Title – Proposal: [Hackathon for Venezuela]
Constitutional / Non-Constitutional - Non-Constitutional
Abstract - Development of a Hackathon for developers located in Venezuelan territory.
Motivation - Taking into consideration:
- The current situation of the Venezuelan people,
- The representative number of developers/enthusiasts adept at the Ethereum blockchain,
- The technical-commercial relationships that the Arbitrum Blockchain Platform has with other actors (Chainlink, The Graph, Lens, Ethereum, Lens) which can support the development of the activity.
Rationale -
Key Terms (optional) - As the Arbitrum platform is an ecosystem which always seeks to support the strengthening/expansion of the use of Blockchain technology with a view to the implementation of various solutions that provide direct and concrete answers to specific needs in the daily life of the inhabitants of the different continents of the planet, it seems more than timely and an excellent initiative to develop an activity of this caliber for a region of Latin America so affected by the multiple conditions imposed by a governmental regime so detached from the needs of its inhabitants.
Specifications - Use of:
Arbitrun One
Arbitrum Nova
The Graph
Other Platform (Oracles for example).
Platform for Hackathon publication (Ex: Taikai)
Steps to Implement - The steps to implement the AIP, including associated costs, manpower, and other resources for each step where applicable. For the avoidance of doubt, any AIPs involving transactions with third parties (such as grants) will need to ensure that applicable legal documentation and procedures are also included.
Timeline -
1.- 15/09/2023:
a.- Beginning of the development of the documentation corresponding to the event.
b.- Outreach to potential stakeholders/interested parties on the corresponding proposal.
c.- Analysis and establishment of the minimum conditions required for the participation of the teams.
2.- 22/09/2023:
a.- Search/analysis of possible locations (States) for the development of the face-to-face activity.
b.- Search/Analysis of possible venues to be used based on the selected locations.
c.- Execution of a survey extensible to potential stakeholders (Developers) on the tentative localities for the implementation of the activity.
3.- 29/09/2023:
a.- Analysis of the results obtained with respect to the localities presented in the survey.
b.- Selection of the locality (State) + the enclosure.
c.- Analysis of the minimum services required for the execution of the event in person.
4.- 05/10/2023:
a.- Proposals regarding categories and relevant jury(s).
b.- Publication of the competition on the corresponding platform.
c.- Start of the development of the respective marketing campaigns to publicize the event.
5.- 27/11/2023
Start of competition
6.- 02-03-04/11/2023
a.- Development of the presencial event
b.- Development of the talks/lectures
7.- 10/11/2023
a.- Publications of result
b.- Awarding of prizes to winners
Overall Cost - In evaluations/estimation.