Mehdi_eth - Delegate Communication Thread

Delegate Information

Name: Mehdi_eth
Delegate Address: 0x5F367BF126FDa56D88BA88a8978D5496c66B3569
Tally Profile: Mehdi_eth | Tally
Snapshot Profile : Snapshot
Forum: @Mehdi_eth
Language: English , Arabic

Introduction and Experience

To be completed

Why Mehdi_eth

To be completed

Delegate Communication Intent

This thread will provide regular updates to the community to ensure transparency and fully communicate My rationale as a delegate. These updates will include My explanation for voting and may consist of other announcements related to our activity as an Arbitrum delegate.

Proposal: Approval of STEP committee recommendations
Vote: Against
Reseaning: As a representative of some $ARB investors, I am against the timing of the proposal’s execution. Ideally, such a proposal should be executed at relatively high prices or all-time highs (ATHs). Considering the fact that we are at the all-time low (ATL) of the $ARB token price, executing such proposals will result in more harm to the investors. Most importantly, it could be perceived as a sell-off of $ARB tokens, which is not optimal. It is most effective to diversify the ARB treasury under more favorable market conditions rather than during a bear market.

Aside from the above, I am in favor of the proposal’s idea, the diversification of funds, and the selection of partners.


July- August

Proposal: Improving Predictability in Arbitrum DAO’s Operations
Vote: For
Reseaning: I voted in favor of the proposal because it will make governance voting more structured and formalized. This will help me remember what actions I need to take for the DAO each week.

Proposal: [Non-Constitutional] - Subsidy Fund Proposal from the ADPC
Vote: For
Reseaning: “I fully support this initiative, as the funds will subsidize audits for projects on Arbitrum.”

Proposal: [NON-CONSTITUTIONAL] Pilot Phase: Arbitrum Ventures Initiative
Vote: For
Reseaning: I support the initiative, as I am already funding Arbitrum-native projects, including Pear Protocol, to help expand the ecosystem further as the home of DeFi.

Proposal: Jumpstart fund for DAO improvement
Vote: Against
Reseaning: I neither support the idea nor the requested budget.

Proposal: Gaming Catalyst Program (GCP) Council Voting

Vote: 80% for Greg Canessa [Ops Exp],10% for CoinflipCanada [Gov Exp],10% for David Bolger [Growth / BD Exp],

Reseaning: I voted for these candidates because I believe in their expertise and experience.

10% for CoinflipCanada [Gov Exp], one of the best and most active contributors to the Arbitrum DAO.

10% for David Bolger [Growth / BD Exp], who has a great background, including working with Offchain Labs.

80% for Greg Canessa [Ops Exp], who has an impressive background in gaming and leadership.

Proposal: Furucombo’s Misuse of Funds

Vote: FOR - Ban Furucombo from the Arb

Reseaning: I voted in favor of banning Furucombo from receiving any future incentives from the DAO. I expect the Arbitrum Foundation to pursue the return of tokens through legal actions as they KYCed the Receiver, to avoid any future misuse by other protocols.
Furucombo should return all the tokens plus penalty fees to the DAO if they decide to seek any future token incentives

Proposal: Change Arbitrum Expansion Program to allow deployments of new Orbit chains on any blockchain
Vote: For
Reseaning: Increase Arbitrum DAO revenue, wider Adoption for Arbitrum Brand & tech Stack.

Proposal: ArbOS 31 “Bianca” (Stylus, RIP-7212 Support, Nova Fee Router
Vote: For
Reseaning: Super excited about Stylus! Great improvements from Offchain Labs. It will definitely open a new world for builders to start developing on Arbitrum using Rust and C++ on one of the most well-designed blockchain tech stacks.

RIP-7212 enhances security and user experience, as well as improves efficiency and reduces costs.

The Nova Fee Router will make the DAO’s access to its treasury smoother.

Proposal: Incentives Detox Proposal
Vote: For
Reseaning: I support addressing any inefficiencies in $ARB spending. I voted for the proposal to take a break and review the results.

Proposal: ArbitrumDAO Governance Analytics Dashboard
Vote: Againts
Reseaning: I voted against the proposal because it conflicts with other existing dashboards, including Karma. In general, I oppose creating multiple governance dashboards, as it complicates governance, especially for new delegates. While I find the dashboard complementary to Karma and appreciate its more user-friendly interface, I still voted against the proposal due to the complexity introduced by having multiple dashboards. it also comes with high budget.

Proposal: ARB Staking: Unlock ARB Utility and Align Governance
Vote: For

  • Increasing governance participation by incentivizing delegators to delegate their Voting power to active delegates.

