Larva Delegate Communication Thread

October Voting Summary 2024-09-30T16:00:00Z - 2024-10-30T16:00:00Z


1.Voting 2024-09-25T16:00:00Z

[Snapshot] [Non-Constitutional] Whitelist Infura Nova Validator - Voted whitelist infura validator

This is a proposal about technology, forgive me for not being too professional in this area.

The proposal mentions that Infura’s verification node is already running in the Nova network, but it was not previously whitelisted due to a slip-up during testing. Note that Infura should have been whitelisted, so I think now there is not much need for further complex discussion.

On the other hand, Infura is known to be one of the most active infrastructure providers in the industry and has already supported the Arbitrum One network, so extending it to Arbitrum Nova as soon as possible is desirable and in the interest of the entire Arbitrum DAO.

So I fully support this proposal and look forward to Infura’s continued contribution to the Arbitrum ecosystem.

My comments in original proposal

2.Voting 2024-09-26T16:00:00Z

[Snapshot] Research on context and retention - Voted FOR

I have to say, I really love this proposal! It aligns with the field I’m currently dedicated to, although my work is not as systematic or well-structured.I’ve only been supporting some new startups within my area of interest.

This proposal aims to help new users entering the Arbitrum ecosystem to understand everything about Arbitrum better and faster. In fact, this not only holds significance for Arbitrum but also for Ethereum and all L2s. Education is always a field that requires long-term investment in any organically growing ecosystem. Moreover, I noticed that this proposal doesn’t require budget, as the team has already funded by other sources.

So, i fully support this proposal. And if there’s any help needed from me or ANDAO in the future, welcome to DM me.

My comments in original proposal

3.Voting 2024-09-26T16:00:00Z

[Snapshot] An EIP-4824 powered daoURI for Arbitrum DAO - Voted FOR - Use ENS Txt Records

This is exactly what Arbitrum DAO urgently needs. Being able to describe its operational mechanism and governance processes in a transparent and standardized way is a sign of a DAO’s maturity. For instance, from the beginning, ANDAO has emphasized openness and transparency. All of our decisions require voting, and profits are shared among all community members. Of course, many of our decisions haven’t been put on-chain due to a lack of funding. But Arbitrum DAO is different. Arbitrum DAO has both the ability and the necessity to put all rules and information on-chain, achieving full decentralization. This will greatly enhance the DAO’s transparency and the trust of its participants. So I totally support this proposal!

My comments in original proposal

4.Voting 2024-10-10T16:00:00Z

[Snapshot] LTIPP Retroactive Community Funding Selections - Voted Do Not Fund

The various incentive programs and grants existing in Arbitrum DAO have already given sufficient rewards to these contributors, so I think it is not necessary to set up another LTIPP Retroactive Community Funding separately. So I voted don’t fund.

My comments in original proposal

5.Voting 2024-10-10T16:00:00Z

[Snapshot] Establishing a DAO Events Budget for 2025 - Voted Against

It’s necessary to establish an event budget in advance for 2025 since the DAO has just approved a proposal for offline events. However, the question is, did we participate in these events mentioned for 2024, and what were the expenses and outcomes? I didn’t see clear data in the proposal. Without this information, how was the $1.5 million budget for this proposal determined? I’m puzzled by this figure, and this is a key issue we often encounter when it comes to budget-related proposals—we don’t know whether the amount is too much or too little. Therefore, I believe the proposer should provide supplementary data on the 2024 activities for the delegates’ reference. So I voted Against.

My comments in original proposal

6.Voting 2024-10-17T16:00:00Z

[Snapshot] (V2) Arbitrum Research & Development Collective - Voted Funded with 2.60M USDC + Council

The Arbitrum Research Development Collective [V1] has a proven role, so expanding [V2] should make sense. My only concern is that the onerous requirements will limit the creativity of council members. This question has been answered by @Immutablelawyer, and I think it is, as the lesser of two evils, and we need to continue to adjust our strategy as we develop. So I decided to support the proposal and vote for funded with 2.60M USDC + council.

