Non-Constitutional: Proposal for Piloting Enhancements and Strengthening the Sustainability of ArbitrumHub in the Year Ahead

Thank you for the follow-up proposal and we applaud your tenacity in pushing the proposal through. We however have some concerns which we would like to bring up for your consideration.

  1. Content Plan seem overly optimistic
  • What does publishing weekly content updates to ArbitrumHub entail?
  • Biweekly newsletter seems excessive. This can be minimized to monthly honestly.
  • We do not believe a dedicated social media account for ArbitrumHub is needed and would rather Arbitrum as a whole consolidates its social media presence.

The content plan we feel has been padded unnecessarily and a standalone social media account for ArbitrumHub further fragments mindshare amongst an already fragmented social media presence for Arbitrum as a whole. This is something that needs a different discussion amongst the various stakeholders in our opinion and we agree with @JoJo.

We’ve also touched on the challenges with Arbitrum’s marketing in a different proposal but the same holds true here.

  1. Cost

The cost seems exceptionally high for a website like ArbitrumHub. The monthly cost for Research and Copywriting is the equivalent of a full time hire. Whereas in the estimate its accounted for as 10 and 15 mandays respectively.

While the breakdown of costs according to planned resources is good, this needs to be tied back to the costs associated with deliverables. I.e. monthly newsletters, content updates (monthly), and research reports (quarterly), and they are tied back to your man-hour estimation for each role and summed to equal the cost as listed.

But quite honestly, the cost of $19,200 per month and $230,400 per annum as already highlighted by @danielo, @Gabriel, @cp0x and others is not feasible. The cost needs to be looked into and revised downwards significantly.

At the moment, based on the current proposal, our stance is not in favour.

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