  • Strengthening defenses against potential governance attacks.

  • Enhancing the utility of the $ARB token.

  • Supporting the stability of the $ARB price.

  • Aligning with the revenue-sharing narrative in upcoming Bull Market

Proposal: Transparency and Standardized Metrics for Orbit Chains**

Vote: for

Reseaning: The number of L2s is increasing rapidly, and is a comprehensive website for builders and investors to gain an overall understanding of all L2s metrics.A dedicated section for Arbitrum Orbit chains will highlight our ecosystem to these groups. I voted in favor of the proposal on Snapshot, but the associated costs on the Tally version should be reconsidered; otherwise, I will not support the idea.

Proposal: Arbitrum Multi-sig Support Service (MSS)

Vote: For

Reseaning: The MSS program is increasing efficiency in DAO operations and will bring cost savings to the DAO as well.

Proposal: Funds to bootstrap the first BoLD validator

Vote: For

Reseaning: I fully support the proposal, as it will increase the security and decentralization of Arbitrum. This is another step towards achieving higher Stages of rollups.

Proposal: Entropy Advisors: Exclusively Working With Arbitrum DAO

Vote: For

Reseaning: I voted in favor of the proposal, although the budget is high.

Arbitrum DAO has spent millions of dollars on ecosystem incentives, diversifying the treasury through investments in T-bills, approving various grants, etc. However, the operational efficiency budget has been inadequate relative to the size of the DAO. For that reason, until the execution of OpEx, I find Entropy’s exclusive services neutral, helpful, and irreplaceable.

Given the high budget and the continuation of working with Entropy tied to paying a performance bonus, I will be closely monitoring their work and will be more stringent in approving further budgets.

Proposal: An (EIP-4824 powered) daoURI for the Arbitrum DAO

Vote: For

Reseaning: I voted in favor of the proposal because I believe it will help us gather the necessary and reliable data for decision-making in the governance.

Proposal: ArbitrumDAO Off-site

Vote: For

Reseaning: I am open to exploring an off-DAO website with multiple purposes as outlined in the proposal, particularly for facilitating interaction between delegates and delegators.

Proposal: Should the DAO Default to using Shielded Voting for Snapshot Votes?

Vote: For all Snapshot Votes

Reseaning: I voted in favor of all snapshot proposals because I noticed some community members were casting their votes based solely on the majority outcome, without understanding the details. Shielded voting will encourage everyone to carefully read the proposals or delegate their vote to a qualified delegate.

Proposal: Should the DAO Create COI & Self Voting Policies?

Vote: self-restricting policy , responsible voting policy

Reseaning: In an ideal DAO, delegates’ voting and decisions should be as neutral as possible. A self-restricting policy will help us achieve this by limiting the power of top delegates to influence the DAO for their own benefit.

implementing a responsible voting policy could be a good first step towards creating an ideal DAO, as explained above.

Proposal: Proposal to Temporary Extend Delegate Incentive System

Vote: For

Reseaning: I voted in favor of the proposal because I believe it has achieved the main objective of the program, which is to reward delegates based on the quality of their contributions, also it does not need for further Approval of a budget.

Proposal: Strategic Treasury Management on Arbitrum

Vote: Against

Reseaning: Although I support the general idea and believe it is a good initiative towards strengthening the treasury and diversifying risk, I voted against the proposal because their operational fees do not follow industry standards. They have high management fees compared to other DAOs they provide services for, and there are no performance-based fees. Additionally, the requested $ARB amount is high.

Proposal: Ethereum Protocol Attackathon Sponsorship

Vote: 1. Against

  1. Abstain

  2. Panda Partners

  3. Unicorn Partners

Reseaning: While I highly value any efforts towards securing our infrastructure, the impact on the Arbitrum DAO does not justify the expenses.

Proposal: [Constitutional] Extend Delay on L2Time Lock

Vote: For

Reasoning: Increase the security of the Arbitrum Network by allowing the Security Council extra time to review approved proposals on Tally for any potential harm to the network, while also giving community members the opportunity to exit the network before changes are finalized.

Comment on the Proposal

Proposal: STIP-Bridge Operational Budget
Vote: For
Reasoning: I am in favor of the proposal. I have joined their dedicated Discord Channel to learn about and monitor the consulting process, as well as the feedback provided by advisors, including SEEDGov, JoJo, and CastleCapital. The requested amount is fair.

Proposal: Delegate to Voter Enfranchisement Pool — Event Horizon

Proposal: [Delegate to Voter Enfranchisement Pool — Event Horizon]Snapshot

Vote: For
-Even Horizon has a proof of work, as do former governance experiments in other well-known DAOs, including Uniswap and Aave.

