GCP Council Nominations

Personal information:

Full Name: coinflipcanada
Contact Information: @coinflipcanada on telegram, X and Arbitrum forum
Current Occupation: contributor to GMX
Country of Residence / Time Zone: UAE (UTC + 4)

About your nomination:

If nominating someone else, please describe your relationship and confirm that they are aware of their nomination.

Self Nomination

Please identify the domain where your nominee demonstrates the strongest proficiency or mastery.

While I have previously had a wide range of work experiences including many years in Operations, Growth and Private Equity prior to becoming active in crypto and DAOs. Still in the context of this application the area of responsibility that most closely aligns is Governance Expert. This is a reflection that what I would hope to bring to the oversight board is the ability to articulate the expectation of the DAO on how GCP fits within the DAO and wider Arbitrum ecosystems.

Provide specific examples from their experience to support your selection.

Having the privilege to be involved from the early days of both GMX and Arbitrum, provided an opportunity to not only observe but participate in the forming of this robust community and ecosystem that has grown and made Arbitrum the home of Ethereum DeFi.

Growing Arbitrum as the definitive scaling solution to secure assets, execute transactions and onboard users to the blockchain means going beyond DeFi and leveraging key vertices including Gaming, Social and Media to deliver the next leg of growth and onboard 100s of millions of users. Incentives are only a small part of the solution, we need to ensure that we have a sustainable DAO that can fund growing Arbitrum today and also strategically invest and capture value over time from the immense opportunities that will be unlocked by making Arbitrum the preferred execution layer of web3.

Cool, Cool, Cool, that’s why Arbitrum, but why you??? Over the last year, i’ve volunteered and/or been pulled into pilot or interim oversight programs in grants (Plurality Labs), Incentives (LTIPP) and Investment (GCP), alongside countless working groups for the Arbitrum DAO. What that experience has shown is that as an organisation (that is what the O in DAO stands for) we still struggle with institutional knowledge, communication and getting the basic structure needed to stand-up DAO programs.

So I’m running to ensure we don’t lose momentum on the work started. GCP is the first of many investment / treasury related initiatives and entities that we need and we can’t keep reinventing the wheel, making the same mistakes and suffering needless delays. As an active delegate, I have a unique grasp on the DAOs goals, programs and stakeholders letting us cut through the noise, help others get things done and unlock the potential of these DAO controlled businesses to serve the greater vision of Arbitrum.

Are you involved with any other networks from a governance perspective? If so, please list the DAOs and networks.

I am not involved in any competitive DAOs from a governance perspective but am a Core contributor to the GMX DAO, a leading DeFi protocol on Arbitrum and other blockchains.

Do you work for a gaming related company? If yes, please list the company or companies you are employed by.


Does the company you work for intend on applying for any GCP programs?


Are you willing to complete appropriate non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), KYC requirements, and other necessary documents?

Yes. For reference KYC and NDAs have already been executed with the Arbitrum Foundation as part of existing efforts to support the establishment of GCP and other entities as a member of the GCP Interim Transparency Committee


Please provide contact information for at least one additional reference who can attest to your/your nominee’s qualifications and character.

The references below are provided only in relation to experience with the Arbitrum DAO and Gaming on Arbitrum. These do not indicate that they hold KYC or other personal information on the applicant.

Karel Vuong (@karel0x) - Treasure DAO
Soby (@SobyXBT) - XAI
Airvey (@hervelarren) - ApeCoin & ApeChain
A.J Warer (@ajwarner) - Off Chain Labs
0xIronboots (@iron_boots) - Camelot
DK (@DK_Premia) - Premia