further boosting its development.

What area are you most interested in contributing to?

  • DeFi development on Arbitrum
  • Supporting Infrastructure

Please share your stance on overall goals for the DAO:

The ArbitrumDAO is tasked with the critical role of sustainably developing and growing the Arbitrum ecosystem while embodying the community values stated in the Constitution.

Liquidity, for example, is a critical factor for any chain/L2, as it benefits all the projects deployed and kickstarts a positive flywheel that attracts more developers, users, and funds.
Traditional forms of liquidity mining, however, have proven to be very short-sighted and to attract only mercenaries. Considering that Arbitrum is already leading the L2 ecosystems in terms of value and liquidity attracted on the chain, smarter mechanisms that use incentives to attract long-term liquidity and to further distribute the governance power can be designed to join sustainability and liquidity targets.

Sample Voting Issue 1: Uniswap & Flipside

How would you vote? Against

What amendments would you make to the proposal if any? I believe any protocol that wants to act as public good needs to maintain a high degree of objectivity and neutrality.
If the choice falls between 2 (or more) protocols where the differences can be attributed to objective factors such as their technology or their values (for example, where one is centralized and the other is focused on trust-minimization), then it’s fair to select only one entity.

When the difference between various projects only lies in their capability to develop business relationships and other more subjective qualities, then other solutions can be studied to create committees, distribute tokens to various entities via micro-experiments, etc…

How would you approach the tradeoff between centralization of authority and the ability to get things done?

Execution is a key element for any organization, and particularly for the fast-paced web3 industry. A system of committees and delegation is necessary to move quickly, and if accompanied by the right mechanism of checks and power balances, can produce the best results.

Sample Voting Issue 2: FEI RARI Hack Reimbursement:

Full Reimbursement
I believe a DAO and its protocol are ultimately responsible for the safety of its users.
In case of a hack, it is the responsibility of the DAO to wholly refund users whenever possible, especially in these early stages of the industry.

If treasury funds are not enough to repay users, then new mechanisms can be designed (vesting system, fee-driven refunds) with the objective of creating an income stream for those affected.

Languages I speak and write: English, Italian, Spanish

Disclosure of Conflict(s) of Interest:

I don’t have any conflicts of interest that would prevent me from using your best judgement to operate in the best interests of advancing the Arbitrum ecosystem.