My comments in original proposal


1.Voting 2024-09-22T16:00:00Z

[Tally] [NON-CONSTITUTIONAL] Arbitrum DAO Procurement Committee: Phase II Proposal - Voted FOR

Maintain my reasons for voting at snapshot.

ADPC has done a lot of outstanding work for Arbitrum DAO over the past few months, and I am very grateful to it. In fact, I fully support the proposal, because a good thing needs to be sustainable, and it makes sense to have the necessary budget to accomplish it. I have carefully reviewed the budget mentioned in the proposal, and I think it is relatively reasonable, and there is no over-exaggeration.

My reasons in snapshot

2.Voting 2024-09-23T16:00:00Z

[Tally] UPDATED - Ethereum Protocol Attackathon Sponsorship - Voted Against

Maintain my reasons for voting at snapshot.

It looks like a good proposal, but the reality is that there is very little benefit for the Arbitrum DAO beyond spending a lot of fund. I have always been opposed to such proposals, preferring to fund projects that are already in the Arbitrum ecosystem for a long time, rather than some nee external projects. So I will vote Against.

My reasons in snapshot

3.Voting 2024-09-23T16:00:00Z

[Tally] Constitutional AIP - Extend Delay on L2Time Lock - Voted FOR

Maintain my reasons for voting at snapshot.

I totally support the proposal because it’s beneficial to improve the security of Arbitrum network.

My reasons in snapshot

4.Voting 2024-10-03T16:00:00Z

[Tally] [Non-Constitutional] Funds to Bolster Foundation’s Strategic Partnerships Budget - Voted FOR

Maintain my reasons for voting at snapshot.

I support this proposal. Arbitrum is currently facing fierce competition, with many competitors rushing to offer incentives to attract ecosystem projects. For example, Zksync is trying to poach TreasureDAO, the largest and most renowned game and NOT native project on Arbitrum. The challenge is serious, and to remain competitive, it is essential for the Arbitrum Foundation to retain sufficient funds.

My reasons in snapshot

5.Voting 2024-10-04T16:00:00Z

[Tally] Enhancing Multichain Governance: Upgrading RARI Governance Token on Arbitrum - Voted FOR

Maintain my reasons for voting at snapshot.

This proposal is fantastic—RARI’s arrival will greatly boost the development of Arbitrum. Although the current NFT market is quite sluggish, I believe NFTs will experience a resurgence in the near future. To seize the next wave of the NFT boom, it’s crucial to have reliable builders of NFT infrastructure. The RARI team has been deeply involved in this field since the early days of NFTs, which makes them particularly valuable. I fully support this proposal, and it is entirely necessary for the Arbitrum network to make reasonable technical adjustments to better integrate with them.

My reasons in snapshot

6.Voting 2024-10-04T16:00:00Z

[Tally] ArbitrumDAO strategic “Off-site” (online) updated proposal - Voted FOR

Maintain my reasons for voting at snapshot.

Although I’m personally more of an online enthusiast and rarely participate in offline activities, I have to admit that occasional offline events indeed help strengthen community cohesion and advance Arbitrum’s mass adoption. So I fully support this proposal.

My reasons in snapshot

7.Voting 2024-10-10T16:00:00Z

[Tally] [Non-Constitutional] Arbitrum DAO Delegate Incentive Program - Voted FOR

Maintain my reasons for voting at snapshot.

The past six months of the Delegate Incentive Program have demonstrated that it is indeed an effective governance plan, even though I personally have not received rewards every month. Nevertheless, the program has successfully motivated most delegates. Although the incentives are not large, they serve as recognition of the delegates’ work. No one wants their efforts to go unnoticed or unappreciated, and excellent work deserves positive feedback. So I fully support this proposal.

My reasons in snapshot

8.Voting 2024-10-10T16:00:00Z

[Tally] Fund the Stylus Sprint - Voted FOR

Maintain my reasons for voting at snapshot.

Stylus is very important to the Arbitrum ecosystem, and it is necessary to motivate developers. This fund is very necessary, is an important means for arbitrum to maintain competitiveness in the future! So I voted FOR!

My reasons in snapshot