Griff Green - Delegate Communication Thread

Strategic Treasury Management on Arbitrum - Snapshot

I have to vote against the proposal.

I love the move to diversify the treasury, and Karpatkey has done a great job for many DAOs that I engage with, however, for things like this, the DAO needs to have a competitive processes so we get the best offers competing against each other, just like what we did for the RWA

This is just the way to do these things. STEP is a perfect example of a nice competitive system that was created to diversify the treasury before, and Karpatkey has seen that process first hand, so I’m sure that if this doesn’t pass they can make a competitive proposal in the future STEP proposal… Coming soon: STEP II Steering Committee

Ethereum Protocol Attackathon Sponsorship - Snapshot

I voted like this:
Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 11.41.52 AM

I do not think this is the right timing to double down on our support for the Ethereum Ecosystem, as a DAO we are spending too much. We are the largest supporter to Protocol Guild and have supported L1 in many other ways in the past. Right now I think it is prudent to reign in our spending.

If the proposal was distributing ARB directly instead of forcing us to liquidate and send ETH I would be more likely to support a Panda Sponsorship.

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[Constitutional] Extend Delay on L2Time Lock - Snapshot

Voted “FOR” - A no brainer, the downside is it would take longer to fix issues that arise but the contracts are battle tested, and giving users longer to exit in the case of some weird issue is also important.

The main thing is getting to the full green key lime pie on L2Beat :yum:

STIP-Bridge Operational Budget - Snapshot

Voting “For”

This is easy, as long as everyone that worked on the proposal is happy with how the ARB is dished out then I am happy to support this outcome… and no one seems to be complaining here when I checked: STIP-Bridge Operational Budget - #16 by BlockworksResearch

Tally | Arbitrum | Funds to bootstrap the first BoLD validator

Honestly, I think its really cool that making the Arbitrum Foundation the first validator is even a vote… Obviously it’s better to give them some of the ETH we have accumulated from fees than to have them sell ARB to do make this happen.

Tally | Arbitrum | Delegate to Voter Enfranchisement Pool — Event Horizon

I really didn’t like the 125k going to the multisig signers, that was a tough pill to swallow, no need to pay that much money to one delegate, thats why I voted “For” in this snapshot

[Replace Oversight Committee with MSS] Delegate to Voter Enfranchisement Pool — Event Horizon Snapshot

Which fixes the proposal in my view. 200k ARB to the team can be seen as a donation to advance DAO governance, I don’t like the timing, IMO the DAO should be in a conservative mode, we have been spewing RIDICULOUS sums of ARB into the market lately, and it has to stop. 325k ARB was too steep for me to support the proposal, but 200k where 100% goes to support a team innovating in the DAO space, makes sense.

I really LOVE what Event Horizon is doing, I am 100% in love with the project and am excited to see what the larger community will do with this influence. They will have more voting power than I do right now, which is AWESOME! It is a great governance experiment and gives people without much ARB a voice in our DAO, which is really powerful.


[Pyth Network] Arbitrum LTIPP Extension Request - Snapshot

Synthetix LTIP Grant Extension Request - Snapshot

[Aave DAO] LTIPP Grant Extension Request - Snapshot

I am voting no on these 3 proposals and any other liquidity incentive programs. We need a detox as was voted on last month. I would even go further and say we should tighten up the spending in general. The emissions rate for ARB is just too damn high!

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 6.13.47 PM

I think we have done a great job at attracting protocols and users with these incentives but at the same time, the amount of ARB we spent to do it was MASSIVE…

We made a deal with these protocols to distribute ARB within a timeline, it is tragic that they didn’t follow the timeline they presented in the original grant, but it is what it is, times have changed and we need to stop the ARB bleed now.

Enhancing Multichain Governance: Upgrading RARI Governance Token on Arbitrum - Snapshot

Easy yes. Welcome to the party RARI!

The Rari community is strong, team is legit and we are lucky they chose to move their governance to the Arbitrum ecosystem. Its great that we can make it easy for their users to migrate.

ArbitrumDAO Procurement Committee Phase II - Snapshot

I am hesitantly voting yes. I really don’t like that we are not doing an election of the procurement committee this round, but i do think the reasoning is sound. I also really really appreciate this work as it will bring more legitimacy to our DAO processes, and I believe the ask is reasonable.

Fund the Stylus Sprint - Snapshot

I voted FOR this proposal. I think its a good idea to attract the development of smart contracts and Stylus tools. I also agree that the committee should primarily consist of members from Offchain Labs and OpenZeppelin, as I believe they will be able to effectively evaluate the Stylus applications.

ArbitrumDAO Off-site - Snapshot

Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 5.53.49 PM

Terms of Tenure for STEP program manager - Snapshot

Constitutional AIP: Proposal to adopt Timeboost, a new transaction ordering policy - Snapshot

I love Timeboost, very innovative. I default to collecting bids in ETH, but would love a buy back and burn mechanism integrated in the future so it does provide some utility. But in general Timeboost is a pretty eipc contribution to the blockchain space and i’m honored to be able to vote on it. The only worry is around scaling it to the network in a thoughtful and patient way so that the main players infra has time to integrate this new system before it’s live.

GovHack Devcon in Bangkok - Hack Humanity - Snapshot

I vote for this proposal!

I’m really excited about the GovHack Devcon in Bangkok. The previous events have been great and productive as a schelling point for the Arbitrum DAO to gather around.

I love that it prioritizes both deep engagement with existing stakeholders and the inclusion of the greater community. The budget is a little higher than what I would prefer, but the coordination benefit outweighs the cost.

[Non-Constitutional] Funds to Bolster Foundation’s Strategic Partnerships Budget - Snapshot

I vote for this proposal!

The Foundation’s strategic partnerships are extremely valuable and they should continue to bring in the big names to the ecosystem.

I love how transparent the Foundation has been with grants and that makes it an easy yes. It’s vital we’re able to move swiftly and strategically to foster growth and innovation.

[Non-Constitutional] Arbitrum DAO Delegate Incentive Program - Snapshot

I love the idea of shifting the rewards to consider the forum work happening before the votes. This approach encourages forum engagement when it counts the most, before the vote.

So, I’m voting FOR version 1.5