GovHack at ETH CC (Brussels)

Hi @krst, thank you for the call today to discuss and thoroughly unpack this.

For everyone’s benefit, we clarified that framing this issue in terms of IP and DAO ownership isn’t clear. The dynamic is that of restraint of trade.

We agree that Hack Humanity will not restrict Arbitrum DAO from conducting a GovHack independently, nor will Arbitrum DAO place any restrictions on Hack Humanity from organizing a GovHack on its own. This mutual agreement ensures that both entities can operate freely without imposing limitations on each other.


Voting in favor on the onchain vote as well.

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We vote FOR its on-chain proposal on Tally as described in the previous comment for the Snapshot one. Looking forward to the new GovHack at EthCC.

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DAOplomats voted in favor of this proposal both during the temp check and on Tally.

We are supportive of this initiative. Amazing ideas have sprung up from previous gov hacks so we are sure more will spurn out of this one. We have also seen a number of these ideas here on Forum and some being implemented by the DAO at large.

It is on this note we are happy to support and see this come to life.

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We’re voting FOR the ETH CC GovHack proposal on Tally for our previously stated reasons.

Looking likely that we’re going to be able to send someone over this summer, can’t wait to see y’all in Brussels!

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Voting “For” this proposal.

These are the types of projects that can really attract talent and ideas to Arbitrum. While I have not attended one myself, feedback I’ve read into around the social media space is that it is a worthwhile endeavor. The vision seems like a good one and the cost seems reasonable given the scope. I think this is also in general good for marketing / advertising, so funds can pull double duty.

Look forward to seeing what success comes of this and what the subsequent proposal for a more year-round program looks like. As I would agree having a dedicated team committed to this with a longer scope would be best going forward.

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Voted “FOR” on Tally. Reasoning is on the previous post

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Definitely was initally very excited, but after a couple of weeks, the expenses just seem to high.

I am not sure if this is an investment banking type event with too much of “other” expenses.

There seems to be no public account of Eth Denver 2024 expenses yet.

The approximate budget for GovHack ETHDenver was $200k.
It was co-organised and funded with the Foundation, Hack Humanity and sponsorship.
The first GovHack event was almost all costs to prove the concept, no profitability.

For GovHack ETHcc in Brussels the event size is 50% larger, we are increasing the prize pool from $15 to 20k, adding a dedicated afterparty, adding $10k of scholarships, proper financing for media, marketing, team, all components.

The top-line figure of $309k has contingency built in and is a high-side estimate to ensure that once the proposal passes on Tally there is always more than enough in the pool to cover any contingencies once detailed research is undertaken for Brussels suppliers.
Excess funds are returned to the DAO as agreed in the proposal on Tally.

Voting with Tally passed yesterday, which means the delegates agreed to this proposal and shortly the resources necessary to produce GovHack will soon be available within 3 days to the multisig for Hack Humanity to produce the event.

Personally, ahead of the voting finishing and funding, I have come to Brussels and spent the last 1 week evaluating 53 venues & catering (typically sold as a package by venues), most venues are either too far away, already booked out for ETHcc, or too small, I.e. not fit for what we need in the hackathon 20-30 teams x 5-6 people each on one floor + multiple private breakout rooms.
From my research this week, I found that the estimate for this component is fairly accurate.
Zeroing in on the final venue selection this week.

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Gm gm,

Venue signed and sealed.

GovHack Brussels event page is live, you can sign up here Arbitrum GovHack Brussels · Luma
Would love to see many of you there in person.



It would be great to get a post with the event dates and times and roles we can sign up for or that you’re looking to fill. It would be a nice closer for this thread.

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Cross-posting the GovHack Impact Report for this event here for completeness:

and final comment including the Arbiscan transaction for the record sending back remaining under used funds to the DAO Treasury as agreed:

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