-Safety measures to control malicious behavior have been implemented, and MMS has the ability to take action against such behavior when necessary.

-Arbitrum DAO suffers from a lack of small delegates and diverse voices. While this will not fully address the problem, it is another step toward decentralizing Arbitrum’s governance.

Proposal: Upgrade Governor Contracts by Transfering Timelock Roles to the New Governors
Vote: For
Reasoning: Supporting their upgrade signals Arbitrum DAO’s flexibility in supporting the ecosystem’s projects. The proposed changes also don’t come with any major risks, as they have been reviewed by the Open Zapplin team.

Proposal ArbitrumDAO Procurement Committee Phase II
Vote: For
Reasoning: Support the extension for Phase II, as they put considerable effort into Phase I. Additionally, providing them with another six months will help them achieve the efficiency they need.

Proposal: [Pyth Network] Arbitrum LTIPP Extension Request
Vote: For
Reasoning: I respect the general consensus among other delegates who voted against the extension of grants dueto the Detox proposal, but my overall view is a bit different, as I expressed earlier. The product is the key factor in voting for or against this, so I voted in favor of the extension.

Proposal: Synthetix LTIP Grant Extension Request
Vote: Abstain
Reasoning: I abstained from voting as they built a dedicated product for Arbitrum but failed to provide enough information to fully convince me to vote for them. As I expressed earlier, the product is important for me when deciding to vote for or against any grants during any phase.

Proposal: Fund the Stylus Sprint
Vote: for
Reasoning: Stylus, as one of the most important upgrades in Arbitrum’s history, is incentivizing various teams to build on Arbitrum. This is especially necessary now, as competition among different infrastructure providers to expand their ecosystems is intensifying.

Proposal: [Aave DAO] LTIPP Grant Extension Request
Vote: Against
Reasoning: I voted against following the approval of the Detox proposal. Additionally, since the product is important to me, it does not convince me to vote for them at this stage.

Proposal: [Proposal to adopt Timeboost, a new transaction ordering policy (Snapshot)
Vote: for
Reasoning: I am in favor of adopting the timeboost proposal and will be voting for the option to collect ETH. Why ETH?
When we talk about burning in general, it means we are sharing value or dividends with all token holders, including speculators and those who don’t care about the protocol or the DAO at all. Although this is a great way to avoid regulatory hurdles and create a burning narrative within the community, it will result in leaking value to the speculators. At some point, we can decide to do so, but it requires a rich treasury. Considering the 50% allocation of our ETH treasury to the BOLD validator, helping toward the diversification and strengthening of the treasury would be a more efficient option and will have a more positive impact and flexibility on the DAO.

Proposal: Terms of Tenure for STEP program manager
Reasoning: SteakHouse received a considerable amount of votes to work with our RWA holdings. Therefore, it makes sense to allocate the remainder of their fixed requested management fees from the profits they generated themselves. We can even consider this as their performance fees.

Additionally, the mistakes were not entirely on their side, as they initially quoted the DAO based on the dollar amount, not in $ARB tokens.

Proposal: [ArbitrumDAO Off-site](Snapshot) (Snapshot)
Vote: Online-Event
Reasoning: Generally, we are in favor of having an offsite DAO website or event, but the associated costs do not justify holding an in-person event. Additionally, some of the proposed topics overlap with GovHack events. I voted in favor of online events as the first option, as they are cost-effective and will allow us to assess the impact of such events.

Proposal: [Arbitrum DAO Delegate Incentive Program](Snapshot)
Vote: for, V1.5
Reasoning: The first version of the Incective Program has been experienced over the past six months, and now we are ready for a better and improved version to implement.

There are two options available to choose from. Since one of the main motivations of the program is to reward delegates based on the quality of participation, I believe that Version 1.5 will address this goal more precisely compared to Version 1.1. However, for small and independent delegates like me, it may be harder to earn points in the Version 1.5 program.

The only trade-off here is trusting SeedGov to validate delegates’ activities, which I believe they have gained proper experience and a good track record during the first iteration of the program.

Proposal: Funds to Bolster Foundation’s Strategic Partnerships Budget
Vote: for,
Reasoning: One of the things I learned in this space is that having superior technology doesn’t necessarily guarantee success, but a strong business development (BD) team can make a significant difference.

Since we already have superior technology, we just need to enhance our BD efforts to expand our reach further. Therefore, I voted in favor of the proposal.

