Thank you for the feedback.
Based on feedback from another proposal Proposal: Fund Atoma's project, a Growth & Communications proposal for Arbitrum delegates had requested a long-term comprehensive campaign, which is why a 12 month engagement was suggested here
With one quarter we can only do a few events, ship some content and roll out a few onboarding sessions, but it is not sufficient time to deilver an academy course or sufficiently involve complete newbies to the extent that they can find jobs or start their own gigs in crypto.
However we are open to a quarterly payment scheme. The first 25% payment can be made upfront and all subsequent payments are made based on quarterly reports being delivered which encompass the KPIs and MoS enlisted in this proposal. The Arbitrum DAO can put forward a proposal to stop these payments at anytime if the reported metrics do not fulfil industry standards in terms of RoI.