Michigan Blockchain Delegate Communication Thread

October 2024 Voting Updates

AIP: Whitelist Infura Nova Validator

  • We vote in favor of whitelisting Infura. They have been an integral part of keeping the Arbitrum Nova network stable, and the fact that Infura is not already whitelisted seems to be an oversight.

Research on context and retention

  • We vote in support of this proposal. Because the standard precautions on user safety are taken, and no costs are incurred, we see little downside. In addition, USCB is a trusted research partner and we have confidence in their practices and methodologies. Definitely could see a lot of upside in onboarding new members to governance and getting them caught up quickly.

An (EIP-4824 powered) daoURI for the Arbitrum DAO

  • We vote in favor of this proposal and to use ENS text records. This proposal will be big for any new users entering the Arbitrum ecosystem as there is one platform for the DAO to report on its statistics which can be used for governance and non-governance purposes. No cost is a huge plus.

LTIPP Retroactive Community Funding Selections

  • Voting abstain for a few reasons, one being that there is little evidence or direct proof on how much contributions each of the community members have put in during the pilot program making it hard to directly judge the appropriate amounts of funding each member gets. In addition, this vote does not seem appropriate for the community to make, but rather something that the LTIPP council should take the responsibility of deciding. Another approach could be having a third party writing an objective report detailing all the contributions so there is a more quantifiable measurement, but as it stands, a community vote does not seem like proper protocol.*

Establishing a DAO Events Budget for 2025

  • We vote for this proposal, obvious benefits of expanding Arbitrum’s outreach at major web3 conferences. The mechanism to return unused funds to the treasury makes sense, and the 1.5M USD estimate seems on par for an outreach budget.