Proposal: [GovHack Devcon in Bangkok - Hack Humanity](Snapshot)
Vote: Against
Reasoning: Although the former GovHack events were relatively successful, I voted against the GovHack in Bangkok because they are holding the event with a short time frame, and there is no proper way for those unable or unqualified to participate to benefit from the online discussions. Additionally, there may be some overlap in the topics between this event and Arbitrum Off Site DAO Event and I find no cordination between the two proposers.

Proposal : Research on context and retention
Vote: for
Reasoning: Having voted in favor of the proposal, I believe there is a gap between Arbitrum Discord and the discourse activities, and the suggested proposal may help fill this gap. The proposal does not request any budget. Additionally, delegates will have access to another source of data, such as Discord discussions, which will assist them in their decision-making.

Proposal : Arbitrum Token Swap Pilot Program(Snapshot)
Vote: Against
Reasoning: * The benefits of this program for the Arbitrum DAO are not proportional to the amount of $ARB spending it requires.

  • By default, Arbitrum supports its ecosystem DApps to help them succeed and eventually generate revenue for the Arbitrum DAO, but these DApps don’t have the same direct incentive to support Arbitrum’s growth.
  • We have already distributed $ARB tokens to several of our ecosystem DApps multiple times during the Arbitrum TGE and through various incentive grant programs. Some of these DApps are already holding a portion of these tokens, and allocating additional tokens to them may not be beneficial. They are already stakeholders and stand to benefit from our successes.
  • As other delegates have mentioned, $ARB is already a volatile asset, and the DAO aims to diversify its treasury with blue-chip and stable assets rather than with illiquid, higher-volatility assets.
  • Although the 19 protocols mentioned may be top protocols on Arbitrum, they have not achieved product-market fit outside the Arbitrum network.

Proposal : Funds to Bolster Foundation’s Strategic Partnerships Budget
Vote: for
Reasoning: I have maintained My perspective since the initial Snapshot votes.
L2s are competing intensely to attract top protocols to adopt their tech stacks. As we can see, Optimism, the most hyped L2 Tech Stack with its Superchain vision, is spending $OP tokens inefficiently to attract high-quality Customers and protocols. Allocating the requested $ARB tokens under the DAO’s oversight will give the Arbitrum Foundation flexibility to establish partnerships and bring new customers to the Orbit tech stack.

Proposal: Establishing a DAO Events Budget for 2025
Vote: for
Reasoning: Arbitrum has two significant strengths: it is a high-tech platform and one of the most active DAOs. However, its marketing efforts do not match the level of the other two strengths. Establishing a strong presence at major conferences is highly recommended to maximize the use of these strengths and Improve Communication and Cordination among DAO Delegates and Key Stake Holders.
-Organizing events of this scale requires extensive coordination several months in advance, so it is essential to approve the required budget beforehand.
-The requested amount is also reasonable.

Proposal: LTIPP Retroactive Community Funding Selections
Vote: Abstain:
Reasoning: While I appreciate everyone’s efforts and contributions, after careful consideration, I am not convinced to vote in favor of any compensation on this matter.

Proposal: (V2) Arbitrum Research & Development Collective (ARDC)
Vote: for
Reasoning: Voted in favor of the $1.73M USDC + Council option as the minimum requested budget.
We appreciate all the efforts from ADRC members. They provide in-depth analysis for DAO delegates to assist them in making better decisions. These analysis are Sometimes beyond Delegates Expertises.

Proposal: Reconfirmation votes for GCP Council - Tim Chang and John Kennedy
Vote: for
Reasoning: After reviewing their backgrounds, I am in favor of the reconfirmation of both Tim Chang and John Kennedy for the GCP Council. I believe in their expertise and experiences.

Proposal: An EIP-4824 powered daoURI for Arbitrum DAO
Vote: for
Reasoning: voted in favor of the proposal because I believe it will help us gather the necessary and reliable data for decision-making in governance. Utilizing ENS TXT is easier and safer to implement, and it offers greater flexibility for any future changes.

Proposal: Whitelist Infura Nova Validator
Vote: for
Reasoning: Infura has a strong track record and experience in providing infrastructure services in Web3. Furthermore, whitelisting them will be another step toward greater decentralization.

Proposal: (V2) Arbitrum Research & Development Collective
Vote: for
Reasoning: We Remain our View on this and Voted in favor of the $1.73M USDC + Council option as the minimum requested budget.
We appreciate all the efforts from ADRC members. They provide in-depth analysis for DAO delegates to assist them in making better decisions. These analysis are Sometimes beyond Delegates Expertises.

Reserve for December voting’s rationale